Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pied-billed Grebe

This is one of my favorite ducks. I can't point to exactly why since his feathering and colors certainly can't compete with the flashy wood ducks or the metallic sheen of the mallards. Maybe it's his big, dark eyes outlined in white and the black stripe around the bill. Whatever it is, every time I see a Pied-billed Grebe, I start smiling and become giddy. I spotted this one in March with my birding class.

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Do you have a favorite bird or animal that you are smitten with?


  1. Gail this is a newbie for me and it's so handsome! That's really hard to narrow down the field and decide on a favourite; I have so many

  2. I love that stripe on the beak! How unique!

  3. It is definitely the sweet eyes for me. :)

  4. I love his quiet beauty and subtle sheen Gail! It rather reminds me of the Robert Frost poem, which begins: 'My November guest/ when she is here with me...'

  5. This Grebe does have Pied-bill; l checked the word 'pied' p;) Great picture of him with gorgeous reflection.
    And yes, lovely bird makes you smile♡♡♡

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  6. It's a lovely unusual looking duck Gail. Can't say I have a wildlife favourite, but I'm absolutely smitten by my little dog.:)

  7. i LOVE these little things! i miss having them over winter here!

  8. He may not have flashy colors but he certainly is a handsome duck. Beautiful capture!

  9. Beautiful picture of this Grebe.
    Beautiful the reflection.
    Very well photographed, Gail.

  10. He does have a beautiful face. The beak ring is really striking! It could work well on a Star Wars character.

  11. Another fabulous bird capture....complete with wonderful reflection, Gail! I love his pied bill...looks as if someone has painted the stripe!

  12. Oh yes! The eyes for sure. :)

    Beautiful photo, Gail!

  13. Heel mooi Gail die reflexie het water werkte gelukkig mooi mee

  14. Fantastic! They're one of my favorites and not the easiest to photograph.

  15. WoW!!! Just like a mirror!!! I like their cute little shape!!!!

  16. fantastic shot -- what a lovely reflection!

  17. Awwww! He's cute! And you have captured him perfectly!

  18. It may be his goofy cute face!! Most ducks that I know have a flat bill and not a bird beak. He is a cutie!!

  19. I just love these cuties! Great shot!

  20. Love him!

    We went to the Greensboro science center yesterday, and I fell in love with a cockatoo there. He was so friendly, and whistled back when I whistled at him. Then when I went to leave he threw a fit and started screeching. Needless to say, I stayed a bit longer.

  21. You certainly captured this one at his very best.I have a hard time picking only one bird,but the Black-capped Chickadee can make me smile even on the coldest days in winter.

  22. It is beautiful - love the stripe on the beak!

  23. He is adorable, Gail! I can see why you love him. And this shot allows us to enjoy him twice as much!

  24. There is one thing about this particular photo that I love. Not sure if its the duck or the reflection. Anyways.... I this this photo is outstanding.

  25. Wow....100% perfect. An A+ photo!!!

  26. I think it's because he has such a sweet expression!

  27. They are such shy ducks that I'm amazed you were able to get this close!

  28. What a wonderful shot.

  29. I would get giddy too if I saw him. He has an understated beauty about him that makes him really stand out. That's a great shot Gail :)

  30. No wonder this is your favorite. Quite handsome I would say, love how you captured his reflection as well.

  31. Love those beautiful eyes, and the striped bill...precious!

  32. i love the word smitten. i would probably say anything new. on a recent camping trip we saw so many wildflowers. heard gorgeous birds that we never had heard before. never saw their faces but they were sure heavenly tuned. ( :

  33. Oh he is a beauty! I like that stripe on his bill. Very nice shot Gail. I don't have a martins would be be one, but there are many others too. Have a great weekend!

  34. Very unique, Gail. I don't think I have seen him before. We enjoy the simple Mallard ducks here. There seems to be so many varieties and they live such a different lifestyle depending on the season. In summer, families at the parks feed and feed them--to the point they have no interest in food by afternoon.

    On winter though, they will about jump in your car when you pull up at the same park--hungry, hungry, hungry!

  35. He has a swan-like dignity. Very beautiful duck! And I love, love the reflection you caught.

  36. Breathtaking! This should be framed, sweet friend. I have never seen a duck so beautiful...although I don't spend a lot of time around ducks :)

    You are a blessing! Hugs to you!

  37. Well, ...he's cute....and sorta looks he is smiling with that stripe on his bill/beak/nose...

  38. Oh wow, what a gorgeous photo!

  39. That is a stunning photo of a wonderful creature!!!

  40. Beautiful capture... Reflection just like in mirror...Amazing...

  41. Very well done photo. Love the crispness of it.

  42. He is definitely a looker! My favorite bird is the cedar waxwing. Unfortunately they only visit once a year (but not this year because we had no berries) and only long enough to strip our red-tipped photinia of all its berries.


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