Monday, May 5, 2014


Meet Leucy, the Leucistic Cardinal. Leucism is a genetic condition characterized by reduced pigmentation. This particular female cardinal was netted and banded at the local nature preserve last year. There were sightings of her again this year, but I certainly didn't expect to see her. Suddenly, she appeared at the feeder while I was sitting in the bird blind. She first landed at the feeder which wasn't ideal for light, but later she returned and began feeding on the ground. This allowed me to see her back feathers. She seems to get along well with the other cardinals, indigos and grosbeaks. However, she did peck at a mourning dove that was being rather obnoxious while she was feeding at a platform feeder.
Harsh light and dark shadows here, but luckily she moved to the ground for better light.

Cracking those seeds is a messy business.

Please visit other bloggers and the birds they've captured. Thanks, Anni for hosting!

Also linking to Eileen's meme, Saturday's Critters. Thank you!!

Thank you to Hilary of The Smitten Image for choosing this for a Post of the Week in her Phine Photography category. I am truly honored. Please visit Hilary's blog. She has some really "Phine Photography" herself. :)


  1. Luck was with you. She is a beauty.

  2. ...she's beautiful. And to be able to photograph her from the blind was like lucky for you!!! I'm glad you shared this. I've read about leucism
    when I spotted one that 'the forum experts' all agreed it had the same condition with lack of pigmentation...but it was a bunting.

    Superior commentary along with great photos Gail.

  3. She looks beautiful. Nice to see here cracking the seed!

  4. Leucy is beautiful!! Love the shot of her cracking the seed. You can even see the dust off of the seed that's just cracked! What a great shot.

  5. That is a cool looking bird.

    And those are fantastic shots! Kudos.

  6. Wow ....... what a cool series of these cardinals!
    Beautiful colors and beautiful drawing in the feathers. Clear and sharp.
    My compliments,
    Greetings, Helma

  7. Oh wow I have never seen one like this before, and your shots are so spot on focus - beautiful!

  8. Not only do I get to gaze upon some incredible nature shots, I also learn something new each time I visit your blog!
    Incredible photo of her cracking the seeds!

  9. Wonderful shots! She is a beauty. I have never heard of leucism.

  10. Hi Gail,
    Beautiful series, which I find amazing pictures 2 and 4.
    Greetings Irma

  11. wow, these are just 'cracking' shots! and a unique bird, too!

  12. I am pleased to meet Leucy. If this were an evolutionary advantage, we might me on the way to a new species, but I suspect it isn't, so we aren't. :)

  13. Spectacular shots of this beautiful little rarity.

  14. Gorgeous shots, she is a beauty!

  15. Very cool bird.

  16. She's a beauty. Excellent captures Gail!

  17. Oh she's amazing! I wouldn't have known she was a cardinal had you not told me.

  18. Bless her heart, but she is beautiful....kind of like the black duck I suppose. Wow...the magnificent shot of the powder around her beak from cracking the seeds, is awesome!! She looks like she has had a haircut! sweet.
    Enjoy this wonderful sunshine filled week..

  19. I've never seen until now with you ... great shots.

  20. Prachtig wat een bijzonder mooie vogel.

  21. Gorgeous shots of the bird.

  22. The odd pigmentation makes her distinct and quite beautiful. Neat sighting. Is this from your new blin?

  23. WoW, you always blow me away!! The light in these is spectacular.......and she has an interesting feather pattern in the brown part of her body!!

    Pretty Woman!!

  24. Wow, what a little beauty! I learned of something new today too. Your photos are always a joy to behold. Have a great week Gail :)

  25. If you can put aside the idea of what she's supposed to look like and just accept her as is, she's really quite pretty. Your photos are, of course, magnificent.

  26. She's beautiful, Gail! Thank you for sharing her with us! How neat!

  27. Wow what a great find Gail! She is gorgeous, I have never seen one her color before now. As usual the detail you capture is breathtaking and so wonderful!

  28. I've never seen that. Kinda cool plumage, actually. Beautiful shots!

  29. She is truly beautiful! Love the photo of her cracking the seed - great capture!

    Hugs and blessings to you for the week!

  30. Cool sighting, Leucy is a beautiful cardinal. Lovely photos, Gail. Thank you for linking up to my critter party. Enjoy your week!

  31. Oh Gail! Your photography details and lighting are magnificent! WOW!
    Glad little Leucy showed up again!

    Thank you for your encouragement, prayers and sweet words! I finally feel good today. I am happy, walk with a spring in my step and I even went shopping at Savers with my daughter and Big Boy LL. She is have Baby LML on Wednesday, so we were getting some last minute items. It was so fun to be out in public sporting my buzzed off hair.

    I just may go in 'the buff' most of the time. I sure didn't care today. My daughter said I looked cute and I only got some odd stares but I just smiled at them and 80% of them smiled back, great human nature!!!! ILOVELIFE + YOU! ♥,Renae

  32. Oh my.. she's just wonderful. What a beauty. I love the detail you've captured. She must have landed just for you.

  33. Oh My!!! I learned the expertise from you for bird here "Leucism" and "pigmentation"; Wow you know what, it is quite different but I thought about for human, Michael Jackson and the old Japanese actresses who's already passed away with beautiful white skin with the same vitiligo :-)

    Your Cardinal look fantastic with wonderful pictures as if seeing the real scene(^_^)v
    Lovely to see him enjoying the food♪
    Thank you very much for sharing the gorgeous shots;

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  34. She is a beautiful bird, Gail, you took some wonderful shots of her too.

  35. I am so glad you shared this ~ she is gorgeous .

  36. Wow oh wow wow wow!
    I love Leucy!

  37. wow what a pretty bird great shots!!! thank you

  38. Well these are down right amazing photos my friend. I always love my visit here to your blog.


  39. These shots are just as fantastic! You are an amazing photographer!

  40. Oh my goodness...such detail! What a beautiful coloration!

  41. I've never heard of this. She's gorgeous!

  42. She is amazing. I rather like the way her feathers are shaded in such an unusual and unique way.

  43. Oh how cool! I've never even heard of this word before. Up where my father-in-law lives there's a partially albino deer, and I learned that is called piebald. So many different terms!

  44. Super photos! We recently had a female cowbird come to our feeders who has this pigment condition.

  45. hats off to you on another POTW! :)

  46. Thanks for introducing us to Luecy. Wonderful shots--and congrats on your post of the week from Hilary.

  47. These are some beautiful bird shots and certainly worthy of POTW.


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