Friday, May 16, 2014

It's Alive!

I'll get to the "It's Alive!" thing in a minute. First, I want to show you the new bird I was able to photograph on May 3: the black and white warbler. Cute little thing, but fast as lightning, and high up in the canopy. What a challenge! But one that I enjoyed.

Here is one of many weird blobs we saw while kayaking at the park. I asked one of the park employees what it was and she said it's some sort of marine life that thrives off algae. I said, "It's alive?" I was feeling guilty for poking the crap out of it with my paddle. It felt spongy and bouncy. She said not to worry that I didn't hurt it. But I read on Wikipedia that it has nerves and a digestive system! It's called a Bryozoa. I'm sure they're very primitive, but still. The one in this photo was about the size of a mini-trampoline and we saw others even bigger than this one. It looks like it is adorned with snowflakes. Weird, the things you find existing in the world. I'm always amazed at God's creation.

Cheers to the weekend everyone!! See y'all on Monday.


  1.'s kinda creepy!!

    But, that warbler is a great bird to view here today...they ARE a definite challenge. You did good.

  2. When I was kid I saw a movie called The Blob. Just saying. No need to panic... yet. :)

  3. Wow that Bryozoa looks kinda like a jellyfish doesn't it? How cool!

  4. Great shots of the warbler, congrats on your sighting! The blobby thingie is strange! Have a happy weekend!

  5. That was interesting to learn ! I might just read up more on that thingie :))

  6. The warbler is a beauty, but that thing reminds me of the old movie, The Blob. Interesting, though.

  7. Quite a find -- two finds, actually.

  8. an amazing find; how interesting... (oh, and loved the bird)

  9. Beautiful pictures of the warbler.
    Perfect photographed, Gail my compliments.
    Greetings Irma

  10. That Bryozoa is so cool (in a sort of disgusting way.) And the black and white warbler is very cute with his curious expression. You always manage to capture a lot of personality in your bird photos.

  11. In my mind I think of your blog as "The Place to See Pics of Previously-Unheard-of Creatures." Honestly, I never heard of either that warbler or that gross-looking Bryoza. But good to know that something out there likes to eat algae.

  12. Umm, that is a little creepy, but way cool at the same time. I bet that would look super cool macroed!

  13. a big, squidgy thing! :) loved the warbler!

  14. I love the blob! How wonderful is our world! Congratulations on the excellent shots of the warbler.

  15. oooooooooooo- that's really weird!! Have never seen one!!! So it's an animal and not a plant. I need one of those in my bird bath instead of using a rock in the middle!! Then the birds could land on it's back and scratch it's back since I doubt that he/she is able to scratch it's back when it has an itch!!

  16. I had something like that form in my kitchen sink one. I think it was a slime mold. Weird.

  17. I have never heard of bryozoan before. That's wild!

  18. Love the birds and I have never seen that blob before. Kind of reminds me of the Creature from the Black Lagoon :)

  19. Beautiful bird.
    Bryozoa looks scary.
    I wish you beautiful weekend.

  20. Looks like some kind of jelly fish. Great shots, I would have been slightly scared to see it in real.

  21. What a handsome warbler! Looks like his Sunday best! I've never heard of a Bryozoa...looks like something from the SyFy channel!

  22. awesome capture of the warbler, i only see the yellow bellied ones and they are gone for summer!!

    enjoy the weekend, we have lots of fun stuff planned!!

  23. Looks like you surpassed your challenge in the canopy! God's wonders sure make me wonder!

  24. wow, that is awesome. i love that you get to see a new thing ... & then looked it all up on the net. too great!! i love learning. thanks for sharing. ( :

  25. And now I have 'watch out for the blob' playing in my head; thank you for that?
    It looks like the warbler was playing peek-a-boo with you!

  26. Good shots of the Warbler. This little guy seldom sits still. That blob looks weird yet interesting.Yes,God has created a world of such diversity.

  27. Hello Gail,
    Very nice shots of this amazing bird. Great to see!!

    Best regards,

  28. What a beautiful little warbler and your photos are delightful.
    Remember that old movie, "The Blob"?

  29. Wow, that is pretty interesting.

  30. Wow -- if this doesn't prove once more that I'm not to old to learn something new. Weird looking thing that brytozoa. (I'm sure I spelled that wrong, will g back and look as soon as I send this!)

  31. Lovely shots of the birds and that weird blob thing is certainly interesting. I've never heard of such a thing.

  32. Oh that warbler is so cute Gail. Fantastic shots! Photographing some birds is really difficult, but with results like this, always worth it.
    The blob is actually quite beautiful.

  33. Fantastic and lovely warbler pictures in green♡♡♡
    OMG, I was guessing from the title that you mentioned this Bryozoa. How wonderful to find new life and see with your own eyes(^_^)v I smiled you said that you poked it and felt guilty. I might wish to do the same p;) Looks weird but has lovely shape and I like the purplish color as well♡♡♡

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to Gail, xoxo Miyako*

  34. hi gail,

    the blobby thing looks like a jellyfish! quite a find.
    loved the warbler. great photos as usual.
    enjoy your weekend!

    big hugs!

  35. Love that blob, because it is new and strange to me.

  36. Cool shots of the active Warbler and the Bryozoa.

  37. When I first looked at the picture of the Bryozoa, I immediately thought it was a huge sack of fish eggs...similar to what we see very often, this time of the year. How neat this is and you are does look as if they are covered with snowflakes...Very interesting!!

    Looks like we have a gorgeous weekend ahead.....Enjoy!

  38. The Blob!! I think I vaguely remember bryozoans from biology classes (although I might have been sleeping that day). Cool shot. I think this is thousands or millions of individual bryozoa that have come together to form this huge colony.

  39. How interesting!! I love the little star (snowflake?) pattern!!

  40. The Bryozoa looks kinda scary to me!

  41. A beautiful bird! You captured it so gorgeous! This bryozoa ... never heard of seen. Nature surprises again and again!

  42. I have just been scrolling through your blog seeing what I missed. And I want to wish your Hubby a Happy Birthday. Looks like you guys had Fun.. Some great photos here my friend. The little bird looks so cute. The Big Blob not so much. Heehee...


  43. Isn't it great to get out and come across new stuff?

    Really good photographs of the warbler, Gail. Not easy to catch up with these high-speed vacuum cleaners.

  44. I've never seen anything like that before. Kind of cool.

  45. Especially to see a black and white warbler, and you were totally super glad I read it :-) Beautiful and new bird.
    That thing in the water, but I find a very strange thing!


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