Thursday, May 1, 2014

Benson Bridge

In September of 2010, Double D and I traveled to Portland, OR to see my daughter. I was filled with joy to be with my daughter again. She had many wonderful things planned for us and we enjoyed every moment. It was all nature, all the time. She knows her mama.

I don't know if Benson Bridge counts as a fence, but I just love this footbridge at Multnomah Falls. Since it keeps people from falling into the gorge, I guess you could say it's in the fence family. :) In January of this year, however, a huge rock fell on the iconic bridge and destroyed a three foot section. Since then it has been closed indefinitely. I'm glad no one was hurt and glad that I was able to photograph it before it was damaged.

Linking to TexWisGirl's Good Fences meme. Thank you!!!


  1. Beautiful shot! I hope the bridge gets repaired.

  2. I sure hope the fix this beautiful fence

  3. What a shame this bridge has been damaged! It's a beauty and in a lovely location. I think that's a fence preventing people from falling off the bridge. ;)

  4. This is a phenomenal scene!! Rock slides are certainly damaging. I have been in Colorado when rock slides the size of boulders weighing tons can rip out a section of highway!!!

  5. It's definitely a fence and a very good one at that.

  6. That is an impressive waterfall and bridge. Hopefully it will be repaired.

  7. Amazing! The photo left me speechless :)

    Happy May, my friend!

  8. WoW, what a beautiful picture and view!! waterfalls are one of my favorite natural beauties. i sure hope they are able to fix the bridge!!

  9. marvelous! i'd definitely consider that important fencing! so sorry it was damaged!

    thanks for linking in, dear gail! beautiful shot!

  10. Wow, how exciting it must have been to see the huge waterfall like that♡♡♡
    So sorry to hear the damage and hope they fix the FENCE.

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  11. Oh my, what a gorgeous scene...and beautifully captured!

  12. What a gorgeous bridge! Hope it gets fixed soon.

  13. I am pretty sure it does. What a fabulous photo.. I have been there a couple of times. Such a pretty fall..

    Happy May 1st to you my friend.


  14. Wow Gail, that an incredible view!

  15. Awesome bridge and view! I hope they repair the bridge.

  16. Beautiful bridge and waterfall, and a beautiful environment.
    Very well photographed, Gail.
    Greetings Irma

  17. What a beautiful place and bridge. Great photo.

  18. I just saw an article in the paper about the bridge this week. It's completely covered in a white plastic right now, and a local construction firm is in the process of repairing the damage as well as cleaning it. The article didn't say when it would be complete, but from the photo it looked patched up already, so hopefully not too much longer. Beautiful shot you captured on your trip :)

  19. It's definitely draped while under construction...we saw it the first week of March when we stopped in the parking lot to take some photos. The strange thing was that the snow was about 3 inches deep there....a rarity for Multnomah Falls.

  20. geweldig z,on mooie brug maar de warervallen erachter geweldig wat een lawaai moet dat zijn.

  21. Gorgeous. What a shame that it was damaged. Glad to see in the comments that it may be made whole again.

  22. Oh wow I had not heard about that. I've been to the Falls & walked onto the bridge many times. Last September we stopped on our way home from my niece's wedding and I photographed Coleen and her mom on the bridge. I do hope they are able to repair the damage soon.

  23. Wow ! What a gorgeous view !

  24. I love Multnomah Falls and this is a beautiful photo! I'm very saddened to hear about the damage to the foot bridge. I hope they can fix it.

  25. Beautiful view of the bridge.

  26. How lovely to spend time with your daughter and for her to cater your vacation like that. This photo is jaw-dropping Gail, a gorgeous shot!

  27. It's such a gorgeous bridge! What a shame it was damaged and closed!

  28. Multnomah Falls is such a gorgeous place. Glad you were able to capture such a beautiful image of it. You have a true piece of history now.

    Visiting from Good Fences,

  29. Hi Gail, this is an amazing scene.

  30. What a beautiful setting! I sure hope the bridge gets repaired. It sad to think of losing something so wonderful.

  31. Really great shot. Glad no one was injured!

  32. Nice one, Gail! What a beautiful location!!

  33. It is a beautiful bridge/fencing so no one will fall :-}}}

  34. Wonderful place.
    Hopefully it will be corrected soon.

  35. That is DEFINITELY a fence! If it weren't there to keep people back .... and isn't that the purpose of a fence? I didn't even know that it fell and is closed. We've walked it in past years but no picture. Thanks for yours.!

  36. what a pretty waterfall and scene. Hubby and I have visited this spot, it is gorgeous.. Sorry about the damage. Have a happy weekend!


  37. Lovely to turn any emt your daughter to be together and to enjoy nature together. It is a decent height pffff ........ and yes, you can actually make this bridge under a fence covered :-)
    Greetings, Helma

  38. I drove past Multnomah Falls last weekend but failed to get a picture, so thank you for this! Sad to hear about the rock damage.


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