Monday, March 31, 2014

Rookery Action

Instead of having this post scheduled days in advance like I normally would, it's 4:00AM and I'm just getting started. Sometimes insomnia works to my advantage. Since Friday night it's been a whirlwind of activity, highly unusual for us homebodies. My house is filthy, the laundry is piling up, and photos to document the weekend have barely had a glance. There may be enough images to make a post every day this week, but maybe not; I saw some stinkers in the bunch.

In between laundry loads today I will be checking in on my favorite blogs to see what you've been up to! Have a great week, y'all!

More images from the rookery at Lake Martin on March 22nd.

Sharing with Eileen's Saturday Critters. Thank you for hosting!!


  1. Those white, white tail feathers of the Snowy Egret look amazing....

  2. Oh wow, these are amazing photos Gail. Such elegant birds! Always love visiting here. Have a great week!

  3. Thats very pink! Nice birds!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  4. One shot looks almost like a spider web. More beautiful birds. And still love those pink spoonbills

  5. Gail...these are stunning!! Love the egret building the nest with the branch in its bill. But...ewwww, the alligator is nasty looking. All part of nature tho, part of the beauty in its own way.

  6. Look at that sneaky gator!

    Happy laundering :-)

  7. Great shots.

    I wish I could still kayak. There is a huge breeding island in Tampa Bay that should be brimming about now with activity.

  8. i love the green around his eye .. what a color view. neat-o!! hope your cleaning & laundry goes well. & quick. ( :

  9. That croc is scary, I hope the birds noticed.

  10. Their feathers are so pretty! They almost look too delicate to have any purpose :)

    Your new profile picture is lovely! Happy Monday - hugs to you!

  11. FABULOUS breeding egrets! love the color and plumes!

    good luck catching up on everything!

  12. The snowy egret is just gorgeous! Love those white tail feathers among the tree branches.
    Thanks for stopping by and your kind comment.

  13. The egrets are rather proper and prissy! :-) Love the gator!

  14. The egrets, in their breeding plumage, are marvelous-looking birds. Great photos.

  15. Such amazing photos once again my friend! That gator looks pretty scary!!

    Hope you have a happy week!


  16. Love the gator pic! And you just reminded me that I need to do laundry :)

  17. Fabulous Gail! The long feathers remind me od ballet costumes!

  18. Amazing detail! 4 a.m.... ugh. Hoping you get caught up on chores and find some time to rest. Happy Monday Gail

  19. Oh, there is a dang alligator again. eeeeeeekeeeeek!

    But the sheer chiffon feathers are so beautiful. I love each photo that you shared of it and it's white, fine feathers. wow.

    Thanks for the encouraging words, my friend!!! Thank you!!!

  20. My goodness! That breeding plumage is so elegant.

  21. I love how you capture the beautiful white gorgeous.

  22. WoW...looks like "wedding" wear!!

    good luck getting caught up. i don't do well when things pile up and clutter builds. i had family here all weekend so i am all wacky as well!!

    really beautiful images!!

  23. Shot five is my favorite - thanks for lightening up my Monday afternoon, Gail - awesome shots - as usual ;)

  24. The egret feather are beautiful, they are gorgeous birds. And your photos are always AMAZING! Thank you for linking up with my critter party..Have a happy week!

  25. Amazing shots Gail! I've never before seen such fine feathers!

  26. Fabulous photos....How about that gator??? It looks super huge! I'm excited to see what you did over the weekend....

  27. PS....just watched the movie online that you commented about. Soooo good!!! I loved it. Thanks for the heads up. I'm gonna look for that one on DVD and buy it I think.

    The best part...well, there were so many good parts, but the father seeing the owl with his son!!!

  28. No stinkers in this bunch- fantastic shots!

  29. So beautiful! What is the difference between the red and green marks near the bill?

  30. Love the lacy look to the egrets feathers!

  31. Those plumes look like lace. So happy these beautiful birds are no longer slaughtered for their feathers.

  32. We had a week like that last week as well. I didn't even have time to take my mediocre pictures! Love your feathery beautiful egrets ... And all your pics as always.

  33. Beautiful shots of the graceful egrets. And I like the pink of the spoonbills too.

  34. Your egret photos are simply the best!

  35. I could sit all day watching the actions and interactions of these beautiful birds --- with the gators lurking below!! The gators occasionally will get a little chick that falls from the nest, but the birds build their nests over the water with gators below to secure their nests from raccoon and swamp rats that try to raid the nests of eggs and babies.
    I waved to you as we road past the swamps. Danny asked me who I was waving to and I told him about your blog!! I've showed him your photos before. Coming into NO about 4pm on Monday and was amazed at how high the water was. Assuming it was high tide, but it's not full moon and no north eastern or other storm in the Gulf??? One place the water was actually in the road of one of the side roads after going across the lake but before coming across the bridge into the city!
    LOVE those roseate spoonbills!! Beautiful pictures!

  36. Those birds (and your photography)...pure poetry!

  37. These are breathtaking, Gail! Saying they're beautiful just isn't enough. You have captured a part of nature sooooo well. The sweet bird looks like she has a feathery skirt. Gorgeous!

  38. A rookery is a special place and your photographs of its residents are equally special, Gail!

    Very nice work!

  39. Your house was filthy but maybe your pictures are really super nice! This graceful white bird looks like a bride :-) Also you roseate spoonbill is fantastic to see.
    You can not put a translator on your blog Gail. It is in your control. Now I have to always copy everything and put away.

  40. The egrets are unbelievably beautiful in their breeding plumage. What a treat for you to not only be able to see them but to get such wonderful images.


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