Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"Let's make it perfectly clear...

I don't like spiders and snakes. And that ain't what it takes to love me." Remember that song by Jim Stafford? It just came to me as I was creating this post. Don't worry, no spiders here, but there are snakes since a few of you said you didn't mind, and I'm running low on material.
Broad banded watersnake

Smaller broad banded watersnake

Let me pretty things up with some dewberries

Possibly a diamondback watersnake.

Large clump of trillium growing beneath a young tree.
Sorry for any heebie geebies or ear worms resulting from this post. :)


  1. In one of those captures, it is looking straight in to your eyes! Weren't you scared?!
    Wow captures!

  2. i think you are trying to give me a heart attack this AM. i skipped all photos. to the comment section. i will say have a great day. i will imagine they are perfect little snakes, tongues & all. i am sorry i have yet to get over my snake encounters from last year. i am wondering how many i will see this year? fingers crossed for only ones on the computer screen. ok, ok, i will try to be brave & i will look. here goes. are you holding my hand???! just jump . . . .. ( :

  3. ok, they have very pretty eyes. pretty colors? ok, work with me here. ha. ha!! but i think they are staring at me. aren't they??! later. . . . . ( :

  4. Beautiful!! I love snakes. Always have. Spiders on the other hand, not so much :)

  5. Awesome, awesome, but somehow I don't think that is a surprise coming from me! ;) And I think you're right, I think that one may be a diamond back water snake too.

    I used to have a corn snake, it was so beautiful and he went to all eight 4th grade classes when my daughter was in 4th grade along with some of my birds. We have to reach the kids when they are young , to teach them to respect nature, and then maybe they wouldn't grow up to be adults who dislike and fear everything. Nearly all the thank you's I got from the girls wanted to know how much they were and what you needed to have one. I loved it. Thanks for sharing these!

  6. Gail,
    I love the pretty plants you photographed. Spring is near.

    How did you get so close to those snakes? Did you see them in the wild?

  7. I don't love snakes, but they are quite fascinating.

  8. You me and Indiana Jones have the same feelings about snakes. That still did not stop you from getting some great shots.

  9. Oh Gail, these are terrific! That third one is fantastic!

  10. they're absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! especially since they are non-venomous varieties. just gorgeous creatures. :)

  11. You captured evil!

    There was a black racer in my yard and the lawn guys were beating the dwarf nandina in front of my house thinking it was wrapped around them. Once they caught it (it slithered from the juniper, I had the nandina pulled up! Can't remove the juniper because it's holding a small hill. They have (almost) no place to hide in my yard!

  12. Oh AWESOME shots but my feet are off the floor now and I am a bit nervous even though I know they are not in my kitchen. Not my favourite thing to see:) Hug B

  13. When snakes eat rodents the are okay. When they eat birds they are not okay. May you never find pythons in your area!

  14. Oh Gail, talk about making my skin crawl!! The one of the snake looking right at you almost made me squeal! Your photos are great even if they are of snakes. Hugs to you, friend!

  15. Hi Gail,
    Beautiful photos of the snakes.
    Photo 4 and 7 I find really great.
    Greetings Irma

  16. Cool snake shots! The one really seems to be staring you down.

  17. In that third photo, I think he was sizing you up and wondering just how far he could unhinge that jaw. Love the 7th one...great detail. Really beautiful captures all around.

  18. If the snakes are not poisonous, I would want to pick them up~ Snakes are so beneficial to the ecosystem.

    Awesome shots as always, Gail!

  19. Oh wow Gail, these are so cool! I love them all but that one where he is staring right at you is amazing. I saw two water moccasins in Florida but they were all tangled up in branches and hard to take photos of. These are fantastic!

  20. I remember the song too. And as beautiful and clear as these shots are...I'm moving on to your next post...OWLS, my favorite birds!

  21. Fascinating photos! I like snakes (from the distance). They have a beauty!

  22. Very cool shots of the snakes. Pretty trillium at the base of the tree.

  23. Snakes are cool, as long as I am not close to them.. Pretty flowers! Awesome shots!

  24. Whew heart is really pounding. Can I say...Great's just that I'm terrified of these things. I do indeed hope that you had a good distance with a good lens, between you and the snake. With all the swamp ground, there are plenty of these things around. My heart is still pounding!! lol.

  25. You got pretty close! I'm a little skittish about snakes, but I do enjoy a good look at your photos. I don't think they can "get" me!

  26. WoW...these are amazing, so much detail!! I dislike snakes but I love these images. Perfect timing!!

  27. Oh sorry, not a snake lover, but those trilliums are gorgeous

  28. I think I would have difficulty photographing any snake in Louisiana! :-)

  29. These are beautiful! I love that third one. Great capture!

  30. I will forgive you this trespass...just this once. :o)

  31. A creature like these are what got us in trouble in the first place.

  32. Beautiful captures of a beautiful creature!

  33. Not a fan of spiders when they end up in the house, but snakes I don't mind. These are nice photos! The third one made me chuckle!

  34. I don't mind spiders and snakes cuz.thats not what it takes ......wait a minute, I don't mind them in the right place. Not in my house. But outside is fine. Although one of my sons had a pet snake for a while. In a terrarium. In our house. We all survived. Yours are lovely. They have great color.

  35. I-yi-yi!!
    You are much too close to that snake. Amazing with that tongue!!
    Grew up on a lake in central Fla. We had a shovel on every corner of the house and garage due to all the water moccasins.
    I know that first snake is a very good snake and that you have a zoom - at least I hope you did! But yikes, a snake is a snake!!


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