Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Happy Mardi Gras!

It's Fat Tuesday, y'all! Time to fatten up and eat our fill before the season of Lent comes to restrict our diets. :) I don't really participate, but it's hard not to get caught up in the excitement since we're inundated with parades, king cakes, and parties right now. Below are more photos from the CAAWS Mystic Krewe of Mutts parade in downtown Baton Rouge.

This image cracked me up.
Looks like the dog is reading the sign and is none too pleased about it! LOL

This is totally not sexual. I have no idea what is going on.
Seems the white dog just wants to protect the brown dog, keep close tabs, or show who's boss.


  1. That boxer is a handsome fella! I'd like to do Mardi Gras once...but not in Nawlins! The Mutt parade looks perfect to me.

  2. Good to see these guys and gals are dressed for the occasion.

  3. i wish i could talk to these dogs & get the real facts? do they enjoy being dressed up or what? either way - they are totally too cute!! ( :

    happy Fat Tuesday!!

  4. Mardi Gras in on my Bucket List. Lovely pictures!! What adorable furry friends :)

  5. Awww ha hahaha I am adoring these Gail ! Thanks so much for this share !!

  6. The first picture is so perfect. It could be a poster for this event. Love the hot dog shot and the one of white dog sitting on brown dog. So funny.

  7. My goodness, ain't they cute!
    Fabulous dog costumes, thank you for sharing them. They brought a big smile to my face.

    Happy Fat Tuesday,

  8. Adorable dogs and such fun costumes. I tend to forget about Mardi Gras and Fat Tuesday being here in Nebraska -- thanks for the shots! xo

  9. Love the wire haired pooch with the Mardi Gras color tutu and the fuer de lis pattern on the top coat.

    They're all so adorable. I think the white hound is just using the other brown one as a settee. LOL

  10. Incredibly beautiful and fun photos of these animals! what a hoot!

  11. All of these photos are cracking me up.... Happy Fat Tuesday! I miss coming to Louisiana every year during the Mardi Gras season. For over 20 years, Sam and I made a trip down to Youngsville to pick up fig cuttings... Lots of celebrating goes on. Hope this ice doesn't come your way. Beautiful photos and beautiful colors of purples and green!
    Hugs.... Shug

  12. OMGosh these are such funny and fun shots Gail, I love them all!

  13. i gave up lent for lent a long time ago. ;)

    love the long legs on that boxer in the last shot. and the hot dog was too cute.

  14. Wish I looked that good when I doll up!

  15. Awwww, so cute! I love the hotdog! I'm fat enough already Gail LOL!

  16. I hope the dogs were having as much fun as the people were!

  17. These parade pooches were charming and your photos captured the moment wonderfully. I am still grinning about the first 2. The middle ones looked happy to be compliant with their humans' need to party and parade.

    The boxer, though, looked puzzled, as if questioning his owner's good sense in thinking that a handful of water compensated for the insult to a pedigreed boxer's dignity.

  18. That looks like all kinds of fun. Doggy costumes I love it.hugB

  19. Oh. My. Goodness. Doggie Mardi Gras!! This is so funny! Thanks for sharing. You have some prize-winning canine portraits here...did you think of giving a business card to any of the owners?

  20. Looks like fun! Love these dog pics!

  21. I've loved seeing this series of the dogs in the parade. The sweet faces of the first two would melt stone. Fantastic photos!

  22. Happy Fat Tuesday - I think I'll stick to my usual diet, though. I see you're going to the dogs there in Baton Rouge.

  23. These pictures are SO fun! I love them.

  24. Fantastic pictures and sweet models

  25. My Elmo has a hot dog costume like that dog has. Too bad we are so far away.
    Looks like so much fun! Great photos of a fun parade.

  26. Looks like a fun time for all! Cute pups.

  27. This Mardi Gras parade is my kind of fun! I love all the puppydogs. Happy Fat Tuesday!

  28. oh they are all soooo cute, i have been longing for a puppy for a while now!!

    what's lent ;)


  29. Adorable party animals.

  30. That looks like a fun event to enjoy...you got some great and stylish dogs there!!

  31. These costumes crack me up! The dog in the second photo looks like it could be a little loco! haha!

  32. I think you saved the best for last! Loved the hot dog!


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