Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tricolored Tuesday #9

The last of my December 15th tricolored heron series. I hate ending on an uneven number of posts, but I think I'm done even though I still have about 10 more from December 1st. Thank you for humoring me with my first ever series that went on much longer than I anticipated. You guys have been so great and generous with your comments!!

This is my last scheduled post unless I can get out with my camera. January and the first two weeks of February we saw record cold periods here in the Deep South. Plus, I was down with my back for most of that time. It's much better now; I think the cold had set off the arthritis in my lower back. If I'm not blogging, I will still be visiting, though my appearance may be sporadic due to my current work schedule, and I apologize ahead of time if that happens.

Sharing with I'd Rather B Birdin' and Our World Tuesday.

May your joy be as deep as the ocean,
your sorrow as light as its foam.


  1. Hope you're out and about real soon! Great photos!

  2. He looks like he's got a lot of personality! I hope your back feels better soon!

  3. They're such a beautiful bird, and such a photogenic bird...I've enjoyed them all Gail!!!

  4. heerlijk z,on serie van de driekleur,zelf heb ik hem helaas nog nooit gezien,

  5. Good grief, Gail. I think these are your best images yet of Mr. T, if that's possible. The first one is so gorgeous that I thought you must have put the best first, but they're all spectacular.

  6. I'd love the be able to scratch my head with my foot!! Will miss your great photography while you take this break, but I know we have much to look forward to as soon as you're out and about....glad your back is feeling better....
    Take care my friend..

  7. no! i dreaded this week! i hope you'll reconsider and post those last few shots. :) love this beauty!

    the 1st and 3rd shots just jumped out at me. gorgeous creature!

  8. Just wonderful photos of this beautiful bird! I would love to see one in real life and be able to capture him in photos.
    I hope your back is feeling better soon. Take care!

  9. I have so enjoyed this series. I wish I had camera gear like yours. I love taking pictures. I just bought a Nikon. I need a telephoto and tripod now. The detail you capture is so awesome!

  10. His neck is almost snakey.

    I hope your back feels better soon.

  11. Your Heron is certainly a "looker!" Your pictures are so clear and close - it appears you were sitting there and he walked over to and stood right in front of you!!

  12. Marvellous shots Gail! I have really enjoyed this series, and I wouldn't mind seeing the last few shots! Hope your back is feeling better.

  13. they just keep getting better and better!! the 5th one is my favorite but they are all wonderful!!

    i would LOVE to see the rest!!

  14. What a beautiful beautiful creature. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick and in pain, but hope you've bounced back and that the weather turns to spring soon.
    I've thought about you and your photography as I am in the midst of camera-shopping and wish I had a "real" photographer at my side as I make these expensive decisions.

  15. Wonderful photos of this graceful beauty!

  16. I would be extremely happy if I had taken so many gorgeous photos of the heron!

    Hope you can get out soon to get more photos to share with us.

  17. You really got some awesome shots of this tri-colored bird! Glad your back is better. Did you read about the "sitting" disease that affects people 60+? Supposedly shortens the life...that's why I'm not doing so much photo editing, as I get lost and spend hours in here!

  18. I am amazed that you were able to get so many fabulous photos of this guy!!

  19. These are awesome shots, Gail! Your photography is always a treat to see. I love the pretty tri-colored heron.

  20. These are fantastic! I hope you have an opportunity to get some more. They're such handsome herons!

  21. Gorgeous pictures. I do hope you will show more of your great photos.

  22. Love the 'bad hair day' pictures toward the end of the post. You can do a longer series as far as I'm concerned; I really admire that you have the patience to capture their personalities... have loved all of this.

    Don't work too hard! I never understand how anyone can blog when they have a job. I never started mine until I was well into retirement...and I still can't keep up sometimes.

  23. Are you working again? I missed that! I'm so sorry about your back. It's my knee that's bothering me lately. I hate getting older. :) Great shots!!

  24. Wow - amazing heron photos! Great job!

  25. I could snap shots of this guy all day long, he's just gorgeous!

  26. I've so enjoyed this series Gail -- marvelous bird and you captured him so well. So sorry you are not feeling well. Hope your back heals quickly. xo

  27. Fabulous! Love the 5th picture where he is all scrunched up :) Hugs to you, friend!

  28. As always....stunning photos!

  29. Ok, I really love your "thought/quote" today. Made me chuckle.

    Oh be sure and wear your pretty diamond, too. Our men have great taste, huh? Mine does especially cuz I said, "I want something that is seen across the room." no pressure there, huh? LOL

    I am fine and your prayers are making it so. ♥

  30. I know too much about arthritis being in constant pain with spinal stenosis and scoliosis. Take care of yourself. I now know what the tri-colored heron looks like thanks to your series. Great job. Dianne

  31. Okay... The second to last photo is priceless! He looks like a cartoon bird who's thinking about something :). What a gorgeous guy, so colorful and of course I love the detail you captured.

    Sorry to hear about your back, hoping the warmth comes your way and you feel better soon.

  32. What fabulous shots!

    Hope your back feels better soon.

  33. This purple heron is really wonderful to see. He is still on my wish list for someday to photograph.
    Beautiful Gail!

  34. You certainly finished up with some wonderful shots. That bird clearly loves you.. okay tolerates you. Wonderful images, Gail.

    Now I see that there is another post after this one so that must mean you did get out with your camera.. Yay!

  35. Especially enjoyed the contortionist, evidently giving an itch a good scratch!


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