Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tricolored Tuesday #8

Getting to the end of my December 1st shots, finally. I have one more batch to post and then I'll be done with this series.

This week and the next, blog visiting will be a bit sporadic for me. I am working from home for my former boss. Also, starting Monday evenings, Double D and I enrolled in a birding class at LSU. The class is taught by the president of our local Audubon Society. I'll try to visit when I can.

I so appreciate the wise and wonderful words on my mom's memorial post yesterday. Y'all are amazing and I love each one of you!

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
Ralph Waldo Emmerson


  1. Have fun in school:) You are way ahead of the class already I do believe. Hug B

  2. Oh enjoy those classes!!! I'm sure you'll tell us all about what you've learned in time...right? I'm hoping so anyway.

    Love your Tri-colors as always.

  3. I will miss Mr. TriColor. Enjoy your classes Gail!

  4. Lovely photos as always. Oh my gosh that birding class will be amazing!! I would love to take a class like that someday.

  5. OH! I would love to take a birding class! Have a great time!

  6. Super reflection in the fifth photo.

  7. I'm enjoying your series. This is a bird I will never see in the wild. Have fun with your classes!

  8. birding class sounds like it could be fun! working from home is a good gig when you can get it. :)

    LOVE your tri-colors! i'll be sad to see the series end! just marvelous images of this beauty.

  9. I'll borrow your word today: Fabulous! I love them all, but #5 is special, with that gorgeous reflection. If you're running out of shots from December, it may be time to pay another visit to the golf course. :)

  10. Between you and Sallie, I'm learning a lot about the tri-colored heron. Dianne

  11. If I were that beautiful bird, I'd be forever admiring my own reflection! Lovely shots.

  12. A birding class - what fun! Love your shots especially the second one :) Happy Tuesday, Gail!

  13. Wonderful shots of the heron and I love the quote too! Have fun at the birding class!

  14. I especially love the ones with the reflections!! :)

  15. ja dat hebben ze zeker(wij niet altijd)

  16. The class sounds wonderful. Work, I'm not sure (but glad if it's what you want to do! And at least its from home).

    I had the nerve to post a tri-colored today....nobody who has seen your blog ever will be at all impressed with mine.

  17. Wonderful series of the Tricolored Heron!

    Enjoy the birding class and learn a lot as we'll need your expertise!

  18. They are beautiful herons, gorgeous series of photos! Have a happy week!

  19. Beautiful photos again! I love the yellow on the face. Enjoy your birding class!!!

  20. oh a bird class - that sounds like fun. you enjoy!! ( :

  21. I am forever chasing herons and egrets, never getting as close as you do!! These images are amazing, so vivid!! The reflection in image number five is just amazing!!

    Have fun in school, sounds like something I would enjoy!!

  22. Speaking of classes, I think you should offer an online class for beginner photographers.

    Just sayin'. :)

  23. Love them all, Gail, but that 2nd shot is really unique! Nicely done.

  24. Da ist er ja wieder ... der Langhalsige. Da wird das Fressen kalt, bevor es im Magen landet. ;-)

  25. Awesome! Enjoy your birding class!

  26. This heron is remarkable!! the colors, the eyes, the reflections in the water!! Gail - you are a natural at capturing nature!!

  27. Best wishes on "homework" and birding class.

  28. I love the reflection shot!


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