Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sitting Pretty

I wanted some nice portraits of my favorite feathered friends and these beauties were gracious enough to indulge me.

My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I am supposed to do. 

Linking to I'd Rather B Birdin'
Thank you, Anni!


  1. ...they definitely ARE...sittin' pretty!! As with all your posts and photos Gail...they're marvelous.

  2. It's great when birds are so cooperative.

  3. Oh I love how they are so helpful:) Beautiful. Hug B

  4. You have run into some very cooperative birds. Most I see flutter away at the slightest ruffle of my kitchen curtain. I'm trying to be quiet like a mouse, and apparently the tiniest movement screams "fly!, fly! crazy woman with a camera" to every bird in the yard or trees.

  5. Great shots again. All those pretty little things make me want spring.

  6. maar als je wakker word ben je het weer vergeten? wat is de eerste voor vogel met die rode borst.?

  7. awe....well now wasn't that sweet of them to indulge you?! Love the 1st and last awesome!

  8. laughed at the quote. :) just beautiful babies you caught here!

  9. Wow, Gail! These are all so beautiful. Such detail. I think the last one is my very favorite. I could see that one hanging on my wall. :)

    Great quote, too. So true.

  10. A gorgeous series of these birds with exceptionally good focus and captures with fine details. A superior presentation of bird pictures.

  11. A gorgeous series of these birds with exceptionally good focus and captures with fine details. A superior presentation of bird pictures.

  12. Oh all of these darling feathered friends are so heaven sent. lol

    Hey I am only 5"5' and I love wearing flats. My HM is only 5'8" but he loves me to wear heels. He says my "legs look great in heels" Ain't he sweet? But I go between flats and heels. I hardly have anything in between. My Mom was 5'7" and she had to have a "little bit of a heel". My sis and I always remember her saying that. So when you said you needed a "little lift" I thought o me Momma. ♥

  13. Gorgeous images. I just need to ask,do you do a lot of editing on your pictures? I'm not suggesting that you are not a great photographer,but even the best sometimes need a little touch up. :)

  14. Marvelous Gail! Sitting pretty and very pretty.

  15. Bird perfection. The catch light in each eye brings them to life!

  16. Bird perfection. The catch light in each eye brings them to life!

  17. Beautiful photos of lovely birds

  18. I am surprised to see a chickadee. For some reason I though they were only a more northern bird.

  19. sweet... It's amazing at how beautifully decorated birds are.
    Impressive colors! Your patience amazes me as well.. I've been watching a red-headed woodpecker for several days now...My timing is just not working out for me to get a good picture! Talent is what it takes and you Gail, certainly have it..

  20. Defiantly extraordinary little song birds!! Always busy, always eating and always singing!! Splendid pictures!!

  21. So pretty! You must have hit a cluster of professional bird models!

  22. Oh how beautiful! In the times I've photographed songbirds, it always seems that they're curious about the sound of my camera's auto focus and they will cock their heads a little which makes such a cute pose.

  23. ...well, you already know that I like your post so, I'll just say thank you for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this week.

  24. Fantastic shots! These birds are all beauties! And the quote - I totally agree with it ;)

  25. Beautiful photos of some of my favorite birds. I especially like Timothy Titmouse!,

  26. birds are great ... love the coloring ... but lately i love checking out those cool legs & claws. super awesome! ( :

  27. haha! That's a funny and too-true quote!
    I love finches and chickadees: my favorites.

  28. these are just wonderful, amazing close-ups, great blogging material ;)

    LOVE that quote!! i will look for it on pinterest!!

  29. You must have them trained well to sit so pretty. Lovely birds and photos. Have a happy weekend!

  30. Gorgeous! We have all these at the feeders. Nicely done!

  31. I wish I could put up feeders and see more of these type of birds. You've captured them beautifully.

  32. Love them all. We haven't had any house or purple finches this year. Maybe in the next few weeks. All of these are perfect. I always think about your mom's gift of your lens. I know you miss her. She left you a wonderful gift to share with all us and I am thankful.

  33. I love birds and your photos are lovely, dear Gail. I really like the red one - the feathers looks like they are glittering :) Hugs to you, my friend!

  34. These are beauties. We don't see the house finches regularly, but the others are regulars at our backyard feeders. I always think of the titmouse as a little tuxedo clad fellow, so neat and tidy, except they are always in pairs, both ready to dine in their tuxes..

  35. These are so wonderful, Gail. Thanks for getting us up close and personal to all of them!

  36. It's like they've spent their whole lives just posing for you. Such perfect models and beautiful photos.

  37. so beautiful. love capturing birds on camera.

  38. Beautiful photos of the birds.
    I love them all very well photographed.

  39. Lovely little ones.

  40. Oh my God! They are so beautiful and precious dear Gail :) loved the pictures!

  41. All of them captured well.
    Such beauties!

  42. Were they ever good posers! You have good bird karma though -- they seem to know you're a friend.

    That quote speaks to all of us insomniacs. I'm trying a combination of meditation, yoga, and melatonin. Sorta' workin.

  43. You can then be very successful in a variety of colors to capture Gail. Beautiful portraits and birds.


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