Friday, January 17, 2014

Duck, Duck, Goose...Ibis

These are most of the waterfowl Double D and I saw on December 29th at the lake surrounding our State Capitol and Arsenal Park in downtown Baton Rouge. Some are in better focus than others because they were constantly in motion. Plus, they were pretty far from land, so major cropping!
Canvasback - male (a new lifer for me!)

Hooded Merganser - male (yeah, I know you've seen it already). I just have so many!

Canadian Goose portrait. What I wouldn't give to have blue eyes like this!
If anyone can help ID this one, I'd appreciate it. Thanks, anvilcloud for the correction.

Ring-necked Duck - female

Ring-necked duck - male

Two pairs of male and female Wood Ducks

Lesser Scaup - female

Lesser Scaup - male

A "raft" of redheads (another lifer!)

An injured immature white ibis trying to hide on a low cypress limb.
He appeared to have a broken wing and looked very distressed.
I called animal control and within 15 minutes a deputy came out and tried to rescue him/her.
As it was nearing dark we all had to leave, but the deputy promised to come back the next day and check on him.
I love living in a state that truly cares for its wildlife. Later, I prayed that God would look after it.
Today would have been my mom's 75th birthday. I can't believe it's been almost two years since her death. I miss her more than I can put into words. I'd love to have one more chat with her and get her perspective on all the family drama happening right now. Mama, you were a doodle and we miss you so much.

God's tender mercies are over all his creatures.
Psalms 145:9

Participating in Weekend Reflections and Saturday Critters.


  1. Awwwwwwwwwww, sorry you miss your mom so!! My mother has been gone for nearly 15 years, and it's still a difficult time sometimes. I try to think back of the good memories and laughter........I feel better instantly!!

    Your ducks [goose and ibis] images are superior. Love the blog post title.

  2. I personally could never see the Hooded Merganser enough :)

  3. How wonderful that you called and they came right out to try to help him. You have such an assortment of ducks there!

  4. Not only do you capture GOD's creatures beautifully, you also care about them. I pray they will be able to rescue the ibis.

    Now days they have contacts that can give you that eye color. I had no idea they had blue eyes!

    Prayers for you on missing your mom; BUT know you will see her again in a new glorified body.
    The bible says we will know one another.

  5. Een prachtige serie hele mooie eenden maar die Ibis is toch ook wel apart.

  6. i hope there are things you do to keep your mom's memory alive. i do that for the loved ones i have lost. keeps them close & in my heart always. ( :

    i love the blue eyes on the white goose. beauty.

  7. would love to see redheads and canvasback! beautiful.

  8. Your photos are so incredible! I was even mesmerized by the water!

    My mom has been gone close to 18 years. Still miss her terribly too!!

    Hoping the Ibis gets rescued!

  9. Hope the Ibis gets the care it needs and is free to fly once again. Lovely bird photos.

  10. A great duck series for its variety and for its quality.
    Excellent post.

  11. What an extraordinary shot ! Well done !

  12. You share such beautiful pictures. Most of these birds will show in Manitoba in spring and I am waiting for them.
    It doesn't matter what age we are,we still need Mom around. Hugs to you on this day filled with memories.

  13. A great duck series.
    Perfect photographed.

  14. The photos of all the ducks are incredible! My favorite is the little Hooded Merganser.
    I know how you feel about missing your mom. I lost mine last May and I miss her so much.

  15. Beautiful images Gail. Love that your state cherishes the wild life as well. What a crazy hairdo the hooded one has and I love it! Sorry about your mom sending a prayer your way for peace and comfort until you see her again.

  16. Oh time does pass. I can't believe it has been 2 years! If only we could have those one more chats.

    Funny thing...the red eyes immediately caught my eye and from that pic on, I noticed how beautiful their eyes are... Great shots..
    waiting to see what you photograph this weekend..

  17. I hate to see injured animals. Yes, you have a good state. My sister loves her (your) governor. Dianne

  18. Wow ! Wonderful pictures and so beautiful and photogenic models
    Have a nice weekend :)

  19. beautiful set of shots of the ducks....and yes, it is wonderful that you live in an area that loves their wildlife and takes care of the injured.

  20. So many wonderful duck an bird photos, each one has it's own special details. Almost two years? Wow, it doesn't seem that long ago. Although I guess a lot has happened since then.

  21. A rainbow of colors in the eyes alone! Is a canvasback related to a loon, I wonder. Maybe it's just the eyes fooling me.

  22. Odejście na zawsze bardzo bliskich osób bardzo długo boli. *** Wszystkie Twoje zdjecia ptaków są sliczne. Pozdrawiam.
    Leaving always very close to the very long hurts. *** All your pictures are very pretty birds. Yours.

  23. such a beautiful pictures of birds... I love Canadian Goose portrait....Awesome job...

  24. Your bird photos are so vivid - I especially like the eyes. I miss my mom, too, and she's been gone for over half my life.

  25. Marvelous! carol, xxx (A Creative Harbor)

  26. Gail, wonderful collection of ducks. The Wood Ducks are one of my favorites. Awesome photos.

  27. Wonderful duck (and ibis) portraits! Love that hooded merganser. My condolences on the loss of your mother. Time heals but never takes away the loss.

  28. What a nice set. Just FYI, that is not a Canada Goose. I don't know birds, but I do know the Canada Goose.

  29. Goodness Gail, what a duck dynasty you've captured!

  30. I can't believe it's been two years, either. Thanks for reminding me to cherish this time with my mom, as exhausting as it can be at times. These are gorgeous photos and oh! those blue eyes!

  31. We don't see most of those around here with the exception of the Hoodies. Gorgeous photos! I love the Ibis!

  32. Gail what beautiful duck images and such a variety. No ducks swimming about here, the lakes are frozen ;) But winter is beautiful. Hope you are well. It is hard to think that it's been almost two years since your mom passed away...time can go by so quickly...

  33. These images were a feast for the eyes. So, so beautiful. And such a variety. I did want to pick the fuzz out of that goose's nose, though.

  34. Awesome pictures! We have an injured goose and the local wildlife rescue folks said I can bring him in, but I'm afraid to kidnap him with his family around. I'm pretty sure all six of them would attack me!

  35. Such neat photos Gail, I love all these birds but that hooded merganser with its white hood always fascinates me, and the juvenile white ibis, marvelous!

    I'm so sorry about your Mom. My Mom has been gone 20 years now and I still miss her. Mums have a way of sorting things out don't they?

  36. gail wow!
    what terrific shots of the ducks!
    i'm speechless, my friend!


  37. I'm jealous of your hooded mergancer photos. I have yet to get close enough to one to get a great shot.

    The goose may be a snow goose although the blue eye makes me think it could be some sort of hybrid.

  38. A wonderful series Gail! Love the goose portrait and really hope the ibis makes it.

    Today (Friday as well) would have been my Dad's 88th birthday. It has been eighteen years and when I did the math as I wrote this I couldn't believe it. It seems like yesterday. Hugs to you.

  39. Was für eine niedliche Serie. Aber die kleinen "Rotköpfe" sind meine Favoriten.

  40. Lovely captures. I like the details of the eyes, each has different colored eyes.

  41. All the best for you in 2014, Gail! I'm so happy to be here again, although I'm so sorry that it's a tough day for you! I'm sending big warm hugs!!!
    Love your series so much! :-)

  42. All the best for you in 2014, Gail! I'm so happy to be here again, although I'm so sorry that it's a tough day for you! I'm sending big warm hugs!!!
    Love your series so much! :-)

  43. Great photographs, Gail!
    Winter is the only time we get to see some of these beautiful waterfowl and I suspect it's the same for you.

    The Woodies are pretty, but those Hooded Mergansers are something!

    Oh, okay, they're all special!

  44. I enjoyed all the waterfowl, especially those blue eyes. Impressive that you could call animal control and have someone show up so quickly.

  45. Dear Gail, I can imagine that your mother is still missing and that you would make. Again like a chat with her In her mind she is with you and protects you from above xxx

    Pictures of all these ducks are truly magnificent! Beautiful species, great colors and pretty sharp. Really enjoy it!
    Dear greetings, Helma

  46. I know it's a sad anniversary for you. Thinking good thoughts.

    Waterfowl shots of all kinds...and such beauties, each of them.

  47. The Hooded Merganser is my favourite but they are all great pictures.

  48. Faboulous fotos, greeting from Belgium

  49. What a beautiful collection! I love the blue-eyed one.
    And I'm so grateful for God's tender mercies.

  50. WoW-zers....the "eyes" have it!!

    what awesome images and i personally was thrilled to see the hoodie!!

    have a wonderful sunday!!

  51. Awesome shots of all the beautiful birds!

  52. The eyes are amazing!

  53. Terrific pics. They all have such wonderful eyes, don't they. I'm glad you have an animal rescue service that dedicated. Others could learn from them.

    I'm sorry you're hurting and missing your mom so much. Hugs to you.

  54. We never stop never stop wondering about what our mothers would have thought or done .... ..... Sending you hugs.

    Loving all the birds. Ducks and geese are really hard to ID aren't they? Do you think this one might be a cross-breed with a tame one? He's beautiful whatever...I will check back to see what the experts say.

  55. Quack quack Gail! These photos are awesome! Love the redheads! I know your mom is listening! Look for the signs!

  56. Oh Gail, my heart goes to you for the missing of your Mom. She sees you and she knows your pain of not having her with you.
    Love your goose shot!! I know there is a name for him/her - I'd just call it a farm yard goose!! All nice shots :-}}

  57. Nice shots! I especially like the close ups of the goose and ibis. nice job!


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