Monday, November 25, 2013


Since I spend 51 weeks out of the year complaining, please indulge me as I take five days to be grateful. Notice I'm not doing 30 days of gratitude; I don't want to damage my reputation. *smile*

As some of you may have noticed, I've updated my blog; Google finally let me change my header! I also updated the standalone pages (About Me, etc.) and added new Share buttons on the bottom of each post from If you're so inclined, I'd appreciate a look-see and feedback. Thanks!

During June and July I played around with water refraction photography. My plants were appreciative because they received extra water; especially the vincas, which seemed to retain droplets the best. Again, this was using the Opteka magnifier before purchase of the 100mm macro lens. There are better examples on the web, but I sure had fun playing!

"Life is an echo, what you send out, comes back. What you sow, you reap. What you give, you get. What you see in others exists in you." Unknown

As we begin Thanksgiving week, I am steering my thoughts and prayers to a place of deeper gratitude. I oftentimes grumble, and I've been known to get judge-y. God has to continually remind me how much I have to be thankful for—how he rescued me from the muck and mire. And the minute a criticism escapes my lips, I get a gentle tap on the shoulder that says, "Hey, you're not perfect either. Be kind. Be compassionate."

If we fill ourselves with God and his love, we will be like these water drops, reflecting his beauty back into the world.

My prayer for those struggling is to search for God with all their hearts and to ask for his gifts which are wisdom, peace, strength and kindness, and so much more. Start with that and all the other puzzle pieces will fall into place in a miraculous way. Watch and see.

Sharing with Our World Tuesday.


  1. Gail,
    Thank you so much for such a beautiful morning post, not only are the photos simply gorgeous and amazing , the message you gave struck home.
    Blessings to you my friend,

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. heerlijk die vreflexie in de bubbels.

  4. The photos are beautiful. I think number 4 is my favorite. The droplets look like flowers in glass bowls. So pretty and delicate. Great application at the end, too.

  5. hi ya, Gail! Great new design here. It shows off your grand photographs even better. Thanks for the compliments on mine.

    Just to clarify; the 'tutorial' was stoooopid. The scarf turned out right and correct but the 'tutorial' was so lame. It looked like a weirdo/french maid/I Love Lucy sitcom all rolled into one. Oh and it is complete deleted and never to be seen. LOL

    (hug) I love how my scarf turned out.

    I have made a clarification on my post. thank you, sweet friend.

    I LOVE THESE PHOTOGRAPHS. Your close up skills are phenomenal!!

  6. Wow wow wow - so gorgeous!

  7. LOvely, and perfect for the holiday. Dianne

    PS the first photo of the magenta colored photo with water droplet is my favorite. Dianne

  8. i really like your new header and signature banner. :) these water droplet shots are just beautiful. like tiny crystal balls. and i loved your sentiment. :)

  9. Beautiful shots Gail! I've been trying to make a line of share icons and I keep messing it up. I love your new header.

  10. Gorgeous! Wow, I love those photos, and what a profound thought--reflecting back the beauty around us.

  11. Lovely photos, Gail. I especially love the second to last one and was glad to see that it made its way into your beautiful new header.

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  12. Your new blog looks wonderful but it is all these magnificent water droplets that are so perfect. Each one reflecting exquisite beauty. Thanks for sharing this and all your lovely images.

  13. Beautidul water shots!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River.

  14. This is a beautiful post, Gail, both photo-wise and word-wise.

  15. There are whole worlds in those water droplets! I love these.
    A very happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Gail! And thank you for the pleasure you bring!

    I love your new blog design.

  16. Exquisite and divine photography ~ your time has developed your skills ~ thank your self ~ thanks, carol, xxx

  17. Hello Gail, these reflections and macro shots are just amazing. Well done! Have a happy Thanksgiving!

  18. oh my word gail,
    seriously some fantastic shots here!
    truly gorgeous close-ups!

    you're very talented, my friend!

    wish you and yours a very happy thanksgiving!

    big hugs~

  19. i love the new prettiness you've added here...and now i'm jealous and ready for a change myself :)

    and the water droplets.....OMG !!!!

    i'm thankful i get to stop here and be here with you for a few minutes....xoxoo

  20. i love the new prettiness you've added here...and now i'm jealous and ready for a change myself :)

    and the water droplets.....OMG !!!!

    i'm thankful i get to stop here and be here with you for a few minutes....xoxoo

  21. so beautiful. Water droplets on petals really add a beautiful touch, and these close ups are fabulous. I remember years ago seeing someone who was reflecting lighthouses in water drops. Amazing.
    Have a wonderful week. I am joining you through Our World Tuesday.

  22. awesome!! love the water droplets. too fun! ( :

  23. Outstanding shots! The water drops are so clear! Very well done!

  24. Gail I meant to tell you I liked the new look...and these are just amazing magic.

  25. Wonderful water refraction photography! I took a spin around the different sections of your blog! It was fun to see who I'm dealing with!

  26. I am looking at some beautiful, jaw-dropping macro pictures!! Stunning as all get out. I, too, love water droplets. Gorgeous. Thanks for commenting at my blog.

  27. I love to photograph water droplets and I see also wonderful creations. Very nice with the reflections.
    Greetings, Helma

  28. They look like precious gems on the petals. Great photography.

  29. Lovely series, Gail.

  30. Wow ... wie bezaubernd. Jedes Foto ist ein kleines Meisterwerk. Leider ist nun alles verblüht, denn der Winter hält Einzug. Aber an unseren Fotos können wir uns noch erfreuen und sie wecken die Vorfreude auf das neue Jahr.

    Danke für Ihren lieben Besuch und liebe Grüße

    von der Waldameise

  31. Oh goodness...these are incredible! I love the reflections in the drops of water and what beautiful flowers to capture them on as well!


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