Friday, November 8, 2013

Pre-Anniversary Date

Saturday, Oct 26, turned out to be a beautiful day. That week, the local news ran a story on a new hiking/nature preserve about 20 minutes outside of town, so we checked it out. It was just okay. It's still pretty rough as they are still developing it. We walked about 2 miles, fighting mosquitoes the entire way. If I was going to get malaria, this would be the day. Yep, I once again forgot the bug spray. And once again, Double D played caddy with my camera equipment. Carrying all that equipment around is getting really old. Well, maybe it's me getting old, but we won't go there.

Not much to see on this hike and the heat put the kibosh on my desire to take photos.
Black swallowtail

Abandoned train tracks bordering the new preserve

Unknown wildflower. Anyone know?

After the hike, we were pretty hungry, so we thought Bass Pro Shop's restaurant might be a good place to try. Do y'all have one of those? It's a huge hunting equipment store chain. We love eating outside and this location had a large pond with ducks. The mallards were quite bold, walking up to our table, demanding food with their eyes. We finally gave in with a few pieces of bread and some crackers. How did they repay us for our kindness? By pooping all around our table. Leaving took some careful maneuvering. Oh, and the food was AWFUL!

We managed to have a little fun before dinner with some of the decor.
Double D trying to ham it up

Oops, too late!

After dinner we looked around at the indoor pond and wildlife. It was too dark for photos which made me sad, because there were two very real, plump wood ducks, lounging on the fake cabin steps. Getting past that, I spotted a pink fishing pole and I finally had an idea what I wanted for our anniversary. Double D got one, too; a black and silver one. I'll tell you all about our anniversary day fishing in the rain in another post. :)

Y'all have a great weekend and be good!

Linking to Weekend Reflections.


  1. Oh Happy Anniversary double D is indeed funny and so are you with the whole malaria thing. Your photos are incredible. Have a nice weeeknd. Hug B

  2. We have Bass Pro and Cabelas here -- I've never been, but hubs likes to browse once in awhile. Happy Anniversary!

  3. ...and even with bug spray, sometimes the skeeters are so rampant, the spray only works Part Time!!

    Can't wait to see your pink fishing pole!!!

    Happy anniversary. [love Double D's smile!]

  4. Happy Anniversary! I love those abandoned railroad tracks.

  5. I admire that Black Swallowtail.

    Such a beautiful place.

    Happy anniversary.

  6. Happy Anniversay! DD looks happy, even as a gator is chomping on his arm!

    Good thing you preserved the train tracks next to the preserve.

  7. Happy Anniversary!

    Did Double D put his hand down the alligators mouth - or was that a trick? lol


  8. hope you get a chance to use those poles before the malaria sets in! just kidding. :)

  9. I love the train shot and the beware of gators shot! We don't have a bass shop here but now I know not to eat their food!

  10. Happy Anniversary and many more to come!! Sorry the food wasn't good but you always seem to have an adventure!! Lovely flower - I don't know the name, but I believe I have seen this in red???

  11. Love the gator door handles!! Great detail, and wonderful reflection!

  12. I'm in awe of your splendid photos Gail. Love double D's sense of humor :)

    My Fisherman loves loves loves Bass Pro Shop and their restaurant.

  13. Fun captures and reflections for the day!! Great giggles to start my day!! Enjoy your weekend!!

  14. You still managed to get interesting pictures and the commentary is a good read. Have a beautiful day today.

  15. I think you did a great job of recording that day! I truly love the last photo....the impressionistic feel is wonderful. Happy Anniversary! (Just can't get over the fact that the heat is getting to soon as late fall sets in, I'm wanting some heat!)

  16. Nice serie of picture ! I love the comment "oups too late" under the picture with the sign : it is a great presentation for your pics... The gator door is very impressive too.

  17. Happy b'lated Anniversary to you both! A couple of very different photos from you this time -- the fishing pole abstract and the abandoned railroad, which is oddly compelling! I'm used t seeing your amazing nature photos, but had to comment on these two cuz they're so different for you.

  18. We had Bass Pro just down the street from our San Antonio apt. You are right about the food, Love the reflected gator door handles.

  19. i do not like gators. god's yuckkiest creation to pester me. lol

    Gail! oh thank you! Thank you for your sweet concerns for Baby Z. He is still struggling but he nurses more and more each day and more and more lines and monitors are taken off of him. He is a puzzle to the drs. He was full term and nearly 9 lbs and yet he is responding like a premmie. He is just taking his pace and everyone will wait upon him. Which is fine by me. I just pray for him each hour. That is all Grandma can do right now.

    I did love the pic of hammy Double D. hahahahaha

  20. The skitters can be such a pain, sorry! Your images are lovely. Beautiful flowers and I love the last reflection shot! Have a happy weekend!

  21. Beautiful shots at the new preserve! Hopefully, it will turn into a must-go place. I love shopping at Bass Pro, but I've never eaten at any of them. Happy Anniversary!

  22. We have a Bass Pro, but not restaurant attached. I think I am glad of that given your critique. You did find some classy reflections though so it wasn't all for naught. Fun post ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  23. Oh dear Gail, you made me laugh about the Mallards :) Each photo is lovely, but I really love the abandoned train tracks photo.Happy weekend, my friend!

  24. A very Happy Anniversary to you both!
    Can't wait to see the pink fishing pole. I'm partial to pink myself.
    LOVE that last shot! It has a Christmas feel to it that I like. :)

  25. A fantastic series of photos, even if you didn't think were many photo ops! Happy Anniversary to you both!

    My Hubbers is my camera gear caddy too!

  26. Happy Anniversary to you sweet girl....It certainly looks like you and hubby were having a fun day and you got some great captures as well...Love that sweet little wild flower....Have a great weekend...

  27. I love the idea of you each getting a fishing pole for your anniversary. What a great pair you must be! Hope your day was wonderful!

  28. Oh yes, we have a Bass Pro Shop, huge. That's where I bought my hiking shoes for my trip to The Smoky Mtns. Happy Anniversary you two young lovers!!

  29. Bass Pro is a fun place to wander in. Love these shots of your day. Happy anniversary!

  30. I agree with some of your commenters. You managed to capture some beautiful, interesting and fun shots. Love the gator door handles too.

  31. My bad, I forgot to wish you both a Happy Anniversary! xoxo

  32. Happy Anniversary to you both! We love the Bass Pro stores. Huge. I was wondering about the restaurant. That railroad is right up my alley.

  33. Happy Anniversary Gail and Double D. Great photos to mark a fun day!

  34. Oh girl....I absolutely love the abandoned rail road.... It has so much character!! I sure that if it could talk, it would have many tales to tell us...
    All your pics are super great!!


  35. So many great shots. And I have been to the Bass pro shop in Las Vegas. But they don't have a restaurant. Sounds like that's a good thing. That Wildflower is my favorite shot. is so pretty.

    Hope your having a happy weekend my friend.


  36. Happy Anniversary!! What a fun day.

  37. Happy anniversary. Hope the mosquitoes didn't get to you. Such fun pictures :) hope you had a great day!

  38. Nice shots and I like those reflections!

  39. Well, in spite of the kibosh on your desire to take photos, you managed some beautiful ones. I really love the one of the unidentified flower. Double D is a handsome fella! Love the colorful reflections in the last shot.

  40. Happy Anniversary.
    Looks like you have a fun camera caddy !
    I always have such a great time strolling through your photos .

  41. oops Meant to add that my Mountain Man loves Bass Pro shops and I usually end up finding something interesting to check out there too :)

  42. Hi Gail. I haven't visited for a while, but sure like your photography! Excellent work.


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