Tuesday, November 5, 2013


For a few weeks I've noticed a different variety of wild sunflowers growing alongside the roads around town. I don't remember these last year, but then again, 2012 was a blur. Gathering my gear, I hopped in the car, opened the sun roof, and turned on the music. All the while my ugly hair blew in the humid breeze. (Okay, two posts about my hair, so I think I'm going hat shopping soon.) The plants and flowers seem to thrive in the humidity, so maybe my hair is not so important in the big scheme of things. But it sure feels like it!

I think these are pale-leaved sunflowers, but they are not pale, so I don't know...
Update: Perhaps a narrow-leaved sunflower, aka, swamp sunflower (seen at Our Florida Journal's blog). Thanks, Wally!

No idea if this is some type of wild grass or wild flowers.

This morning glory was growing next to a light post with a large cement base.
Contorting my body to get this shot in order to take advantage of the light was well worth a few moments of discomfort.

I have never seen daisy fleabane asters growing so profusely.
Thanks for the correct ID, TexWisGirl!

Spent sunflower.

This common buckeye (Junonia coenia) posed patiently. Thank you, God.
Linking to Our World Tuesday. Thank you to all the wonderful hosts!


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, the morning glory is extraordinary Gail!!!

  2. Lovely flowers! And that Butterfly is gorgeous!

  3. Those wild sunflowers are pretty. Gorgeous buckeye!

  4. Beautiful flower shots. I just love sunflowers.

  5. i wish i was better at iding sunflowers - yellow flowers, actually. :) i think your fleabane is actually asters. we had clusters of white asters shooting sprays all over this fall.

    gorgeous buckeye! the 'common' part of their name just does.not.fit!

  6. maximillian sunflowers is another possibility?

    love the light in your morning glory and the 'spent' shot, too!

  7. All our wildflowers are gone for the winter, love seeing yours! That butterfly is awesome Gail!

  8. Thanks for sharing these pretty pictures.

  9. Ooooh that second shot is so lovely, and love the Buckeye!

  10. I don't know which one I like the best - I like them all.

  11. Wow, what a post full of color!

    Great work on getting that morning glory in the right light!

    This was a really "feel good" post!

  12. Again, Gail...I am so impressed by your composition and focus! Each is wonderful in its own way.

  13. I love drive-bys! I take photos of stuff that I like even if I have no idea what it's called! Your shots are simply refreshing.

  14. I was thoroughly enjoying each image until I got to the last one.
    What a gorgeous shot!!!

  15. So beautiful!!! These would be great to share with I Heart Macro this coming Saturday!

  16. Great shots, I am glad to see you posting again. I hope your life has normalized.

  17. That is some brilliant yellow! Love the detail on the butterfly!

  18. Gorgeous flowers and images. The butterfly is lovely too. Have a happy day!

  19. Its always a joy to pop in and see your beautiful photos.. Those yellow flowers make me happy.


  20. I love all those roadside flowers. You got some great shots. And that butterfly . . . beautiful.

  21. The morning glory is glorious! Love them all but that butterfly...WOW!

  22. I love all your flowers, they are all so vibrant and beautiful!!!
    And that butterfly is magnificent!! Amazing he stayed still for that!! WOW!


  23. Sunflowers (even the more "weed" variety) just make me smile!! Your incredible photo skills just make the smile larger!

  24. The butterfly is beautiful, the flowers are colorful and amazing, and I thought you might not minde a post from someone who just loves your pictures and has no idea at all what anything is!!

  25. These are all so beautiful, Gail. I especially liked the second shot of the yellow mystery flower. The morning glory shot and the common buckeye are both just exquisite.

  26. What a beautiful and uplifting post!

  27. Playing catch up here!! All your Macro are stunning! love those sunflowers and little wildflowers!!


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