Monday, October 21, 2013

God's Handiwork

Some shots taken on 9/10/13 from a nearby arboretum called Independence Park in Baton Rouge.
Ladybug right before she leapt.

Long-tailed skipper

These annoying lovebugs fill the air at the end of summer. Wafting by in pairs, they get stuck on car windshields,
front bumpers, and in your hair. They are from the family of March Flies, also known as the honeymoon fly,
kissingbug, and double-headed bug. An urban legend holds that these bugs are synthetic—the result of a
University of Florida genetics experiment gone wrong. If true, another reason man should stay out of the
creation business.

Not sure what type of bug this is, but I suspect it's some sort of stinkbug.

I think this flower is giving me the finger.

Quote: Thomas Browne, Religio Medici, 1635


  1. Awesome series of macros! I love bugs (images) :)

  2. It takes me a while when looking at your photos, and this is because I spend so much time looking at all the little detailed things that make your photos so outstanding!! I do enjoy the macro shots..

    Great job girl..

  3. It totally amazes me how close you are able to get to all these insects/bugs without them flying off!!
    I REALLY wish you lived closer! I'd so pay you to give me lessons in photography and processing!!

  4. the one giving you the finger is actually just putting up the pinky for high tea. :)

    all great shots!

  5. Your macros are wonderful, Gail. Bugs, although annoying, are so photogenic! The arboretum looks like a super place for taking photos.

  6. The ladybug one is my favorite - it's fantastic!

  7. Love, love, love the coneflowers image! (I think that "ladybug" is one of those Asian lady beetles...invasive little creatures---brought to the US decades ago to control some kind of pest.) I love your macro bug images!

  8. I have to agree with everyone else - your macros are always standouts - wonderfully captured!
    I love the colors in that skipper.
    I'll have to google those last bugs - creepy. :)

  9. Hi Gail, you captured the beauty of God's handiwork perfectly.
    Love ladybugs :)

  10. LOVE that lady bug...

  11. Wonderful images! I'm trying to include more bugs and flowers but it's challenging!

  12. Lovely shots Gail . The flower giving the finger was just too funny! Haha :D

  13. Lots of fabulous photos my friend. I had to laugh at the flower giving you the finger.

    Happy Monday to you.


  14. That second last flower looks like something man made too - quite an unusual structure sitting on the surrounding sepals/leaves.

  15. I love how you bring the personalities of insects to lufe

  16. Beautiful macros, Gail. You made me laugh out loud with your comment about the flower that was giving you the finger. :)

  17. I think God wanted the smallest in his kingdom to not be overlooked so He called on Gail and said I"m giving you a gift and that gift is to take beautiful photographs of these my smallest creatures...You have been obedient....(I know these are not the very smallest but they are pretty small)....thanks for sharing your gift with us sweet friend...

  18. Lovely pictures . The lovebug thing about their being created at the University Lab is not true (you can look it up on Snopes), but it does seem like they can't be natural doesn't it? You wonder what their purpose could be.

  19. Glorious and lovely shots!

  20. What a variety. If the truth be told, the Earth belongs to the insects!

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  21. Perfection!!! And aptly titled blog post. Such beauty created with your help and the camera lens Gail!

  22. I loved all the different shots here :) beautiful captures.

  23. your love bugs look like our box elder bugs. either way, they are annoying !!!

  24. God's handiwork is abundant and you captured some of it beautifully! I remember the love bugs from my years living in Tallahassee, FL.

    Here we have a stink bug that's shaped like a lady bug and loves my house! They appeared a year or two ago and loved it so much they keep coming back.

  25. I think you need to bring that ladybug over to LSU. Better than me wanting to reach through the screen to smack the team last week. That game was horrible, absolutely horrible! Dick's on the same sheet of music as your hub. I'm also hearing there's a power play going on behind the scenes, that TAF's gotten too big for its britches--acting like warlords or some such. Whatever it is, it was sinful how #6 in the country got its head chopped off. Oh, grrrr!

  26. The detail in your photo's is absolutely amazing. I am absolutely in love with the shot of the pink flowers.

  27. oh my word, breathtaking shots!it's really hard to pick a fave.

    well done:)

  28. What beautiful photos! I really, really like the last one! Fantastic detail in all of them!

  29. Beautiful, with the exception of the love bugs, hate them.


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