Wednesday, September 25, 2013

June Juveniles

A family of red-bellied woodpeckers are frequent visitors to our feeders. Before I see them, they loudly announce their presence with distinctive churr churr calls. The babes prefer seed cake and suet while the parents go for the peanuts.

The downy woodpeckers are also big on announcing themselves in advance of appearing. They make a series of high-pitched pik pik sounds. I always respond with "Well, hello to you, Mr. Downy!"

Keeping these birds fed is getting expensive! I guess it's cheaper than shopping at the mall or going to the movies, AND so much more rewarding. :)

All shots taken in June with the 400mm lens, except the last shot which was taken in July.

EDIT 3:00PM: Going on an impromptu fishing trip with my dad in Mississippi. I will return tomorrow (Thurs, 9/26) evening. Y'all be good!


  1. It does get expensive. There have been times in the winter I've wanted to buy seed but couldn't fit it in our tight budget. I do when I can though - it is rewarding!

  2. Great shots of these wonderful woodpeckers. We had to stop putting out the suet they love because of the 'infestation' of grackles and starlings. Will resume later in the fall.

  3. Oh how I'm going to love your blog. I love great photos....especially of nature!

  4. These birds are stunning, Gail. I love the design on their wings :) Have a great day! Hugs

  5. Terrific captures Gail! Love the "expression" on the Downie's face.

  6. Wow this guy is impressive or at least your photos of him are impressive! Take care dear friend ~ (hug)

  7. Nice, Gail, and you didn't have to leave home! Love their markings!

  8. To get pictures like those Gail, I would think of the cost of feed as an investment.

  9. the young red-bellies look so naked with their gray heads. :)

    i agree - very expensive, yet it is one of my pleasures i hope to never give up...

  10. Your photos are always so amazing, I LOVE these. My Mother in-law used to spend a couple of hundred a month in bird seed. She says its a small price to pay for the pleasure she gets from it..


  11. Gotta love those sweet baby faces. We have a Hairy woodpecker who visits regularly at my new place. I just need to be there more regularly myself. Lovely photos, Gail.. Great to see you posting.

  12. I love these guys; what nice shots you managed to get. It's amazing how much food they go through, isn't it?
    Have fun fishing!

  13. Adorable and I agree, it is worth it to keep these young ones fed.

  14. You gotta love the juvies, they are so darn cute! Great photos, Gail!

  15. How cool! We've never had juveniles of either species visit. The Red-bellied looks especially funny! Great photos!

  16. I'm delighted that you're posting pictures you took during your summer off ;>) (that made it sound like blogging is a job and it shouldn't be ...but you know what I mean)....

    The woodpeckers are wonderful....and fantastic to get juvies.

    Fishing trip sounds wonderful. We're at the Coast crabbing....I do this instead of read while we're waiting for tide to turn and go pick up the pots.

  17. Wonderful captures!
    The expense is sometimes greater than I'd like but as you mentioned it is rewarding.
    The hummers seem to have gone so I'm taking that feeder down and putting up suet once again (I don't in the summer). This week a downy has been pecking on my house so it's less expensive to put up suet than worry about wholes in my clapboards. :)
    Have a wonderful fishing trip!

  18. Wow! These are so sharp, with so much detail. Just beautiful! Hope you have had a great day with your dad.

  19. Much more rewarding! I love their feathers - they remind me of Frankie! Have fun fishing!

  20. Wonderful captures! They seem to be on their own very fast!

  21. Enjoy your trip!

    Nice shots of the birds.

  22. I loved seeing them so up close and personal!

  23. Great shots! Enjoy your getaway :)

  24. Wonderful photos, Gail. Yep, feeding the birds is definitely expensive...but I do agree it's worth it, especially here in the Greater Toronto Area in Winter. Birds enliven the winter landscape soooo much! ;)

  25. Boy gail!! You sure have those feather friends of yours spoiled!! Better be careful and not forget them or they'll be pecking at your back door!! Love how close you appear!! As always - amazing!!


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