Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Are you sick of Barbara yet? I hope not because I plan to draw water from this well as long as it's available. She seems to be on a schedule, coming out of the nest around 10:30AM and again at 3:30-4:00PM. My birding buddies told me that she was 7 for 7 on crawfish runs the other day. Of course I missed it. Her eyesight must be incredible because here we are standing on the edge of the boardwalk and can barely see any mud bugs from just a few feet away, yet Barbara can spot one from 10-15' up in a tree. I still want to see her nab a snake, though. But I am also eagerly awaiting the appearance of the owlets. Should be soon! This series was captured around 4PM on 3/28/13.

Thanks, Anni!


  1. I didn't realize barred owls ate crayfish as well as mice. Perhaps that explains why there's a barred owl that hangs around a marsh I frequent.

    No, I'm not tired of seeing Barbara. :)

  2. No I'm not 'sick of Barbara'. Not at all. She's so beautiful, and you've captured her so well. What a marvelous time you had with her. AND...you make/made our time here, visiting with the two of you such a pleasant experience. Wonderful Gail!!

  3. Looks like Barbara is pretty good at getting the meat out of those mud bugs. Keep the photos coming...I am enjoying them. Can't wait to see the little ones and watch them as they embark upon their life adventure. Hope your day is a good one.

  4. I never knew they ate crawfish. See you taught this old cajun lady something new. Great captures! He is so pretty! Wishing you an amazing week! Hugs, xoxo

  5. I don't think you need to worry about any of us getting tired of your owl shots. You're giving us a glimpse of owl life that most of us will never see in person. I'm wondering what the little specks are in the first photo...insects, maybe?

  6. Never get sick of Barbara or your marvellous shots of her Gail! Looks like a tasty little morsel.

  7. oh, she is a louisiana girl, for sure!!! love the first one as she splatters after pulling off its 'head' (we'll just assume that for the sake of mudbug suckers everywhere).

  8. I will never tire of Barbara; she is a beautiful gal....Isn't it amazing how God gave animals such incredible eyesight....

  9. These pictures are amazing. Also. Now I want crawfish.

  10. I did not know that owls ate crawfish! Awesome shots!

  11. Could never be tired of Barbara, but i too am eagerly waiting for those little ones!

  12. EXCELLENT!!!! Oh, I am such a duuff! I didn't read that it was just Double D that went to Dallas. Oh DoubleD does Dallas. Hmmmmm? Has a certain ring to it? hahahhahha.

    Kidding aside, I love that you have named her Barbara and that you are eagerly awaiting the young. That is going to be awesome! ! !

    Thanks for ooh-ing and awh-ing over LL.

  13. Giving the bird a name makes her become more like a person,I like that. Great pictures.

  14. I love Barbara! I would never be tired of her. She's enjoying her mudbug brunch ... what Louisiana girl wouldn't? Hope you get her with a snake. That would be something to see as well.

  15. Hey Gail. I can take any amount of your superb images of Barbara. Keep them coming please!!

  16. Awesome serie of photos! Well done!

  17. A great series of photos. Wonderful eyesight!

  18. PS....Gail? You asked when the bird photo meme opens at "I'd Rather B Birdin'"? ---I have a new post and a Linky Tools each and every Saturday at NOON [CDT/CST]. Then, it's open for linking from the Saturday-noon, 'til Midnight Friday of the next week...to have a new one again in 12 hours/Saturday at noon. :o)

  19. Such a wonderful series! Amazing shots!
    I'd be ecstatic having this kind of experience. Looking forward to seeing the owlets.

  20. These are exciting photos. I have yet to see an owl in the wild and I know I will never get sick of seeing photos of Barbara. She's a beauty!

  21. I never get tired `of these awesome captures.

  22. what a beautiful bird and such wonderful pictures

  23. Amazing Gail! Never knew what they ate, very interesting menu! Love the first photo especially!

  24. I love Barbara! The photos you can see everything so close. sandie

  25. Awesome shots of Barbara the Barred Owl Gail! She is quite the hunter! I'm looking forward to seeing the owlets too!

  26. I am not sick of Barbra. I have hardly turned the computer on in the last week, so this is the first time I have seen her. great shots!

  27. Bird with its catch! Great captures!

  28. I'll keep looking at them as long as you keep posting! Love these shots! Just too cool!

  29. Please call National Geographic! They must hire you! These are amazing!

  30. Barbara is a beautiful creature! I just keep staring at her wonderful texture and color of her feathers

  31. Gail, what great shots of Barbara, in the other posts as well. I rarely see Owls, just once in a blue moon. Can't wait to see some pics of the owlets.

  32. Looks like she knows how to suck those heads!! That actually makes me hungry . . . haven't had shrimp in the last two weeks!!

  33. Can't ever get enough owl pictures!
    The only problem is her exclusive diet of crawdaddies! Makes me hungry every time I see her!

    Very nice quality photographs!

  34. Great set of pictures - I dont think I would have picked your crawfish as a food item for owls!

    We have similar animals here (the crawfish not the owl!) and we call them yabbies.

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW- Stewart M - Melbourne

  35. How fun to be able to catch such wonderful photo like this. Fabulous shots my friend.


  36. Gail, these are amazing. I'm thinking National Geographic....

  37. Oh my gosh these are the most amazing captures I've ever seen on here!

  38. I could never get tired of Barbara (nor of any of your photos, by the way), so bring her on :-)


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