Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Pelicans Gone Wild

Each week I look at the weather forecast and plan my nature outings accordingly. Mondays are laundry and housework day, but since yesterday was the only decent day forecasted for the week, I had to take advantage of it. With no make-up and no shower, I threw my gear into the car and headed out to LSU Lakes. Positioned about 20' above the water I sat on a pile of wet leaves for 2 hours as the pelicans cavorted on a fallen tree. I searched for information online about the behavior I witnessed to no avail. It wasn't aggressive and they didn't seem to be exhibiting mating rituals, so I assume it was play time. Despite a back ache and wet butt it was a fun couple of hours! And I still managed to get all my chores done late that afternoon. Go me!

Awww, don't get mad. I was just playing!

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  1. They are just beautiful, Gail, and these are such wonderful photographs.

  2. You got your priorities right. Pictures first and work later.I love watching the Pelicans. They are comical and such graceful fliers.

  3. Thank goodness those bills aren't sharp, otherwise, there would be quite a few headless shite pelicans!! Surely, they're flirting with each other?? Have you noticed if these white pelicans ever hang out with the grey pelicans??

  4. Great serie of photos.
    Well done!

  5. These guys are certainly having fun together! I so love watching the antics of pelicans! These photos capturing their character are stupendous! And those open beaks are huge!

  6. I will say again, put your photos "out there", Louisianna - Nobody Does It Better Birds & Nature, or something like.

    White Pelicans seem prehistoric to me and I simply love all pelicans.

    Your talent is BIG. ;}

  7. these just made me laugh! thanks for risking wet-butt for us!

  8. Wow, I could've sat there watching them for ages. What interesting birds!

  9. Beautiful shots with the contrast of the white bodies and pink bills! I'm sure they were fun to watch. You sound like my Saturday morning routine, no shower or make up and take off.

  10. Looks like one big gab fest to me...this made me happy.

  11. "Go Me" indeed fantastic I would love to see in real life what you see. Amazing photos I am glad at least I get to see these. Thanks Gail. B

  12. How fun was that watching them play! The photos of the one chomping on the neck of the other tickled me!

    Great shots and glad you were still able to get all your chores done!

  13. Wow what a post!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  14. Fantastic! In the backlight, the bottom of his beak (or whatever the word is) looks like a leaf!

  15. Gail! Funny! You are so fun to read. Next time take a plastic sack to sit on. lol

    These critters are so odd but interesting all at the same time.

    Mabel I and Mabel II = too funny.

  16. When you see these closeups, with the huge bills and pouches, it's hard to imagine what graceful flyers they are. It's such a treat to see them airborne. But you've captured a side of them I might never have the opportunity to see in person. I'd say it was worth the wet butt indeed (especially since it was yours). Go you!

  17. Great photos of interesting pelican behavior.

  18. More incredible shots! Oh how I wish I could watch these birds like this!

  19. Wow, spectacular Gail, I love these! Pelicans were my Dad's favourite birds, he could happily watch them for hours.

    Go you indeed! Artistic and able to get everything done!

    Btw, would you mind if I pinned this to Pinterest? It links directly back to this post so you get the credit you deserve, but I won't pin it if you're not comfortable with me doing so.

  20. Not sure what they are up to, but these are great captures all the same. I'm not sure I'd have risked a wet butt to get them, but bravo for you for going the extra mile! ;-) Big hugs, xoxo

  21. Amazing images of these silly ones.

  22. Another one of my favorites, love the Pelicans. Great series!

  23. Fantastic series showing just how rambunctious pelicans can get.

    Thanks for following my blog, Gail.

  24. Wow, fantastic birds, fantastic shots!!

  25. What a great group of pictures!

  26. What an amazing set. I could just look at them all day long. Such amazing birds aren't they.


  27. I just love pelicans, Gail, and these were quite a treat to see!

  28. These are stunning!! Worth the wet butt ;)....I think one is of a mama feeding her baby...the one where the little one has his bill down the other's throat..that is how they feed the babies. Pelicans are also a very rowdy bunch and they love to antagonize each other...you captured all this just beautifully.

  29. omg omg omg......those birds, well your photos of those birds are amazing !!!

    wow wow wow !!!


  30. Omigosh, you were so well-rewarded for your wet butt. These photos make me love pelicans even more than I already did.

  31. I am envious you have such a great place to go and replenish not only your soul but your stock of photos!

  32. Pelicans are amazing and you have done an excellent job capturing this behavior, whatever they are doing. As far as I know, they are only aggressive during mating season.

  33. OH my gosh Gail...I am SO glad you went out there and who cares about housework anyway when there are pelicans out there!!!!! They always make me smile and your pictures do even more than that...I love this whole entire post.

    I need to get brave enough to get out there by myself and go birding. You inspire me.

  34. these are fantastic!!
    I love pelicans
    they are both comedic and graceful

  35. WOW those are wonderful pictures of pelicans. I envy you have that up close photo op. I love the mouth open look at that pouch! I have not been around...so many glitches. I think I'm back now!

  36. Beautiful photos! Sometimes it's worth getting a wet butt! These pelicans are a brilliant white.

  37. What amazing shots!
    Their feathers look so white- just beatiful.
    May I ask what lens and settings you used?

    White Spray Paint

  38. Amazing shots! Some of them do remind me of the way Belle and Max play on our walks - just play aggression, but very gentle. Love it! Thanks for sharing these with us!

  39. I love pelicans! Among my most favorite of birds!

  40. Wonderful photos, Gail! And - yay! You rock!!! :-)
    Happy New Year to you, Gail!

  41. Wonderful photos, Gail! And - yay! You rock!!! :-)
    Happy New Year to you, Gail!

  42. Drat, when I come in late everyone has used all my adjectives. Ditto! Love that you seize the day ~ not only will laundry be there but you will have full loads.

  43. Go you is right! These are magnificent!

  44. Sounds like fun, watching them play. Great photos.

  45. Beautiful captures Gail! They do look playful.

  46. Great set of pictures - white birds are always hard to get the exposure correct for.

    I have watched our pelicans squabbling and fighting like this - but I have never seen the neck grab!

    Cheers and thanks for lining to WBW.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  47. These are all splendid and how fascinating it must be to be able to photograph and observe these beauties!

  48. Absolutely breathtaking! They do seem to be enjoying themselves.

  49. They look like they're sitting around tellin jokes & laughin out loud at em w/ the beaks up in the air! Funny... except the neck biting! =0

  50. Link up to Barn Charm or Watery Wednesday whenever you can, I completely understand. I just appreciate your comments & visits =)

  51. I think those photos were well worth a couple of hours and a sore butt Gail. I reckon there's some pair bonding there, especially when they they are grabbing each others necks like that. Just a bit of playful fun!

  52. Thank you, thank you! *HUGS* I'll see what I can do about fixing the email tonight.

  53. they are so cute and you did such a great work. go you ;) hi sweetie. it's always a pleasure to visit and learn from you. xxo

  54. Great photos, Gail, and definitely worth a wet butt! It looks like they were just hanging out, enjoying the day. Maybe a little flirting on a spring-like day. :) We stopped by the LSU Sports store to stock up, mostly hub, as he was on the hunt for a golf shirt. Mike was sleeping in the shadows even though it was kinda chilly. Hmm, is his pool heated? Wow oh wow, there's practically an insurrection over Miles. And he got a raise! I've mentioned before I don't care for him; hub's beginning to think maybe he's got to go. Heard Saban's going to UT for $8 million. :)))

    Turned off the anon option. Seems to be working. Also activated moderation on posts over 6 days old. I totally hate that gotcha stuff and refuse to do that.

    The Mass was awesome. I can still hear the organist. WOW! We got there at 4:30 for the 5:00 concert/Mass and were lucky to get seats. Hub's drifting back to his roots. I'm flexible so okay with me.

    Hey, Happy New Year to you and yours!

  55. You got it right! We have such few good sun days here whether I'm looking for good indoor light or hoping to go out and capture interesting photos, I too am learning to just go with the flow and take those opportunities as the come!

    Love the sharpness of these. They look to be having a good play session.

  56. Wow! Ominous shots of pelicans ! Fantastic!

    thanks for coming by and sharing our similarities i.e. moving back to 'town of origin' ~ so glad I did.

    (A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

  57. Wow..what amazing shots of those pouches...it does look like 'play' and what fun too. Thank you linking into Nature Notes and for all the support...Michelle

  58. Amazing photos Gail you have captured nature at it's finest moments!

  59. I love that you schedule your photography time. I really need to do that more. I work full-time outside of the home so my photography time is either evening or weekend, but I don't often plan ahead so I end up limited on time and not spending the amount of time I'd like to. Thanks so much for your faithful visits to my blog. I appreciate your continued kind comments and thoughtfulness! Have a great weekend!

  60. Obviously, you ordered your day right - look at these photos! I love the way the light filters through their lower beaks when they raise their heads. What big mouths they have!


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