Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bird alert!

The sun came out on my mother's birthday after being absent for two weeks. What a glorious day it was! I first drove out to LSU Lakes and saw the usual pelicans, cormorants, warblers and ducks. Feeling a little disappointed I decided to go visit my mother's grave and wish her a happy birthday. As I stood over her grave I asked her for a sign to let me know she was there. I said, "I know it's your birthday and I can't give you anymore gifts, but it would be a wonderful gift to me if I had a new bird to photograph. Then I would know that you are here." After all, I had the 100-400mm lens that she bought for my 50th birthday, and I always think of her when I use it.

Something pulled me toward a grove of nearby trees and I just stood there meditating for quite some time, being very still, not really thinking about anything, but hoping I'd see something. And I did! I have a new bird that I can add to my bird list. Thanks, Mama!

Meet the Acadian Flycatcher Ruby-crowned Kinglet! (corrected 2/2/13) He appeared for maybe five seconds and I got two shots before he was gone, spooked by the camera clicks I'm sure. Since I am still shooting on manual I was happy that the exposure and shutter speed were correct. I was also pleased that even though they weren't the best poses, at least they were in focus.

UPDATE 2/2/13: On a bird expedition today with a group of birders, I learned that I may have misidentified this bird originally. Once I was able to check my bird book I realized this was not the Acadian Flycatcher but was indeed a Ruby-crowned Kinglet. This sighting is significant because my mother loved the color red, specifically ruby red. Although this bird does not have the red patch on its head, it's because this is likely a female. I sincerely believe my mother was trying to tell me she now has a ruby crown in heaven. I'm literally in tears as I type this because I had wondered since I saw this bird what the connection was to my mother. Now I know! Thank you, God!

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P.S. Sallie at A Full-time Life shared a live web cam for a pair of eagles and their recently hatched eaglets. Go have a look!


  1. sweet little bird - and even better that it was an answer to your prayer. :)

  2. Way to go. What a gift on this memory filled day.

  3. an answer to your that's powerful !

  4. What a lovely gift to you...sunshine and a new bird. And your photos are a lovely gift to us.

  5. The bird is so cute! I really like your photography.

  6. Such a sweet post in so many ways, Gail! Love the little bird and love that it was another gift from your mom!

  7. Never apologise for posting Gail; I look forward to your posts!

    What a sweet and moving post; I'm so glad you could feel your mother close by in answer to your prayer...and what a handsome answer you got as well!

  8. What a sweet gift! Such a little cutie!

  9. Fantastic shots of a beautiful bird ~ Wow!

    (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  10. what a little tiny (in-focus) miracle!!

  11. She guided you to the new bird, thanks mama, indeed! Very cool & beautiful captures, Gail! =)

  12. So glad the sun came out for you!! What a special gift to see a new bird!
    Manual...eeeaaakk....some day I'll progress enough to go full manual..for now, I'm still using my favorite apt control setting or sport setting

  13. Sunshine will do wonders for a soul! The shots are great! There was a control on my film camera that pretty much silenced it; perhaps Bertha is hiding a secret.

    No snow or ice for us and today the sun shines!

  14. What an amazing story! Cute little birdie too :-)

  15. hellooo Gail!

    Awh, your time with your Mom was so touching. You were a loved daughter, I can tell. My Mom and I had a great relationship, too. I was the only person with her when she passed on. I will cherish that event FOR LIKE EVER!!!

    Your photos were great captures. YES, awesome!!!!!

    Thank you for our kind words, to me, too. :D

  16. I am so going to have to make a date to spend the day in BR to see you & maybe do some photographing while I'm at it. That would be so much fun! What beautiful little birds..and how awesome that the sun came out of hiding on your dear mama's birthday! Yay for sunshine! Big hugs, xoxo

  17. What a cutie! I am always excited when I shoot a new bird! Even more so if it's in focus. Often they flit around so much my photos are blurry. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  18. Congratulations! It's a pretty little bird! Great job with the photos!

  19. Woo Hoo! Great shots, Gail...I was glad to see the sun today!

  20. Gail, that's the sweetest little bird and as a sign from your dear Mother it is even sweeter -- a miracle really.

    Thank you for the link back and acknowledgement; I think "our" little eagle family is so amazing I really wanted to share with everyone!

  21. Oh Gail this warms my heart just as much as it does yours. HUG B Great shot.

  22. my mother "visits" me when i need her. she's been gone 14 years..the longer she's been gone from me,the more she visits!
    how marvelous that she was there for you..and you have this beautiful photo to remind you that she is never far!!
    i really do think you should publish your photos!!!

  23. Great shots! Lovely birds on a lovely day.

  24. Nice bird - sometimes two shots is all you get and all you need!

    I think if you did see my White-faced Herons in the USA it would be very, very lost!

    Thanks for the link to WBW.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne.

    PS: sorry for slow reply - I been out of internet range in Tasmania!

  25. What a beautiful gift. And what a spectacular memory to journal with this photo.

    I'm glad you found some comfort on this sad day!

  26. Sweet picture post for your Moms birthday, Gail. She remains with you everywhere you roam.

    Have a blessed day :)

  27. What a great opportunity! Very nice images of a reclusive flycatcher!

  28. Great shots Gail. A very lovely little bird - Dave

  29. How lovely that the bird appeared as a sign. Gorgeous shots.

  30. What a great answer to a prayer Gail.

  31. A lovely gift! Beautiful shots of the Flycatcher. Happy Birding!

  32. Great shots Gail! I so believe that birds bring to us messages from our loved ones that have passed! She is in a happy place Gail!

  33. This is such a touching post. So glad you got your sign.. Big Hugs to you my friend.


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