Monday, December 31, 2012

A birthday blessing

Today is my daughter's special birthday, 31 on the 31st. She's the best daughter a mother could hope for: loving, bright, caring, humble, creative, forgiving, graceful, kind, and so much more. Autumn, you fill my heart with joy. I'm so proud to call you my daughter. And amazed that something so beautiful could come from me. May your dreams soar and your life be filled to the brim with blessings. I love you, darling girl.


  1. sweet! happy golden birthday to your daughter. :)

    gail, you create beauty every day.

  2. Happy Happy Golden Birthday to a pretty special girl...and her Mom's pretty special too!!

  3. Autumn is a blessed girl to have a mom who loves her so. This is a lovely tribute to a lovely daughter. Happy birthday, Autumn!

  4. What a wonderful birthday greeting--and tribute--to your daughter!

  5. Absolutely beautiful post... Autumn, the blessings & the bird! =)

    Please swing by... Immediate Prayers Needed

  6. Happy Birthday Autumn...from what I've read on this post, I know she must take after her mom! Oh to be 31 again!! I do hope she has a super happy day.

  7. May I add my Birthday wishes for Autumn. Happy New Year to you.

  8. What a lovely tribute to your daughter!

  9. Happy Birthday I think she sounds exactly like her Mom to me:) Hug. Happy New Year. Love the photos. B

  10. and i bet she loves YOU even more....xxoo

  11. just came across your blog!!
    a very Happy Natal Anniversary to your daughter!!!

  12. Happy birthday to your daughter! But I'm not surprised someone so beautiful came from you! She sounds just like her mom!

  13. A wonderful, golden, birthday to your daughter...and it's odd, I said the very same thing about my daughter when she was born: "How could someone so beautiful come from me?"

    Rejoice away, and rejoice that she's turned out to be you.

  14. It's a golden birthday, indeed - daughters are such a blessing, aren't they?

  15. Happy belated BD to your lovely daughter. (I am not the least bit surprised at how lovely she deserve some credit mom!()

  16. Oh Happy Birthday..I have a daughter around that age and I feel the same... Michelle

  17. For all the pain and suffering of the past year, she is truly a blessing from God.


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