Friday, October 26, 2012

Love is in the air

The other day I was out looking for more butterflies when out flew this strange wasp-like insect. I kept thinking, "What the heck kind of wasp is this?" When I got the photos on the computer, Double D looked over my shoulder and said, "Looks like you got two of 'em mating." Huh! Sure enough! I could not see that through the viewfinder, nor was I noticing it on the screen. Man, my eyes have really gotten bad. The whole time I was shooting I had no idea that I was stalking this poor couple. Hee hee.

Ya mind? We're a little busy here!
Take a picture, it'll last longer. Oh, wait...
Let me caress your tentacle, my love
Mmmmm....let's bury ourselves in the blossoms...
Hang on tight, Edna!
Whee! No hands!
Upside down is great!
Bye, ya pervy camera person!
Our 22nd anniversary is tomorrow, so love really is in the air. Y'all have a good weekend!


  1. such a voyeur! :)

    happy anniversary to you and double d! please - no photos! :)

  2. Love bugs!

    I have now voyeured your voyeurism and must thank you for the chortle as well as the lovely photos.

    Happy Andabirthday! (As my little sister used to say.)

  3. First..Happy Anniversary! We've got 12 years on you! Second...this is quite the series of images! I'll stick to the quality of the photos, which is excellent. Wonderful focus, composition, color--and most interesting subject. ;-)

  4. Hahaha! You're too funny (and nosy, those poor critters!)'

    Awesome photos by the way!

  5. roflmbo at twg's 'no photos' comment!
    Great detail, but maybe tmi! heheheee

    Happy Happy Anniversary =)

  6. These are amazing! Your 'bad eyes' capture everything exquisitely, friend.
    I have to admit, I'm more than a little fascinated with these. Trying to figure out the ... errrrr ... logistics? of the whole deal. LOL!
    Happy Anniversary Gail! Have a wonderful day with your man :)

  7. The photos are exquisite. The captions are hilarious. Well done.

  8. This is priceless, Gail! Your captions are a riot. Gave me a much needed laugh. :)

  9. You were cracking me up with the comments but the fotos are I know why I am taking photography classes:) Have a good weekend.

  10. Happy Anniversary Gail -- and your insect porn was very interesting! Lol.

  11. Tell them to get a room... geeewhiz. You got some outstanding shots there, WOW on the last one!

  12. Wonderful photography!
    Have a happy anniversary!

  13. That's too funny! As one who just had to go and get new glasses, I can relate to the vision issue!

  14. Awesome shots! Hey, if you're gonna do it in public, well....

    Happy Anniversary! Have a great day and enjoy!

  15. hahahaha. I was chuckling all the way thru this post, esp at your captions. but, you know what? That was AMAZING PHOTOGRAPHY even if it was rather x rated. LOL

  16. OOOps meant to also Congratulate you on your 22yrs! That is GRAND!

  17. They sure have the balancing act down pat don't they? Great pictures.

  18. these are such awesome images. Happy anniversary sweetheart! Enjoy your day and this wonderful cool weather we are having this weekend. Uh one question though....what happened to Fall??? :-) Big hugs to you, Mitzi

  19. Wishing you both a happy anniversary!

    These shots are just fabulous.

  20. Unusual nature photos Gail. Very natural though - Dave

  21. Brilliant shots and entertaining commentary as always Gail. Enjoy your celebrations but make sure there's no one about with a camera.

  22. They need privacy.

    No disturb, please.

  23. happy anniversary sweetie :) you made us all voyeurs of this charming couple. sorry your eyes are not so good but I think is funny when you consider yourself a bug stalker!! hope you and double d had a glorious weekend. xxo

  24. Your macro photography is still amazing.

  25. Can you be a perv if you really didn't know you were doing it at the time: ;>)!

    Lovely pictures, really.

  26. Incredible photos and the captions gave me a giggle (always a good way to start the day!!)

  27. Oh my goodness girly. These are amazing. I do hope you had a happy anniversary.


  28. kinky little buggers aren't they...snort :)

    and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY you lovebirds !!!

    {and are those what we call mud daubers {sp?} around here by any chance?}

  29. Awesome photos Gail! Only you could capture such an event and find humor in it! Happy Anniversary to you and hubby! Loved it, so darn funny!

  30. Happy Anniversary to the two of you.. even if all you did was watch wasp porn. ;) Lovely images, Gail.

  31. Man, they really get around...LOL!

  32. My Gail, you are into doing X rated photos now! LOL

    Really cool photos!


  33. çà s'appelle s'envoyer en l'air cherchez pas, je suis déjà dehors


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