Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Turning A Negative Into A Positive

Last year I discovered minimalist, or negative space photography. Inspired by a photographer on Flickr, Yannick LeFevre, I experimented with a crow grackle that landed menacingly on my fence. I received some positive feedback after posting it on Flickr, then promptly forgot about it--until today when Brian King posted his Out on a Limb shot. Hello, again! Thanks, Brian for the reminder. Sometimes I'm so intent on filling my frame with the subject that I forget how peaceful and soothing negative space can be. This is one way to actually turn a negative into a positive! DPS has some wonderful articles on this style. Have any of you tried it? What are your thoughts? And hey, if you think it's boring, that's okay, too! 


  1. Fantastic shot Gail. Really superb composition; I just love it. How could you possibly forget about this one? :)

  2. I've taken some with negative space but not in awhile. Your photos make me want to try again! I think your textures really add a more artistic touch. Beautiful!

  3. Hi..great bird pic. Thanks for coming by. Please come see me, too. Loving the textures created.

  4. I like it. Nice to have something different.

  5. something happened to your blog background today.

    and that's a grackle, not a crow :)

    but i like it a LOT!!!

  6. I love negative space, and you do it so well!

  7. These are great, negative space really adds to the shots.

  8. What great shots of the grackle. We have a lot of them here. It's funny, I was just talking with another blogger about trying to work with more negative space. Going to click on over to those articles. Thanks!!!

  9. I have no idea how you would do this! You're so talented!

  10. I like it!

    As a graphic designer, we learned all about negative space and how to use it. I never thought to use in my photos. I'll have to give it a try.

    Thanks for sharing. Those are really cool pics!

  11. I love the pose in the first shot.

  12. I'm not sure I'd have thought to shoot a photo like this, but it works. Somehow, the negative space adds a little drama to the image.

  13. love it love it!

    i lurrrve textures and worn looking things. i love simplicity too and i'm starting to go that direction with my photos too.

    love it. miss you!

  14. I simply cannot get over the menacing look of a grackle! Your negative-space images are fabulous, and that texture is perfect. These are wonderful photos, Gail.

  15. I love me some negative space...I don't do it very often, but I find it most appealing. Yours is terrific and I find it interesting that I posted this on flickr today. Boy we must really be on the same wave-length.

  16. first i loved your negative space photos. love the grackle, it looks like a raven to me. second i visited Shadowhouse Creations, loved it too.

    negative space is a new concept for me. i like the concept. less is more. allow the space to speak, or be silent.

    photography is new to me. i have always love to record life, my kids, and grandchildren. traveling has opened a new door, and free photo editing is a dream come true.

    i'm wishing for photoshop or another good program for my birthday. i'm researching software programs now.

    thank you for all the wonder sharing! 104 here today, eek.

  17. first i loved your negative space photos. love the grackle, it looks like a raven to me. second i visited Shadowhouse Creations, loved it too.

    negative space is a new concept for me. i like the concept. less is more. allow the space to speak, or be silent.

    photography is new to me. i have always love to record life, my kids, and grandchildren. traveling has opened a new door, and free photo editing is a dream come true.

    i'm wishing for photoshop or another good program for my birthday. i'm researching software programs now.

    thank you for all the wonder sharing! 104 here today, eek.

  18. Loved the shots! My first visit to your blog and I found it to be quite interesting.
    Wish you a wonderful week:)
    My Yatra Diary...

  19. We are pre-coccupied with experiments everyday.

  20. These are great Gail. The first is particularly eye-catching due to the crow's stance. Love the way you have edited these. I haven't looked into negative space photography but think I'll experiment, it can be very effective.

  21. Excellent shots! The bird's posture in the first photo is so strange, it really makes for an interesting photo. And great use of texture also!

  22. Hi Gail, I love negative space and I love these shots. Really wonderful!

    I'm not the greatest with negative space. I have to work at it. But I think it's very effective when done well, as in your shots here.


  23. Your photos are fantastic, Gail! I love the crouching pose! Nice texture, too! Great job with the negative space. Thank you so much for the kind mention and link! Not necessary at all, but I appreciate it!

  24. It's good at times to see the subject in its environment. I like these Gail.

  25. Hi there - very nice picture. Just as I hoped, not all the bird images on the new WBW have to look like shots from field guides.

    I like these pictures very much.

    Stewart M - Australia

  26. Both are excellent! You chose the perfect texture. I just love them! I guess I focus on filling my frame too. DPS is a great source of information and inspiration.

  27. Not boring at all. I love it..


  28. I love it! I'd never given negative space much thought before now.

  29. That is outstanding, I do like all that space. It does go aganist how I have een raised that all spaces need stuff. But over the years I have learned, not so.

    Your crow photo is perfect and should be framed.

  30. I think the negative space speaks volumes, especially with the texturing! Very nice!

  31. Yep, we were both definitely on the same wavelength yesterday. Too funny!

  32. i'm a negative space LOVER and i love these shots !

  33. Oh My Goodness girl....I love your work!! If I lived closer to you, I'd hire you to teach me your techniques!!
    Beautiful pictures...I'd buy these in a new york second! (if I could afford em')

  34. Oh, what lovely shots. The space is soothing while leading the eye to the subject. Sometimes less really is more.

  35. What interesting compositions, well done they are great.

  36. Ok, now, this is the 1st i'm seeing of it & i really like it... esp w/ the texture, it's great =)

  37. I believe I tend to go the other way -- and use negative space too much. *sigh* Love this shot though and Brian is such a fantastic photographer and sharing blogger.


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