Friday, July 13, 2012

More macro fun

Still loving the Raynox macro lens; however, it does require a bit of patience. Okay, a LOT of patience. I get as close to the subject as possible and manually focus. When the focal point I've chosen turns red and beeps, I hold my breath and snap. I gave myself a headache holding my breath so much. And my legs ache from crouching in different, awkward positions. It does take a little extra work, but I'm very satisfied with the results.

Wishing everyone a beautiful weekend. And remember kids: Fear is a darkroom where negatives develop. ~Usman B. Asif

Linking up with Your Sunday Best.


  1. Great work Gail, each one os wonderful. Yes, it does require some patience etc but I guess that's half the challenge and satisfaction.

  2. Beautiful Gail!! I'm envious --- I shake, so I could never take macro!! I bet you do hurt getting in all those different positions! Hope you ate that strawberry when you finished!!

  3. These are oh so wonderful, Gail. That third one reminds me of the pad on a dog's foot. A very pretty pad, I might add. :)

  4. these are AWESOME! thank you for taking one (or two) for the team to get these to share with us!

  5. You're getting along really well with that new lens. These are beautiful!

  6. Incredible macros! I'm so glad you're still having so much fun with photography.

  7. Wow, you should be very satisfied with your results!! And I love that quote!!

  8. Oh I know that breath-holding headache well. It's so worth it though.. your photos are phenomenal.

  9. Yes, but think of the pleasure you are giving our eyes with all your hard work. That has to make it all worth while. We appreciate your pain and applauded you for keeping at it. I know your pain, I feel it too, breathe in, breathe out then hold breath.... dizzy ??? then you are trying to hold still all the while your head is swimming and you start to see stars circling but you have to capture the shot. Just know we see your dedication to your craft and it does not go un-noticed.

    These are outstanding photos, I want to lick the screen, that strawberry is so inviting.

  10. Awesome photos! I'm very impressed with that! Do you have a tripod you could use? They're a huge benefit in macro photography. You wouldn't feel like you were working so much.

  11. these are beautiful macros. I really struggle with holding my camera still whilst manually focusing and trying to take that macro shot. I read somewhere you must gently rock your body to and fro as well until you get the exact right spot!

  12. Beautiful work!!! It is both a joy and challenge to learn the most about our cameras. I have begun carrying a little stool with me so I can sit and take those macro shots..well..most of the time. They can take a lot out of your legs and back ;)

  13. beautiful beautiful beautiful
    I laughed about holding your breath so much and all the crouching
    photography ain't for sissies :)

  14. WOW! Just beautiful; I think you're doing a wonderful job with that new lens.

  15. Amazing macros Gail. Glad you are enjoying your Raynox. xo

  16. I know I posted earlier but had to come back for more. Who needs coffee in the morning to jump-start the ole ticker. Just come here and have a feast for the eyes and heart.


  17. Those are beautiful. My macro lens is my absolute favorite. And I know what you mean. It is a lot of work crouching, squatting, tensing. I should use the tripod and remote shutter but I'm impatient to that too.

  18. Hi Gail,

    Love these shots especially the strawberry. I have to give up the notion though, that if I get the right lens I will be able to do what you and others can do. Ha! It is really the person behind the camera rather than the equipment.


  19. I have gone through all these too.

  20. stunning! all of them :)

  21. I love your new Raynox macro lens too. Dream photos up close and personal works of art.

  22. I love your new Raynox macro lens too. Dream photos up close and personal works of art.

  23. OH WOW! I love the detail of the strawberry and the last photo..the colors and composition just strike me!

  24. Great shots Gail! I ordered the lens! Should be interesting!

  25. Glad to see your rocking the Raynox! Have a great weekend.

  26. I am just so amazed! Nearly speechless and that never happens.

  27. Satisfied? You ain't lyin!!! Absolutely wonderful results!!! =)

    never heard that quote before, but i love it... so true

  28. Just gorgeous! Really sharp focus too. A macro lens is much harder to use.

  29. Wonderful macro shots indeed..


  30. "Satisfied"?
    These are stunning!
    Each one!

  31. Holy bananas or strawberries...these are fantastic. you seem to have conquered the fine operation of your new lens. And I can appreciate your body struggles, sometimes I really feel old when I'm climbing back UP.

  32. Thanks for sharing at YSB this week sweetie! xo

  33. Amazing closeups! Love what that lens can do for your photos. Sorry that you have to get into all those weird positions though, but the work is terrific! I like your fear quote. I'll remember that one!

  34. AMAZING macros...I bet you were glad you held your breath when you got to see how they turned out!!! I would be thrilled to pieces...especially over that last one!

    Can I shamelessly ask for more???

  35. Those Macros are great. Love the first strawberry. Super.

  36. Oh I feel my age when I'm doing macro work like that - I get sore too - it's exhausting sometimes and sometimes I get pins and needles in my leg as I've been so still for so long. Your clip on has done a great job - you're just the 3rd blogger I know to use this. I especially like the hibiscus one - great detail too with your choice of DOF.

  37. Wow! the detail in that strawberry is amazing!

  38. Well all that leg pain and holding of the breath was worth it....your blow by blow account of how you get these fabulous shots made me I was just telling DH that the other day,,,cause he was laughing at me cause I had stooooped down and got stuck!!!It is all for the love of art,,,,right?? No pain no gain..oooh I mean MACRO!!


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