Saturday, May 26, 2012

Rose colored glory

Roseate spoonbills are so fascinating to me. Maybe it's the beautiful shades of pink contrasted with that enormous bill and face only a mother could love. Perhaps it's because they're so animated! They posed, got frisky, sang, played billsies (equivalent to footsies), and even mooned us!

Double D and I pretty much overdosed on birds at Avery Island today. I have so much more, but I don't want to overload you! Some of these (not all) are better viewed large if you have time.

Hope everyone is enjoying the long holiday weekend! We're very grateful for the service of our military and the sacrifices they make every day.

Linking up with Your Sunday Best.


  1. Found your blog by chance. These birds are superb! I have never seen birds like them before. When we were in New Orleans about 3 weeks ago we went to City Park with my grandson and saw a lovely bird in the pond there – but I don’t know its name (I’ll do a post about the park in the future.) You have some pretty pictures in your blog.

  2. When I was in Galveston we kept our eyes out for these birds but was not lucky enough to find any. These are such interesting birds, their colors are gorgeous, their bills are odd, but their faces are even odder. Great captures, loved all!!

  3. Beautiful colours, love those shades of pink. What an interesting bird. Wonderful images!
    Enjoy your long weekend Gail!

  4. Someday, I'm going to travel to your neck of the woods just so I can see all these wonderful (and sometimes strange!) creatures myself!!

  5. Oh my gosh, the red eyes are evil looking - watch out for pink moons!
    Thank you Thank you Thank you for this laugh out loud fun today... I seriously needed it!!!

    Gorgeous shots of these stunning birds! =)

  6. Are they telling jokes, quarreling, singing, or talking.

    Shhhh... don't interrupt them.

  7. What cool birds! They look like they're having a grand time together.

  8. Oh. My. Goodness.

    Spectacular photo art. These photos are truly amazing, You have captured the personality of Spoonbills.

    Thank you a million times for sharing.

    Do you have a book published? If not, you should.

    Good job girl, good job.

  9. Wow wow wow - such gorgeous rosy creatures!

  10. Oh heavens I have never seen a bird like this!! What a beauty and that color and how you captured them..super shots! I think I "need" to paint this bird:)look at those PINKS!!

  11. I have never seen a bird like this before! They are beautiful in their own way, love their colours and that amazing bill...WOW! AWESOME photos!!

  12. Fascinating creature! Love the playing billsie pics!
    Enjoy your weekend.

  13. Wow...the beautiful pink color really dresses up these birds. They seem to have a lot of 'character'
    Did you take these pictures at Avery Island?
    Thinking of you and praying God's will for your job interviews.

  14. These are fabulous shots. Can't wait to see more. Bring 'em on!

  15. O my Gail! These are incredible shots! Spoonbill is my favorite bird here in Florida. I know they are fidgety and can be hard to capture you have some great captures. Looks like they are laughing and having a great time as well!

  16. Nice photos of the spoonbills... beautiful detail.


  17. Oh, the babies are so sweet nestled under Mama's wings.

    Do you know why they are pink? Just curious. Is it what they eat?

    Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week. xoxo

  18. Gail,
    these birds look positively prehistoric! the bills remind me of the duck billed platypus.
    Such funny and colorful creatures you found. Great captures!

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!


  19. So pretty, yet so humorous! Loved your whimsical capture of these fascinating birds.

  20. They are totally amazing!!! Your photos capture them so wonderfully, Gail. (I've seen photos of spoonbills, but I've never seen pink and orange ones!)

  21. they are a bit ugly, yet beautiful. i think those beaks must get in the way sometimes, no?....
    they look awkward to be hanging off of their faces :)

  22. Wow, incredible group of photos! I don't think I've ever seen a spoonbill... very cool!

  23. What truly fabulous photographs! Browsing your blog is like being in a candy store--except that it's calorie free! :)

    I don't recall seeing spoonbills before. Your photos captured them beautifully.

    Really delighted that I found your blog.


  24. How fun to get to sit and watch these two.. Great shots..


  25. I'm so glad you finally got your shots!! These are fantastic!

  26. thsi is a gorgeous bird eve nif you say, only a mother can love them. :) I saw them in CostaRica but only from far away. Your shots are amazing. :)

    My granddaughter is here if you have the time. :)

  27. I would be in bird heaven if I ever got a chance to go to Avery Island. It looks like such a fantastic place.
    I enjoyed catching up on the photos I missed. Love the assassin bug, laughing gulls, dragonflies, and lizards. mouth dropped open on the scantily clad character standing behind the pole....wowza. Lol.

  28. Amazing birds, I love your description of them.

  29. My goodness, that bill is amazing, and what a gorgeous color!

  30. They are truly the rubies in Louisiana's crown of natural beauty.

  31. Wow, Gail, that's fascinating. I've never seen such a bird. It's beautiful.

  32. The color is amazing! The babies are adorable. Great series of photos.


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