Monday, October 31, 2011

What's going on...

After reading the post title were you suddenly humming that Marvin Gaye song?

My youngest boy made 3 CDs for me last Sunday: Dr. Dog, Wolf People, and Citizen Cope. I know! Strange names, huh? Turns out I really, really like Citizen Cope. My boy knows me well. Very bluesy, soulful, and relaxing. Just what I needed. Michael is so very thoughtful and I love his sweet spirit.

It's been almost 3 weeks since boy-wonder took off for California. The frequency of phone calls, texts, and emails have increased exponentially, with the communication being mostly positive; however, he does have a cold. Despite his illness and no place to really call home he sounds happier than ever.

Last Thursday Double D and I celebrated 21 years of marriage. It was nice to receive texts and emails from most of our kids as well as my daughter's two friends. I can honestly say I love Double D more than ever and I'm so glad that God put us together.

My daughter texted this photo of severed fingers that she baked for a Halloween party on Saturday. My girl is so talented with such a fun spirit! Her visit in December can't get here fast enough. I will not even think about how fleeting those 3 days will be...

Yesterday Jay, texted me these photos. I had been begging the kids to go to the Japanese Gardens in Portland to get me a photo of this Japanese Maple ever since I saw a photo of it on 500px. My mouth dropped open in amazement. It takes my breath away. Don't you agree?

Although I can't compete with Jay's photos, here are the pics I took on Saturday. The rose garden was beckoning me again. It's so relaxing out there with the delicate scent of roses wafting over me and birds happily chirping. It's my non-medicated approach to dealing with stress. I highly recommend communing with nature on some level.

I am leaving for Baton Rouge tomorrow morning. My mother wants us to have quality "girl time" together, getting our nails done and shopping. No doctor visits or unpleasant appointments. Yay! Oh, and my parents--who have had a frosty relationship since their divorce over 40 years ago--are now on friendly terms. It's a long story, but suffice it to say that although my worlds collided a la George Costanza, it also has its advantages. One of them will be eating lunch together on Thursday like a real family. And BOTH of my parents are looking forward to it. I'm standing in the middle of it all going, "What the heck just happened?!"  LOL  I'm joking. But it is a little weird. Good-weird, I guess. :)


  1. Your close up photos of the various insects and critters always amaze me. You are able to achieve such crisp images with great bokah!

    That Japanese Maple is STUNNING! OH MY!! I would love to see that in person!

    Sounds like your family is in a good place right now. Enjoy!!

  2. All photos are spectacular, the Japanese Maple does take my breath away.

    Happy Belated Anniversary.

  3. Yes, that tree took my breath away! Glorious! But your photos are gorgeous, too! I'm so happy that your son is happy in California - I'll say a prayer his cold gets better! How thoughtful of your youngest son to make you those CDs and I can only imagine how excited you are for your daughter's visit and lunch with your parents! Now that just proves that life is full of surprises, right? Have fun!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've never heard of those bands, but as soon as I saw 'bluesy', I looked them up on my playlist site & I'm listening to 'Hurricane Waters' now by Citizen Cope... I like it! Have you heard of Marc Broussard? I really like him, he's bluesy, too.

    That tree is really awesome... My eyes got quarter sized when I scrolled down & saw it... those JapMaps are sooo beautiful!!! =)

    And your Sat pics are beautiful, too... very very crisp & clear!!! =)

  6. I thought of the 4 Non-Blonde's song, 'What's goin' on' from the title! =)

    Gail: You crack me up, your photography is beautiful... always very crisp & clear! Remember: Ain't nuttin to it but to do it!!! =)

  7. Happy Anniversary!

    And wow - that tree, those photos - just stunning. Breathtaking. Magical.

  8. Your rose pictures are spectacular.

  9. Hi Gail,

    Thank you for not giving up on my blog. I took a break...

    Love is a great thing and I'm so happy that you treasure your love for your husband.

    The photos are beautiful, as usual. I love the photos of the Oak Trees.

    As for your parents... you just never know, do you? I had to laugh about that, but felt sad for you at the same time. Divorce is never good for a family.

    Have a wonderful time with your mother. Treasure these moments...

    Love to you,

  10. Your roses are still that beautiful?? Glorious. (I'm texting MY kids to tell them about that maple in the Japanese garden!)

  11. Who says you can't compete with your photos, Gail? There are so fantastic! And such a wonderful post, not only to see and read but also for my ears... ;-) I haven't heard of those 3 bands but found them on iTunes easy enough :-) Thanks so much for sharing all those wonderful things. Have a great time in Baton Rouge! And bring photos :-)

  12. such beautfiful images, I love the first two best, that tree is amazing, you caught it really well :)

  13. Maybe weird yet definitely wonderful! LOVE Jay's photos of the Japanese Maple! Your first Rose garden photo is stunning too!

  14. That trees is just glorious! ...and I love that macro of the rose! Great job!!

  15. The maple tree is in all its glorious fall splendor, but your rose garden photos are truly wonderful too, Gail. Happy Anniversary!

    Secondly, it is so good to hear that your son is doing well. I know what a wonderful relief that must be.

    This maple is like nothing I have ever seen! absolutely gorgeous!! It would be interesting to know how old it is. I am guessing VERY old.

    Thank you so much for sharing these today at The Creative Exchange.

    Have a safe trip and a wonderful time in Baton Rouge!


  17. Gail,
    I am so happy for you. You deserve some of these good times. JB sounds like he is doing well.
    Your pictures are wonderful and I am so glad that you will get some girl time with your mom.


  18. Glorious photos, Gail -- from the both of you. :)

    Happy Anniversary and I'm so glad your parents are getting along. It must be nice after so many years.

    Happy Halloween!!

  19. Hi Gail. Enjoy your time with your ma and have a wonderful lunch with both your parents, even if it's a little weird ;-) So the youngest if off to California, that must have been hard. But exciting to see what the Lord will do in his life I'm sure. Take care...

  20. Wonderful turn of events with your parents! Family members making peace is a dream so many of us have. I'm so happy for you that you're getting to see this.

    I agree about getting out doors to lift the spirits- and you are an inspiration in that area.

    But I have to say I wanted to laugh out loud when I saw the severed fingers at the top of your post. Not the usual Louisiana Belle image, huh?

  21. Happy Anniversary to you and the mister! I'm glad to hear you son is doing well too.

    Wow! That tree is so amazing. What a beauty. Ohhh, all your flowers too. I so wish I lived somewhere warmer.

  22. You are right I am still humming that tune. Whats going on.. Hee Hee.. What a beautiful tree.. The colors of those leafs are amazing.. but all your shots here look wonderful..

    Happy Anniversary.. And I do hope you have fun with your parents and it's not to weird!!

    Hugs, Linda

  23. Sounds busy busy! But good busy :) The CDs are such a thoughtful gift. And your photos are wonderful. Have a great trip! XOLaura

  24. Great bokeh you captured in the flower images!
    Those fingers look sooooo real!

  25. Happy Anniversary:) and good luck with the parents. I'm going to spend with my parents a whole week in Spain (after two weeks from now) and I haven't been with them like that about in 20years....little scared, me and my mom together the whole week:)
    Anyway that maple tree is GORGEOUS and it seems to be still summer if roses are that beautiful, I'm so envy for those. Everything is about dead here:)

  26. Incredible images. The gorry fingers are amazing! Wouldn't want to take a bite! And that tree! Love yours as usual Gail!

    Happy Anniversary and have a fun time w/family in Baton Rouge!

  27. It sounds like there's a lot of good in your world right now and I'm happy for you. You're blessed in many ways.

  28. OH WOW!!! my gosh what a beautiful tree!!!! Unbelievable!

    Happy Anniversary!

    So glad to be back! ;-)

  29. Absolutely gorgeous post Gail and congrats on so many levels. Love the tree! Enjoy your journey!

  30. The pictures are absolutely amazing..GREAT JOB! Glad to hear that boy wonder is doing ok...Have been keeping you all in my prayers!
    Hope your trip is filled with fun! Too bad that I live to far off of the interstate to be able to wave at you when you pass by.
    Congrats on your anniversary!
    Be safe and enjoy this quality time!

  31. First of all, congratulations to you and your husband!! Secondly, tell your daughter those fingers are so realistic looking, fantastic job she did on them!

    Hope you have a wonderful time with your Mom and Dad!

    Hugs, Nadine
    P.S. I think you need to post some pics of Izzie and Sparky!

  32. I have changed back to my old blog template. Stop by, I think you will like it, easy to comment. ;-)

  33. Nice post! I love the bee pic and the second skipper. Those eyes! I'm going to post my Japanese garden pics tonight... that maple is something to behold, that's for sure. I wish you could be here to see it in person!

  34. aw lovely photos! that tree is amazing. my fav part is the twisty branches.

    so glad to hear that about your family. will be nice to have a cordial lunch together :)

  35. Wonderful blog post. I know what you mean about "fleeting 3 days". They grow up so fast and we miss them so much when they're gone. My family is all under one roof this weekend. Though at the moment no one is home but DH and I. Still, knowing they'll be coming in the door sometime soon is a comfort.

    And the maple tree in Portland is fabulous. I've admired that pic on 500px too. Love, love it.

  36. Hi my friend, back from my travels and trying to catch up with all my favourite bloggers. What lovely photos to welcome me back to your blog this afternoon, thankyou.

  37. Jay's pics are stunning (as yours always are). I've never seen anything like that. Wow! Hope you and your mom had some good girl time.


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