Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I wish I could say I've been UNDERwhelmed the last seven days, but unfortunately I was definitely in the OVER category.

I will probably never get caught up at Flickr or my favorite blogs, so I wanted to report for duty here and try to give a brief explanation for my absence. Sparing you all the gory details, my eldest needed every ounce of my attention for the last several days. During that time I discovered some things:

  • I learned that my ex-husband and I can quickly come together for our children, comfort each other, and even exchange hugs.
  • I'm a lot stronger than I think I am. 
  • When my child is in danger I will go without food or sleep.
  • The medical staff at our local hospital is awesome.
  • My entire family is pretty awesome, too.
  • My memory improves significantly when my child's life is at stake.
  • Love has no limits.
Last night as things were winding down to a somewhat sustainable level I turned on the TV for the first time in days and saw a preview on the local news about an egret habitat that had taken over a quiet street about 2.5 miles from my house. Now, I NEVER watch the local news, but this had my undivided attention. After seeing the sheer quantity of egrets, I decided to ignore my exhaustion, grabbed my camera, and headed out the door. 

When I got there I was amazed at the egret poop covering everything! It was as though the street, sidewalks, and mailboxes had been white-washed with paint. The noise and activity coming from the treetops was unbelievable. These birds are Federally protected, so the residents cannot do anything to get rid of them. And it appears they will be there until September.

Apprehensively, I emerged from my car and decided it was worth getting pooped on if I could get a good photo. A sweet lady that owns one of the homes stood outside chatting with another gentleman, both of them looking up and pointing. I asked permission to take pictures and when she saw the size of my 400mm lens, she eagerly agreed and asked if I would email her some photos. We emailed a couple of times already and she said I could come by anytime and take pictures--I just can't blame her if I get pooped on! I said, "DEAL!" lol

Cattle Egrets are my favorite, but I have never been able to get a good shot of one. I couldn't help feeling that this was another one of God's little presents to give me hope for brighter days ahead.


  1. What beautiful photos and such a sweet gift from him, just as your words and photos are such a gift to us. Thank you! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. Hope all is much better for you and your family this week. Your lens is to die for! Exquisite shots!

  3. These are just splendid photographs. I really like them.

  4. These are gorgeous photographs Gail, and how brave you were to capture them!! :-)

    More importantly, I hope all is going to be fine for your son. Truly, there is nothing scarier in life than to have a sick or injured child.

    Do take care of YOU also!

    Sending you hugs!

  5. Gail,
    God is good. He must have rewarded you with the photo op after your trials. I hope all is well. Our children can be so worrying at times.
    I will pray for you and your family. I have never seen an egret like this and they are beautiful creatures aren't they? You did a fabulous job, Bird Lady!

  6. Gail - just stopping back to say thank you so much for sharing these today at The Creative Exchange.
    Thank you also for your very kind words.

  7. Yep! Worth the poop chances! Hope all is on the mend.

  8. Well, catching up on Flickr and blogs is way down the list of importances when people need your attention. I hope your son is fully fine and that you can take a deep breath. Well done for how you obviously kept your head through the crisis.

    As for your egret shots, amazing!! You are a dedicated photographer when even poop doesn't deter you. :) – g

  9. Gorgeous photos once again!!

    Hope everything is well today :)

  10. Don't you just love those surprises from God just when you need them! The images are wonderful! I pray that this week will be calmer for everyone and that your son is on his way to better health.

  11. What a great photo op and the pics turned out beautiful!! Hope all returns to normal soon.

  12. Wow! Those egrets are stunning! Great pictures. I'm glad things are starting to look up!

  13. That is really beautiful bird and understand why you were so ivrig that even poop didn't stopped you:)
    I'm so sorry about your boy, I hope he will get better what ever is his condition.
    Here comes the warm and supporting virtual hug, can you feel it.

  14. Sorry I wrote swedish word ivrig I meant exited....too many languages to handle :)

  15. Absolutely wonderful photos! What beautiful birds - it must be quite an experience to see a whole colony move in like that. I sincerely hope all is better for your son.

  16. Gail, I hope everything is okay now with your son, I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    Egrets, never seen them before. They are certainly beautiful, but are they worth all that poop? LOL!

    Hugs, Nadine

  17. Gail~it sounds like you've been weathering quite the storm! Hang in there, your photos show a rainbow after the rain!!

  18. Fabulous photos. Hugs to you and your family. And there are not enough hours in the day to keep up with the internet which never sleeps. :)

  19. for some reason, i didn't clue in to the fact that you were from Dallas area. but when i read this post, i knew it must have been the same news item i saw a day or two ago. YUCK is all i can say. i do feel sorry for that neighborhood! cannot imagine the mess and smell as the days get hotter and steamier... poor things!

    your shots are wonderful, tho!

  20. and i do hope all is well with your family!

  21. Gail thanks so much for sharing...I was in awe that we both posted blogs on June 1st that had to do with parenting, now I see why what I wrote spoke to you. I pray that God continues to sustain you and your family as you continue to walk the path that you are on, knowing that He who knows our kids better than we do is right there beside you.

    What a blessing to have those egrets so close by, apart from all the bird poop of course :-) Gorgeous images. I actually thought of you when I posted all my geese shots...knowing how much you love birds.
    Take care.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Gail, my thoughts and prayers are with you! I truly hope all turns out well for your son. Your photos are truly beautiful as you continue to be an inspiration! A great big hug for you and your family!

  24. What absolutely beautiful photos of the egrets. I have them come occassionally to visit my pond...unfortunately they like to eat the goldfish. It sounds as if you have been through a very difficult experience with your son, I hope that everything is okay now. Have a nice day.

  25. Oh my! I hope you can move to the UNDER category and life returns to a pleasant normal soon!

    And wow - those shots are amazing!!!

  26. WOW....what a gorgeous bird {and amazing photos} and the fact that you have many to shoot, all summer long from your new friends yard....i'm so jealous !!

    bird poop isn't so bad, unless it's in your hair. then it's really gross !!!

  27. Hi Gail! Just discovered your lovely blog and am your newest follower. Hope everything improves with your son. Will keep ya'll in my prayers.

  28. Beautiful photos. Lovely birds. I hope your son is much better and that you and your family are "all the better" for going through a trial such as that. Take care.

  29. Beautiful shots. It must have been such a thrill to capture them!

    Sounds like you've been through a lot lately. I hope all is well. (((Hugs and prayers)))

  30. They are beautiful... don't think we have these birds here in Texas.

    I'd get pooped on too, to get a photograph of these birds. The second one is my favorite.

    You are so talented!

  31. The birds are indeed beautiful but the bird poop is not. Enjoy the birds without the droppings with Bird-Deter. It may be found at

    Best Regards,



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