Saturday, May 21, 2011

Slideshow and Project 52

In my spare time I have been working on a slideshow of my trip. I have published and unpublished it so many times that I've lost count. Either the flow wasn't right, or a picture didn't pan correctly, or I'd decide to change the music. On the last viewing I discovered I had typed "Oak Bottom" instead of "Oaks" Bottom in the description. I'm not a total perfectionist, but accuracy is fairly high on my list of priorities. The other thing I'm not happy about (but I refuse to change), is that I used the resized images with watermarks. I like using the Ken Burns effect (pannning and zooming of images), but if you have a watermark, it will get cut off unless you adjust each frame. Who has the time?! Using smaller images means that if you view it on full screen it's going to lose a lot of clarity. The next time I do a slideshow I will save a copy specifically for that purpose before resizing and slapping on my watermark. Live and learn. :/

There are so many more photos, but they must wait until I have more time to work on them. If you have 3 minutes and 41 seconds, I'd be honored if you'd watch my slideshow. Music is Brahms: Serenade #1 in D, Op. 11.

Here is my submission for this week's Focus 52 and Photo Feature Friday.


  1. Hi Gail, your slide show is fantastic! Well done. So many beautiful photos!

    I do know how much work it is to put one together. The Ken Burns effect is neat but hard to control. Anyway, you did a great job. Thanks for sharing. – g

  2. I've seen a number of the photos on Flickr but put together as a slide show gives them amazing impact. Lovely co ours and I'm always amazed by your wonderful bird photos!

  3. Wonderful job Gail! It's a honor to know such a talented photographer!

  4. That was great and someday I would love to do that too. What program you used with the slideshow, I have never done slideshow to the net. I think is very good way to show zillion pictures at one time. Wonderful job

  5. I love the DOF on your little cherubim.

  6. What beautiful photos Gail!
    I look forward to seeing more!

    Enjoyed visiting and am a new follower-

    White Spray Paint

  7. Your slide show is wonderful Gail! You have so many beautiful photos. Thanks so much for sharing your post at Photo Feature Friday this week :)


  8. Great slideshow! I can't wait to see even more photos! And your shot of the tanager came out GREAT. :)

  9. What a lovely slide show, I know that this was a great deal of work to put together and it was definately worth it. It's so pretty, you did an amazing job.

  10. You did pack a lot into your visit! The video was full of beautiful captures and colors. Great job!

  11. A very relaxing and beautiful three minutes and 41 seconds, thankyou Gail.

  12. Thank you so much for putting this together so we could tag along (in a way:) Beautiful!

  13. Gail this is the best three minutes and forty one seconds I have spent in a long time! Wow, you are incredibly talented. Thanks for putting them together for us. I know how much work it can be. MORE, MORE, MORE!

  14. I thoroughly enjoyed that!
    So many excellent shots. That heron in flight! Those duckies!
    and was that your backside in action? LOL! LOVE IT!

    Your little cherub is just perfect with that texture work. Beautiful.

  15. Gail,
    that is absolutely stunning! I have so many favorites here! You will have to give us a tutorial on how to make a slide show. Thanks for an awesome 3 + minutes!

  16. Fantastic! I love all the flowers "around your neighborhood", WoW! =)
    Those slideshows are tedious work, so I know what you're talking about... it was beautiful, though!!! =)
    The texture on the angel image is PERFECT!!! I love it!!! =)

  17. Great work displayed here. A real joy to look at!

  18. Perfect choice of music for your slide show, Gail! I'm truly impressed by your accomplishment....but I might be even MORE impressed by those photographs. You are good!

    Isn't Portland and the surrounding area a beautiful place this time of year???

  19. Hi Gail, beautiful video. Love all the image, well put together. And what a great way to share your images from your trip.
    Enjoy your day!

  20. What a fantastic slide show, Gail! Wonderful choice of music - gorgeous!

  21. Good job on the slide show.

  22. That was just the relaxing break from a hectic day that I needed. How beautiful! The Pacific NW is so different from Texas, you must have been snapping photos nonstop. I loved your choice in music too. Was that your daughter or you down on the ground trying to get the shot? Either way, that's how I imagine you: squatting, crawling, standing on tip toe, whatever it takes to get the shot.

  23. Slideshows are not easy to put together, but you have done beautifully with this one Gail!

    Thank you for sharing this!!

  24. AMAZING! Gail, your pictures need to be in print!

  25. Oh, Gail, love the little statue pic. So sweet.

  26. Love the narrow depth of field. Beautiful!

  27. This slideshow is amazing. I wish that I had your talent Gail :)

  28. I really enjoyed the slide show, Gail. Such lovely images! You're a very skilled photographer!


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