Monday, May 2, 2011

Mother lode

1. Mining. a rich or important lode.
2. a major or profitable source or supply:
New York City is a mother lode of actors;
the Dixon backyard is a mother lode of birds.

Tee hee. See what I did up there? The Dixon backyard has become quite the bird haven of late. We had our first unusual visitor over a week ago: a Baltimore Oriole. Oh, man, was he purty! But my camera battery was charging and there was no memory card in the camera. By the time I got everything in place, he flew away, never to return. That's okay, because today we saw our first Indigo Bunting (see below). Seems like every week we see a new visitor of some sort.  :)
This is not a textured background--that is rain falling!
Meet Marilyn. Yes, I know this is a male brown-headed cowbird, but doesn't this remind you of that famous shot of Marilyn Monroe standing over the air vent in The Seven Year Itch? It doesn't? Perhaps I need to take a break from photography. :/
House sparrow, female. Used Kim Klassen's Warm Sun texture.
The male house finches lately are such a vibrant red. He's little, but he sure stands out in a crowd. Used the 'Love' texture by Kim Klassen. 
Aaaannnnd..........we have a new visitor! The Indigo Bunting! Isn't his coloring brilliant? My husband was vacuuming the kitchen and hollered for me to come see what was feeding on the ground. He is a little bitty thing! I said, "How'd you even see that?!" Hubby said he noticed the bright blue moving around on the ground. He finally perched on our tree so I could get a halfway decent shot. I hope he comes back because I know I can do better.


  1. Wow! Your yard is a nature preserve! Seems like all we have at this house are Grackles (really just black birds.) But I probably haven't taken the time to notice like you do.

    I LOVE Marilynn!

  2. These are wonderful Gail! Love Marilyn!
    By the way, that hubby is a definite "keeper." He spots birds AND vacuums???? Love it!

  3. They're all wonderful, Gail. Totally dislike the cow bird--their chirps drive me mad because I know they're calling their friends to run off the cardinals and pillage my feeder. But such a sweet comparison to Marilyn. Have a great week.

  4. Wow, these are so amazing, Gail! Fantastic shots!

  5. Lucky!! This truly is bird treasure! I love Marilyn - yes I can see it! And that Indigo Bunting - gorgeous!

  6. Gail, I see that you are truly in your element and that you are having such a good time. These are lovely. Marilyn is too funny. LOL I love that blue brilliant.

  7. GORGEOUS shots!! Isn't it amazing what vibrant colors are found in creation?!

  8. Yes, I see Marilyn!! How do you attract all these birds?

  9. Love all your bird images...what a blessing to have so many of these guys visit your backyard.

    Enjoy your day!

  10. You have an excellent eye for capturing birds... they're all so gorgeous & clear!!!
    I took a dove's pic this morning & it's nothing at all like your pics... WoWoWeee! =)

  11. I don't think you have older post comments monitored, but I left a comment on your post dated Friday Oct 29th 2010... it's beautiful!!! =)

  12. What a collection!
    Such colourful birds in your yard. That bright blue is amazing.

  13. Omigosh....what a variety of birds! The colors are so wonderful, too. I would LOVE to see an Indigo Bunting! The image of the red-headed finch flanked by the English sparrows is so good!

  14. Word must have gotten around that your yard is a bird sanctuary! Lucky for us that you love photography. They're all lovely, but I love Marilyn!

  15. Nice variety of birds with excellent photos.

  16. Wish I was in your backyard! All great shots Gail. Beautiful.

  17. Amazing Gail, I love them all. You must go thru a great deal of bird food in a week? Marilyn, yes I can see it!

  18. The second bird looks funny standing like that:)
    You have quite exotic birds there, the blue one.

  19. I'm coming to your place, just to hang out :)
    Awesome shots! Wow, that blue!
    I came over from flickr, after seeing Marilyn, and I'm still giggling :D

  20. oh an indigo! i've never seen one in person!


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