Friday, April 29, 2011

Texture Tuesday and Photo Feature Friday

I don't know if I can keep up with all the different days of the week for photo submissions, but I'm going to give these two a try. Thank you to Betty of Artistic Expressions Photography and Charlotte of Charlotte Wilson Photography for the inspiration! You two girls keep me on my toes! :)

This is a two-for-one deal, as I'm submitting this for Kim Klassen's Texture Tuesday and A Rosy Note's Photo Feature Friday. The redbud photo was taken on 3/4 just as the blooms first started to announce spring. I used Kim Klassen's Serendipity texture and Shadowhouse Creation's Square 182 texture. You can find these wonderful artists' buttons on my sidebar and below this post.

Now, go give Kim, Tricia, and Jerry's lovely blogs a visit! Have a great weekend everyone! I'm getting my new 100-400mm lens today, so you know what I'll be doing! This morning I spied a hummingbird feeding at my flowers and the weather is absolutely gorgeous!




  1. This is beautiful! You really inspire me to learn about textures. ( I hope to take the time over the summer.)

    I like the idea of being part of a once a week photo pool, less time commitment than 365, but still with a focus. Going to check out those blogs now.

  2. I so love your red bud pic Gail. Glad you added it to A Rosy Note, as it needs to be seen!

    Can't wait to see your pics w/the new lens! NatGeo, here you come!

  3. Beautiful - just the right touch with the texture. I'm with you on all the submissions - I'm having a tough time keeping up, too. Decided to just ease up on myself!

  4. Very pretty. Mine already turned to leaves over a week ago. Spring blooms are quick to appear and leave.

  5. Very very beautiful capture & texture... it's wonderful!

    We finally have sunshiny weather, too... Fantastic day!!! =)

  6. Love the simplicity of this shot. Striking.

  7. Beautiful! Have fun with your new lens.(-:

  8. Beautiful! Love that vibrant pink and how the branch reaches into spring/the future. I agree with the commenter above, NatGeo, here you come! You're an amazing talent! Have fun with your new lens. Look forward to your hummingbird photos.

  9. This is so beautiful! I love the colours so much! Can't wait to see your photos with your new lens!!

  10. What a beautiful photo! I love your use of texture too. Lucky you getting a new lens!

    Thanks so much for sharing your pretty post at Photo Feature Friday!


  11. Simply stunning perfection Gail!
    I cannot wait to see what you do with the new lens!

  12. Love the use of the textures. I haven't figured those out yet!!

  13. Coming back to say...I am so jealous. I am saving for a good zoom lens since I love to photograph birds. Can't wait to see what you capture.

  14. Well, hello Gail! Isn't this fun...we are meeting all over the cyberspace. LOL I love your Red buds. It is one of my favorite trees. Jim chopped mine down because he didn't want squirrels jumping onto our roof and getting in the attic. That man tries my patience sometimes. :o)

  15. This is a stunning photo, maybe I should learn to edit my photos :)


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