Monday, April 11, 2011

Saturday, 4/9/11

Usually our weekends are pretty laid back and uneventful. Not this one. I'll have to break it down into two posts because the pictorial I want to share would take too long--both for me to post and for you to read.

When I was invited to attend the John F. Burke Nature Preserve Dedication Ceremony I had hoped for nice weather and great light for photos. Fortunately, God was gracious but I forgot to ask Him to tame the winds. My hair was blown to bits and it was hard to focus with my camera, but I think things turned out okay.
Trinity River
Any idea what this plant is?
Variable Dancer damselfly 

Common Whitetail Skimmer dragonfly
If anyone can help ID this tree, I'd be grateful!

Eastern Pondhawk dragonfly, male
After I had my fill of dragonflies, damselflies, trees, running into an old friend, and brambles that lacerated my leg, I was ready to move on. You'd think at my age I'd know how to dress for a hiking trail. Hubby wore his durable jeans and came out unscathed, but he was rather warm. I was nice and cool in my capris, but bleeding. Not sure who won that battle. I guess hubby did since he didn't draw blood.

We next went to Gussie Field Watterworth Park to see if the roses were in bloom. Oh, man, were they ever!
The scent of roses was intoxicating.
Keenan Cemetery is right next door. You know I can't pass up a fleur-de-lis fence even if I've already photographed it. Many times.

Different angle, different lighting. I rather liked it.

Next I will post my adventures on Sunday! Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. Love the dragonflies, but I think that last shot of the fencing is my favorite! (I would have picked bleeding over sweating, myself.)

  2. that close-up of the dragonfly is amazing! did you pay it to pose for you? ;-)

    and that rose garden...I can almost smell the luscious aroma!

  3. Oh, man, did things turn out nice! This is a feast for the eyes. Love the shot of the Trinity- and the color of the water. Also, your choice of focus on the rose photos. I never go anywhere where I would see so many roses. I can only imagine the scent. I love that last shot of the fence with one delicate little spider web across the top, so perfect.

  4. Your dragonfly photos are just AMAZING! Such clarity!
    And I love the close up of the roses. And the different lighting on the second shot of the fence. All in all, I'd say your weekend was beautifully captured through your lens!

  5. As always Gail, stunning pictures! I look forward to seeing your photos!

  6. Your knowledge of dragonfly and dasmelfly species astounds me! And you photograph them so nicely! Really nice work at the ricer.

    The rose garden is spactacular! The fleu-di-lis is alive and well in the marketing world. See them eveywhere when I shop!

  7. Beautiful photos!!! Glad I found you....

  8. The dragonfly photographs are terrific! I love what you capture with your camera. Beautiful!

  9. Bleeding was worth of these pictures:) I love everyone, macros are wonderful and all those lovely rose bushes, how beautiful. You had a quite wonderful day.

  10. Beautiful photography... everything is so crisp & clear, not to mention colorful! =)

  11. Beautiful... no other words are need. HUGS!

  12. What a wonderful selection, Gail! This looks like a perfect day (apart from the wind that is ;-) )

  13. These gorgeous photos were worth every drop of blood. I don't know what you're doing, but I'm noticing more and more that it's almost as if I can reach into the photo and touch the dragonfly, for example. And this is really fabulous. You're a pro, Gail. For sure!

    Especially love the last's so, well, home.


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