Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Baton Rouge-Day One

There is so much to tell about my trip to Baton Rouge, so I'm going to break it down into three parts. Overall it was a wonderful visit, even though punctuated with some unexpected events, both across the globe and in my mother's living room. Obviously, I'm speaking of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan which rattled us to the core when we learned of it. Our hearts were heavy that day...and still are. Later that same evening my mother became violently ill which caused me to do something I've never done before. But that will be a story for another day.

The first day I didn't take too many pictures, so I only have these to offer.
Third & Convention Streets in downtown Baton Rouge. Two days after Mardi Gras. Although most of Mardi Gras is celebrated in New Orleans, Baton Rouge and many surrounding cities all have their celebrations, too.
It was a beautiful day on our arrival. The most exciting thing about it was that my mom went with us downtown, allowing my son, Michael, to bring the wheelchair along. She NEVER goes anywhere with us anymore. The winds were rather strong and a bit chilling as we walked around, so Michael took off his hoodie, gently covering his Mimi with it. She protested, but he insisted, like the gentleman he is. I was so proud of my son at that moment.
Huey P. Long, 40th governor of Louisiana (1928-1932)
An exhibit inside the Old State Capitol building. As you enter the room, excerpts from his speeches automatically play. To hear him rant about the need to "redistribute wealth" was...interesting. I can't imagine anyone speaking those words today (out loud, anyway) and getting elected. Although a controversial figure--some claimed he was a dictator and some a messiah--he was responsible for building much of the infrastructure in Louisiana such as bridges, roads, hospitals, and schools. Long planned a run for the presidency, but was assassinated in 1935.
Picture hanging inside the Capitol.
More later in the week. Stay tuned!


  1. Good to see you back! Wonderful photos - I especially like the one of Huey Long. How sweet of your son to take care of his Mimi like that - I hope she's okay now!

  2. Oh I hope your Mom is okay.

    Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about your trip!

  3. Wonderful photos, Gail! I hope your Mom is well again!!

  4. How beautiful Gail! Hope your mom is feeling better! We are going to New Orleans in mid May and I cannot wait. We have never been! Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos! After seeing them maybe Baton Rouge could be on the itinerary! Have to get out a map! Thanks Again!

  5. What beautiful photographs Gail, and I sure hope your mom is doing okay.
    I've been to New Orleans twice, but never to Baton Rouge. It was a beautiful area with some of the most amazing food I've ever had!!

  6. I have never been to New Orleans. I can't wait to see more of it through your camera's eye.

    Hope your mom is doing better! (and doesn't it do a mom's heart proud when our boys show that they did listen?!!)

  7. Gail, I hope your Mom's okay. It's so sweet how Michael took care of his Mimi. Gosh, but your heart must have wanted to burst with pride.

  8. I guess I missed the news that your mom was not doing well. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad you could be with her.
    I love the picture of the beads in the tree. Kind of says it all about Mardi Gras, doesn't it?

  9. What an interesting story about Huey Long...I never knew.
    I hope your Mom is doing better and that you had a good visit with your son.


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