Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4, 1983, 9:47AM

At that exact moment, I delivered my third and final child. It seems like just the other day I was 27 and dreading my 30s. Why in the world did I think that was old? And don't you know he feels the same way? Sometimes he thinks so much like me it's a little freaky.
He may be a 27 year old man now, but in my mind he's still my baby boy. And always will be. Forever and ever. Amen.


  1. Yes, they will always be our baby boys. I have two myself. Happy Birthday to yours. Happy Independence Day!

  2. Wow, he was such an adorable little baby!!

    Hugs, Nadine

  3. Forever and ever, amen. How fast time flies!

    Don't you just laugh now when you think about how old you thought "30" and "40" were?


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