Saturday, May 22, 2010

She Arrived!

On Friday, May 21, my daughter and her friends made it safe and sound to their destination. Although road weary, she sounds so happy. How can I be anything but happy for her? Yet here it is the weekend and I'm feeling a little lost. Not myself. It's not like I can call her on a whim to go take photos or have a margarita. I'll miss that, but I also look forward to hearing about all the neat places she's going to discover and see all the great photos she's going to take. And it'll be a great place for us to visit as well! I'm tryin' y'all!


  1. I thought I was a follower of yours from way back but have missed your last few posts and caught up tonight. Officially a follower (again?) and get that you've been feeling vehklempt lately. It reminds me of a quote: Give them roots to keep them grounded through tough times. Give them wings to soar above everything, explore new worlds and fly farther than we ever did.

  2. I thought you were following too! Oh well, better late than never!

  3. Oops, meant to add that I love the quote. The sentiment is beautiful, but part of me wants her to remain a fledgling.

  4. I have a feeling your daughter's journey will be your closest journey together. The daughter of my hub's first cousin recently moved to Reno, Nevada. Nancy was like you when Jenifer left. But with all the phone calls, photos, and trips back and forth, they are tighter than ever, constantly planning new trips, meeting in different states. I've never seen Nancy happier.


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