Monday, February 8, 2010

The Bear

The Bear - Film by Jean-Jacques Annaud.


  1. This is wonderful. I will have to rent the film sometime. What a beautiful portrayal of the animal kingdom. I cwied. :(

  2. I had forgotten how wonderful that movie was. Always nice to know that momma bear is there to back you up in a pinch!

  3. Teresa, me too! It was hard to watch that. I didn't realize this was from an Oscar winning film! I'll have to check that out.

    Miss Fanny, I have been trying to comment on your blog posts, but blogger is not letting me. Guess I'll try later tonight. :(

  4. I could feel my heart racing, frightened for the little bear, and sat at the edge of my seat. What an amazing video. I didn't realize this was part of a larger movie until I read Teresa's comment. Anyway, I like happy endings and smiled with relief when mama bear saved the day!!!


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