Monday, August 4, 2008


The Dallas Morning News has the following posted on their web site: EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING continues through this evening, and an Air Pollution Watch Level Orange is in effect for today. Dangerously hot weather will continue today. And only slightly lower temperatures are expected on Tuesday. Rain chance are slim to none. But we are keeping a close eye on Tropical Storm Edouard in the Gulf of Mexico.

Mercy! Please help us, Edouard!

Saturday night we went out to eat with my daughter and her friend. We managed to enjoy a lovely dinner and drinks, briefly forgetting that hell was brazenly flaunting itself outside, flames licking at the restaurant doors. After an hour or so, we ventured to our cars which could seriously double as moving ovens and trekked over to their house. After playing Rockband for a couple of hours we attempted to go outside on the patio to play darts. We all assumed that by 10:30PM it would be cooler. WRONG! A few rounds of darts and we scurried back inside, cursing the scorching, relentless Texas weather. Brutal.

Our dogs are allowed no more than 15 minutes to do their thing in the backyard. Izzy is so fair-skinned we worry about her getting a sunburn. I picked her up yesterday after she had been outside for just a few minutes and she felt hot, like I had just scooped her from a baking dish. I actually said, "Izzy, I almost need a set of potholders to handle you, girl!" I began to wonder if she could literally cook out there if left for any length of time. I won't elaborate on the horrible thought processes I allowed to run rampant for several minutes. My brain gets a little carried away sometimes with tragic thoughts :/

This morning on the way to work I passed an electronic bank sign displaying a temperature of 86 degrees. That's never a good sign at 8:15 AM, and definitely doesn't help motivate me on a Monday morning.

Ugh, I'm not sure how many more summers I can endure here.

ETA: Oh, the irony. My Italian word of the day:


  1. Yesterday, my Weather widget on Google said it was 109 degrees. ONE HUNDRED and NINE degrees. And the forecast for both yesterday and today is 106 degrees. Seriously, don't you want to move? To, say, Portland? :)

  2. Good one! Oh, man, moving to Portland is sooooo tempting! Anyone living north of here has me green with envy. 109 is just hellish. Has me scared of hell, actually.


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