Monday, February 16, 2015

Spanish Town Mardi Gras

Happy Lundi Gras, peoples! We have been in full festival mode here in Southern Louisiana for a couple weeks now. Double D and I went to the 35th annual Mardi Gras parade in downtown Baton Rouge on Saturday. It was a delightful afternoon, mostly family friendly, but there were a couple of floats that made me blush. Not really, but I did "tsk tsk" at some of the costume choices and phallic float displays.

I don't know what it is that draws a person to beg for those colorful plastic beads, but my neck got so heavy with them, that a lady offered me a plastic bag to store the excess. The beads are now sitting in crystal bowls around the house.

I was going to post my Orange-crowned Warbler pics today, but figured I'd better post about the parade first. Last weekend we attended the Krewe of Mutts parade, but I had already posted photos of that last year. Without further delay, here we go!

I will be making my rounds now! Hope everyone has a great week.


  1. nice to see 'you' in your pink tutu and double d's shirt. ;)

    looks like a good time had by all (except maybe the mounted police unit having to ride the parade and put up with the jovial crowds). :)

  2. What fun! Looks like a beautiful day for a parade! Great pics!!

  3. I've been enjoying your FB posts on the festivities as well; looks like such fun.

    A few (too many) years ago we stayed near Mobile Alabama and we had the MOST fun ever going to all the parades and getting jillions of pounds of beads (I never did understand why either, but catching them gets so addictive; you just want more and more). I would love to go again someday; everyone had so much fun.

    As your daughter has maybe told you, there isn't much made of Mardi Gras at all in the Pacific Northwest and so all of this was new and wonderful to us that year; we were so glad to be there.

  4. Hi Gail,

    long time no hear, no see and no type... ;-)

    Yeah, for a few days I was able to escape from German winter and so I enjoyed summer-like temperatures at Singapore end of January.
    It's not really a celebration what you've found on my latest post; more or less I posted just a few daily street scenes from Chinatown at Singapore. Obviously it always looks like a celebration on the streets of Chinatown. For me it was a welcome change in daily business routine!
    Interesting to read you have a "Spanish town" in Southern Louisiana. There's nothing like a Spanish town all over Europe... ;-)
    Currently we have carnival / Fasching (= Madi Gras)all over Germanny as well. Just our February weather is a bit different from yours in Louisiana.

  5. Ha.. I saw the Double D's. I always heard you're suppose to flash 'em to acquire the beads. ;)

    Great pics. Most of which were unaware of the camera. That makes for the best shots.

  6. Pink is the color this year! This looks like such fun.

  7. Looks like a blast! And what perfect weather you had for it. I bet the Baton Rouge festivities are much more manageable than New Orleans. I would love to go to Mardi Gras in LA someday! Love the beer sunglasses and the fab masks.

  8. This looks like so much fun to me! I am a bit envious! Enjoy!!!!!!

  9. One of these day!!! We will make it over for the festivities!!! Looks like PINK day!!! A question Gail, why is it called the Spanish Town Parade, when Mardi Gras is French?
    FUN Day for you all!!!

  10. What fun photos Gail, I love all the beads around that gentleman's neck in the last shot.

  11. So fun and colorful, looks like a blast!!

  12. What a lively celebration! Looks like a great day for a parade.

  13. Glad you posted about all of this fun. In your photos, you captures smiles on the faces of the young and old alike!! Wonderful. Sam and I just might have to plan us a trip next year, down your enjoy a Mardi Gras Parade.
    What a great time you all must have had!! hugs to you

  14. Our peoples parade was yesterday and today the keys to the city were turned over to King Felix. Tomorrow is the biggest patty. Not for me--I'll have to traipse over the trash and vomit on Wednesday--tomorrow I'll sleep late and veg out.:)

  15. What a colourful and lively parade! So many creative costumes. Looks like a lot of fun.

  16. Looks like fun! Some nice hats there!

  17. Hello Gail!:) You really capture the atmosphere of people having fun in a festive mood with these great shots.

  18. Good morning Gail
    What a beautiful images of the carnivals parade.
    Everyone has a lot of fun.
    Best regards, Irma

  19. What a fun day and a cool parade.. Looks like everyone is having a great time..I see you in the Double D shirt.. Great shots, thanks for sharing. Have a happy day!

  20. Fun, fun post!!! You had me getting into the spirit of 'happy' from the very first photo. I truly enjoyed it all Gail.

    And as for you posting only one a's understandable. It is. I have gone from posting every day to two a week. There is just much more to life than blogging. Took me a while to realize that.

    As for making the rounds....I'm glad you stopped by Hootin' Anni's and hope you can make it over to I'd Rather B Birdin' to see the Whooping Cranes this week.

  21. This looks like such great fun, and lots warmer than it is here!

  22. Looks like fun. It also looks warm. I hate you. ;)

  23. Your very colorful and candid shots made me feel that I was one of those joyous folk! I did feel it! I especially love the pretty lady with the lacy black mask and the older lady with the pink and black hat. What fun!!!

  24. I would love to see all this fun in person! I like all the candid shots!

  25. So colorful and festive, Gail. You really capture the essence of the celebration! How nice of Double D to pose for you in that last shot :)

  26. Oh my how fun.. I really enjoyed these photos, I am so glad you shared them with us.. I bet it was fun seeing all that craziness down there.

    Hugs, Linda
    My Happy Place

  27. These are beautiful images! I loved them all!

  28. I didn't see any birds -----

    Just kiddin'.

    "Laissez les bons temps rouler!!"

  29. What fun you must have had. It's certainly a colorful and intersting parade. They passed out beads at the local grocery store here yesterday. I got some Green Stars that I gave to Coleen.

  30. Ummm, you come by your DDs naturally! How festive you look in your tutu!

  31. What a blast! I love it. And incidentally I saw my first ever orange crowned warbler on our Florida vacation this winter...:)

  32. Looks like unforgottable holiday)))

    xoxo, Juliana | PJ’ Happies :)

  33. It feels like I'm right in the middle of the parade. Your photos are fantastic! It looks like so much fun, love all the happy faces and costumes :)

  34. That most definitely looks un-Iowan! Hope you had a good time...everything is so colorful!

  35. This really looks like an amazingly fun festival - I love all of these photos!!

  36. I have been in full festival mode too in these few days.
    Happy Chinese New Year, the Year of the Goat, to me.

  37. Beautiful and colorful pictures of this cozy Mardi Gras parade. Lovely decked, beautiful masks and welcoming people. Wer nice, cheerful and dancing boys and girls. Lovely to see:-)

  38. Great fun. Only idiots think Mardi Gras isn't a carnival!

  39. You southerners sure know how to party. You have captured the colour, fun and bead throwing wonderfully. It is a fascinating tradition. I wish we had been there at that time.

  40. What absolute fun, it's just a blast to be a part of something like this. I must have those glasses in the first photo! All your shots are just lovely and really show off the jolly good time going on!


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