Friday, August 15, 2014

Grace Episcopal Church

Continuing on with our day in St. Francisville, LA, B and I made time to visit Grace Episcopal Church. The church was very beautiful, but I was more interested in the cemetery, as was B. Probably the most fascinating thing there was an open tomb. B titled her Facebook album, Tales From The Crypt. Dang, I wish I had thought of it first! lol B is a great photographer with a sharp wit. When we both decided this day would be an adventure, I had no idea we'd be climbing deep into a damp, dark grave! When she said 'Let's have an adventure' she meant it!

This must've been a baby or young girl. Isabel is her first name; couldn't read the last name.

Detailed carving of above grave. It said OUR DARLING BELLE.

Open tomb...down we go!

Sweet B. My ISO was too low, as was the shutter speed
which resulted in B looking all ghost-like.
Not a good photo by any stretch, but it fits!

Rear of church.

Linking up with Tex's


  1. interesting - a church? who has a link up every since Saturday called InSPIREd Sunday for churches? & i see several views above??! (scratching one's head???!)

    gorgeous surroundings .. always a fan of views like this. makes my heart happy & in love. what a lovely area. i would love to see it in person. ( :

  2. Interesting photo excursion, Gail, and while the photo of B was not to your standards, it did fit the theme.

  3. You are a brave one! Was the grave still there?

  4. WoW! I have never been in a crypt! Kinda spooky. I love the lichen on the fence. The Episcopalian church is so like many of our Anglican churches here in Canada.

  5. Some cemeteries allow you to do gravestone rubbings. It is an art and does no harm if the artist is very careful. Wonder what you saw deep in the tomb.

  6. Hi Gail,
    Very special to photograph at a cemetery.
    Was there something to see in the grave.???
    Beautiful fence with kortsmos, especially from the second picture.
    I wish you a very nice weekend.

  7. That is scary to me, great pics particularly the one of B. :) Just as you said it fits the theme.

  8. I love visiting old cemeteries. The fence at this one is a beauty! How fun to be able to go down in the crypt. I've never seen one of those.

  9. i LOVE the fence! great old cemetery finds!

  10. Thanks for taking us along to the cemetery - your pictures were great! This might sound odd, but I like visiting old cemeteries and reading the stones. I often wonder about the people of the past, who they were, what they were like.

    Happy weekend, friend!

  11. Awesome! I love the history at grave yards, and especially love the statuary.

  12. I love exploring old cemeteries. I am a true Taphophile. Not sure I would have been brave enough to climb in a tomb though! The fence is beautiful.

  13. I can't believe y'all walked into there. hahaha

    Great photo's. :)

  14. I love the old church and graveyard, beautiful shots. You are brave going down into the crypt.

  15. Great series! I like old graveyards ... they are also history!

  16. The angel statue is very beautiful, as are the lichen covered railings.Old grave yards are so interesting and poignant.
    Don't find them scary at all, had I been with you, I would have ventured inside the crypt too. Your photos are great Gail!:)

  17. Magnificent!!! Each and every photo.

    And Gail, I'm a bit behind visiting, but I wanted to add my thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot this week.

  18. wel een mooie oude begraafplaats met een prachtig hek.

  19. I've seen this beautiful church as we passed through St. Francisville several years ago. These photos make me want to go back and make it a visit! It is stunning and your photos captured it vividly! Thank you, Gail for sharing these. I don't know if I'd have enough courage, however, to go into one of the tombs ;) Have a great weekend!

  20. Woo wee..... I was skewered reading this post. Wasn't sure what might be in that tomb. Such interesting topics that you post about and so many are things that We just don't have in our area. The moss, the fences, the statue, and the tombs are all fascinating.

  21. The cemeteries in LA are marvelous. Great shots.

  22. I really like roaming about a place like this too. How beautiful the grounds are. You are very brave to venture down there! I really like that photo you weren't so sure about either. It's rather cool!

  23. I must admit that I love cemetery architecture. I love the angel shot and the small grave.

  24. I love old cemeteries. Great series of photos. That fence is really beautiful.

  25. Very cool! It may seem odd to some people, but I like these kinds of places. Great photos! The "ghostly" photo turned out just right.

  26. I don't mind the blurry photo. In fact, I think I like it best.

  27. Incredible shots! Old grave yards are so thought-provoking ...

  28. Love the fence and the angel. 'Our Darling Bell' made me sad. The church is beautiful. So what was inside the crypt?

  29. You're a brave soul Gail!!! Goodness - I wouldn't have gone down those steps into the chamber!! That's a large area underground!! Room for multiple burials?? Hopefully no water problem.
    Have never see moss growing on metal like that!! Gorgeous photos of beautiful ornate fences!!
    Isabel's grave made me think of the cemetery in Savannah - Bonaventure.
    In Sav. during the Victorian time period - the people would take walks through the cemetery on Sunday after church and have picnic next to their love ones and tend to the graves. The side borders connecting the head and foot stone were used for flower beds. So it was like walking through mini gardens in the summer time!!

  30. Fence is wonderful.
    Stairs to the tombs ... the rear of the church ... beautiful photos.
    I wish you a nice weekend.

  31. I love to visit old cemeteries.. The fence, church and angel are lovely.. Beautiful images, Gail! Happy weekend!

  32. Beautiful photos as always!! I was really taken with the young girl's grave. It almost looks like a cradle

  33. Beautiful photos! I love old cemeteries and the church is wonderful (yep, you should have also linked to Inspired Sunday! It was perfect!) That empty crypt WAS empty, right? :-) You were brave to go inside!

  34. Oh wow, you just needed to cue the spooky music as you descended into the tomb and I would have been on the edge of my seat. Wow, you all are brave.

    We are regulars at the cemetery behind our house, but there are no open tombs. Which is probably good for my heart.

  35. OMGosh GAIL what an adventure.. a crypt! Love the church building, the architecture is beautiful. I always enjoy getting out and shooting with a buddy, makes for a super fun day.

  36. Oh goodness...what a lovely church and yard! Stunningly captured!

  37. Really, really cute and your photos with the details are super nice!
    I also xzag a nice grave but I would never go into a crypt !!!! Brrrr .... really seemed quite scary! Moch you there just catching up!

  38. Wow these are great. I'm loving the fence shots. Not sure I'd go inside an open grave though.


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