Monday, May 19, 2014

Flower Power

Since I'm an only child and my aunt's two girls are the same ages as my children, they've always called me Aunt Gail, even though we're first cousins. I love that. After moving back to Baton Rouge two years ago, I have had the opportunity to get closer to my family, my "adopted" nieces especially. All three of us suffer from bouts of depression from time to time, so if I'm not lifting them up, they're lifting me up. It's pretty wonderful. Here are the flowers from my youngest niece/cousin. She surprised me with them last week, filling my heart with joy and love. Remind me sometime me to tell you the story about why Double D refuses to buy me flowers and hasn't since 2/14/1991...another post for another day. I absolutely love getting fresh flowers! Thank you, Chris, for being the special girl you are. And for loving me.


  1. Gail I think it's wonderful that the three of you life one another up like that. How inspiring :) and lovely photos as always.

  2. Wow, those are beautiful flowers.

  3. The flowers are beautiful. It's nice you are all there for each other during the low times.

  4. beautiful dahlias; I love them all...

  5. They a gorgeous flowers with that white fringing.

  6. GORGEOUS dahlias for you to brighten your mind so much♡♡♡ So wonderful three of you can support each other mentally. I thought about my aunt who supported me when I lost my brother. Family is always precious♬♬♬

    Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to dear Gail, xoxo Miyako*

  7. geweldig wat een heerlijke bloemen.

  8. These are really lovely, Gail.

  9. So very lovely! I am amazed at how close I feel to the flowers - I can even see the pollen :)

    Hugs to you, Gail!

  10. just beautiful - and i love that you have each other, there. :)

  11. What a wonderful series of photos of the flowers, Gail.
    The last picture is my favorite
    Greetings Irma

  12. Sounds like a wonderful happiness team, you three. Lovely photos Gail

  13. Sounds like a wonderful happiness team, you three. Lovely photos Gail

  14. WOW.. Your flowers looks beautiful. I Love to get flowers as well. In fact I just bought myself some Gardenia's.

    Happy Monday.


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  18. Beautiful. Amazing how something natural perks us up.

  19. A big Blessing!! So sweet of your (niece) to send these.... don't you just love sweet surprises like this?
    It's great to have those that can support you when you are down, as well as you supporting them. When my sister died, my niece and I became each other's support group.
    Enjoy today!!

  20. Wonderful! These are gorgeous.

  21. Every so often, I see these flowers in floral departments. They are such a vibrant color ...and the white makes the "magenta" pop. I love flowers anytime; my oldest son sends them for occasions and I buy them for myself the rest of the time.

  22. The flowers are amazing, I loved the colors!

  23. Gail, this is a wonderful post on several different levels.

    Terrific photos of your flowers!

    Have a blessed week.

  24. Oh Gail you are all so blessed to have each other to lift each other up. They are beautiful. Can't wait to here DD flower story. Hug B

  25. Beautiful.You do the same as me,when I get flowers,they have to be photographed. Please do share why Double D won't buy you flowers,I'm curious.

  26. Neat flowers. I like how you really got up close to them.

  27. That was so special to get flowers , I do love fresh flowers !
    What a gorgeous bouquet ~ and what absolutely beautiful photos of them !!!

  28. Gorgeous clarity, love the color, love the pops of yellow!!

  29. Oh wow Gail, those flowers are really special and a gorgeous gift. Your photos have given them incredible depth, exquisite!

  30. What stunning shots of these gorgeous flowers!

  31. Lovely dahlias. Certainly mood uplifting.

  32. Beautiful flowers! And what a sweet gesture to bring you those to cheer you up :) What kind of camera/lens do you use to get these amazing close-ups?

  33. What lovely photos. You really know what you're doing. P.S. I do not like cut flowers but love your photos.

  34. Nothing better than family! The flowers are beautiful...lovely POVs!

  35. Here you still instantly happy :-))))
    Just gorgeous!

  36. Beautiful flowers and a touching story to go with them.

  37. You have wonderful "nieces"

  38. Wow, what a wonderful series of photos! You showed all the beauty!

  39. What a sweet and thoughtful gift. And beautifully photographed. And you're not the only one wishing for flowers that never come.


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