Monday, January 20, 2014

Heard Museum

When I was in Texas for my "baby's" 30th birthday last July, he and his sweetheart took my dad and me to Heard Natural Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary. Talk about HOT. Oh my gosh. Flashbacks of 28 Texas summers was not a pleasant memory, so this was a very short outing. Besides, I had already been there with my daughter a few years before. Here are a scant few clicks I managed to get between water breaks and mopping sweat off my brow.
Passion flower. Reminds me of a sea anemone. 

Smile! You're on candid camera!

Button Bush aka Button Willow

I think this is a queen butterfly - female.

Unknown flower Globe mallow (thanks, TexWisGirl!)
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.
Audrey Hepburn


  1. Wonderfull flowers, the unkown also, have a nice day and week.

  2. Lovely flowers and the grasshopper capture is cool. Awesome photos! Have a happy day!

  3. Beautiful shots! I love the passion flower, both the shapes and the colours.

  4. WoW-zers....can anyone say purple?!?! that's a beauty!!

    and that adorable lil perfect focus!!

  5. I love that butterfly picture. I've never seen one like that before. Resembles a Monarch except for the black around the edges of the wings.

  6. Loving the passion flower! Also such a great quote!

  7. Lovely shots, especially like the purple passion flower - and the grasshopper was really neat. (But so destructive to flowers :-[[

  8. You got some great photos! That purple flower is awesome!

  9. Lovely shots of flowers,and both the grasshopper and butterfly are great captures. The Button Willow is a very pretty plant.
    Greetings from Portugal

  10. i have seen one of those flowers in our Florida trip ... they are so amazing in person. gorgeous capture. ( :

  11. Love the buterfly. I lived in Texas six years. It really is hot.

  12. Wunderschöne Aufnahmen, die Sehnsucht auf Frühling und Sommer wecken.

    Ich hoffe, der Schmetterling war nicht gefangen.

    Liebe Grüße

  13. i think that may be globe mallow. :)

    love the passion flower - and that stinking hopper portrait! i get SO tired of those munching buggers during our hot summers!

  14. Beautiful pictures, which the first is my favorite.
    Have a nice week.

  15. Despite the Texas heat, the images are all stunning. That grasshopper was a great capture!

  16. Beautiful! I love the passion flowers. They have an interesting history.

  17. Love the maypop bloom!

  18. Those are some stunning shots.

  19. Impressive that you got the photos you did in such heat Gail, they're gorgeous!

  20. My goodness! That Passion flower!!

  21. No wonder it is called a passion flower. Look at that intense color!!

  22. I've always wanted to try growing passion flower. Just an amazing blossom.

  23. Looks like this place had lots of beauty,but the heat you describe would be a deal breaker for me.

  24. Love these photos. You were brave to be out in the heat. I really do prefer cold to heat. :))

  25. Loved seeing them fave though, the unknown flower.
    It's warm here in Texas today. Shorts weather for sure. Super nice day to be outside...
    Enjoy the outdoors..

  26. You managed to capture all those flowers and critters so beautifully, quite an accomplishment under the circumstance! ;-)

  27. Oh, I love all of these. That passion flower is gorgeous. It does look like a sea anemone. Love the grasshopper hugging the flower stem and looking sheepish. The button bush shot is fantastic. A great set, Gail. You may not enjoy heat, but you do some amazing work in it. :)

  28. Great photos, Gail! I love the passion flower.

  29. Beautiful! I LOVE the grasshopper! I'm not a fan of the heat, either.

  30. What vivid macros - such detail! I love the passion flower.

  31. Your dislike of the heat didn't show in the photos, simply stunning!

  32. Wow - what amazing shots! Gorgeous.

  33. Lovely flower pictures! That passion flower is native here in Florida... I posted some pictures, but some of them I was afraid to... they actually looked a little bit, well let's just say .... too passionate


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