Friday, April 26, 2013

My day in the Big Easy wasn't that easy

Powerful thunderstorms began early in the morning, causing me a bit of stress. But I already had my heart set on spending the day at the aquarium and shopping. In an effort to quiet the voice of reason insisting I stay home, I made sure I had my ipad and iphone—two wonderful distractions. Besides, Double D was driving. By the time we approached the Bonnet Carre Spillway, the rain was coming down like a monsoon. Double D slowed to 35mph, put the flashers on, then reached over and muted the radio. When he did that, I knew we were in trouble. Here's a short clip:
By God's good grace we made it. Double D dropped me off near a pavilion across the street from the aquarium. Scattered about were some unsavory looking characters. And they were all staring at me. The stares made me nervous and self-conscious. I quickly assessed the situation and decided to make a mad dash to the River Walk Mall, several football fields away, knowing my perfectly coiffed hair would be ruined. Good thing I left Bertha at home. Double D had offered me his umbrella, but I didn't want to carry it around all day. Bad move. Soaked to the bone, I made it to the mall where I wandered around for 2 hours, wet and miserable. All the stores had the same touristy crap, so I got something to eat at the food court, then bought an umbrella to make my way back to the aquarium. By the time I made my exit with the newly purchased umbrella, the rain stopped. Of course! Nothing too exciting photography-wise, but I managed to get these with my phone:

Parakeet Pointe was easily the highlight of the day.

They were attracted to my purse for some reason. :/
Give it up lady. I know you've got the goods!

Double D picked me up on Royal Street five hours later. My bones ached and I was still damp, but felt better knowing we were going home. All was well until I went to the mailbox and retrieved a letter from the Louisiana Dept. of Revenue. Apparently they did not receive one of our tax payments and say we owe them more money. Trying to get through their phone labyrinth has been an exercise in futility, so I sent an email hoping it can get rectified that way. Ugh!!!


  1. WOW I got to get a phone like that awesome shots.Incredible...
    Glad you had fun in spite of weather and driving it looks like it was so worth it.
    Darn Taxes:) good luck with that. Have a nice weekend. B

  2. I know how stressed you must have been. Thunderstorms came rolling through here the day before and they were very powerful. I'm thankful for your safety. Glad you were able to enjoy the aquarium in spite of the weather. Beautiful photos!

  3. Good did have a trying day! took some mean lookin'photos with that iPhone! "Give it up lady. I know you've go the goods!" What a hoot!!

  4. What a day. You got some great shots. New Orleans is full of color, that's for sure.

  5. Pretty birds- I agree they were worth the rain!

  6. Wow what a rainstorm so stressful to drive in those. I love those parakeets, nosey little guys, funny picture. Such vibrant color in your shots, love it.

  7. Oh, poor you...all wet and bedraggled and a bit stressed. Your aquarium pictures are so vivid. That iPhone of yours is amazing. Parakeet Pointe might have been a good place to put that new umbrella to use. :)

  8. Rain or shine i am forever under the spell of New Orleans.

    The photos are spectacular. So cute, the mostly yellow parakeet's little head looking into your purse.

    and in conclusion, be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.

  9. The birds are so awesome! I love the butterfly exhibit for the same reason! They just attach to you.

  10. That sounds rough. You did get some wonderful shots though.

  11. great phone shots of the aquarium! love the parakeets all hanging around! so cute.

    good luck w/ the taxes!

  12. Wowsa! That video looks scary! SO glad the creepy dudes didn't bother you.

    Those parakeets are amazing!

  13. When it rains, it pours! Little Bertha did a great job. Hope the tax situation gets sorted out easily!

    Have a dry weekend!

  14. That sounds like a crummy day, but I'm glad you soldiered through it because those photos are dreamy, all of them. The parakeets are fantastic, especially perched on the shoulder of the guy in a loud shirt. He's as colorful as they are, like a human exotic bird.

  15. That was some serious rain! I'm sure being soaked didn't help your experience. Great shots of the fish! That first one is awesome! Maybe the parakeets saw an opportunity to escape in your bag. :-) I hope you get the tax issue worked out quickly. That is such a headache.

  16. I'm sorry your day didn't turn out as enjoyable as you'd hoped. You sure do take some amazing shots with you iPhone. I'd have loved to be perched upon by so many parakeets. That guy with the backpack.. I think he was really looking for Seaworld.

  17. You did manage some nice shots. I love the jellyfish.

  18. Wonderful mix of shots Gail. How on earth you "saw" all those shots I don't know but each one is a pearl. Take care with the IR they can be persistent (or words to that effect).

  19. Lovely pictures - such a curious bird, peeking into your purse :) A lovely place to visit - the colors of the fish are amazing!

  20. You must have been exhausted after a long day on your feet - you got some great photos, though!

  21. Well gosh darn beat me to it...I've yet to post pics of my visit to the Aquarium and Parakeet Point was definitely my highlight of the day! Had a blast playing around with all of them...So sorry you got soaked. Big hugs sweets...xoxo

  22. Sorry, the rain had to spoil your plans. At least you were able to continue with the aquarium. I love the fish and the cute parakeets. The birds would have made my day. Maybe they wanted to sneak home in your pocketbook. Great shots. Have a happy weekend!

  23. Your pictures are amazing even with a phone - so impressive :) Love the birds and the fact that they liked your purse :)

    Hugs to you,

  24. You did those with a camera phone? I love them! I must admit that I am most attracted to the fabulous blue and purple fish. What amazing colors. Glad you survived....5 hours is a very long time to be miserable!

  25. Soaked to the bone.

    The fishes too.

  26. I love the riverwalk mall in N.O. ---but I usually end up at the casino nearby. LOL

    Taxes? Oh oh...if need be, I'll drive there and help bail you two out. No worries. [kidding of course, but I do hope it's rectified soon and the email works out okay]

  27. Glad you were safe... Love the aquarium..

  28. I just love to go to aquariums. You got some great photos from you phone.


  29. Amazing photos ... and with your I-Phone yet! My gosh you're good.

    Getting soaked by the rain sounds even less fun than getting a letter from the taxman. Pooh to both.


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