Friday, March 8, 2013

The Bold and the Beautiful

Double D is driving me to Lake Martin today to see the nesting herons and egrets. It's supposed to be a bright, sunny day, so hope I can see some action! However, I'm not quite ready to battle alligators, so I'm praying they're still deep in the mud, hibernating. I'll check on y'all when I get back. :)

Below photos were taken in my yard, March 7, 2013.
Carolina Chickadee

Downy Woodpecker

The Ruby-throated hummingbird has returned. Woo hoo!

I got two of everyone, except Mrs. Cardinal. She became spooked by the camera clicks, but gave me one good pose at least. :)

Thanks so much to Anni for hosting this wonderful meme!


  1. Lovely captures! Mrs. Cardinal is so beautiful and I love the Hummingbirds color. Stay safe from the gators.

  2. Methinks I'm going to be calling the chickadee W.C. (Fields); such a handsome wee guy he is though!

    Be safe and have a grand time tomorrow; can't wait to see what you've captured!

  3. Nice photos - I don't know why but I like the woodpeckers. Maybe from the cartoon years ago - Woody Woodpecker - lol. So many nice colors.
    hugs, sandie

  4. Glad you got the shot of Ms. very pretty...
    We had sunshine yesterday, but kinda cloudy today..Hope the sun shines bright for you outing.
    Watch for those gators! We have watched so many episodes of Swamp People, I ALMOST feel like I could capture one of those things myself..ha!
    have a good one..

  5. The capture of the cardinal is are all the others..
    Please be safe and hoping the sun cooperates with you today....
    Have fun....

  6. All beautiful photos! We probably won't see hummingbirds for another two or three months. Good luck at the lake! I hope you can get some nice photos!

  7. Terrific captures. That hummer is so cute!

  8. lovely feathered one's.

    looking forward to your Lake Martin photos.

    Happy weekend.

  9. Beautiful pics. I want alligator shots! Hope you get to see some action today ;-)

  10. i saw a hummingbird feeder out at someone's place here yesterday. wonder if i need to get mine up and ready yet.

    good luck today!

  11. Beauties, esp the 2nd image... i can see him/her shakin the tail feathers, now! heheheee =)

  12. that first one of the chickadee is spot on! you better be posting soon, or we'll be calling the police! :-)

  13. I always love how your bird photos come out so sharp! That 2nd little birdie is a chunky little thing isn't he! Love them all...but then again, what's not to love here. Big hugs, xoxo

  14. Beautiful pictures. Hope you come back today with lots of new shots.Sounds like fun.

  15. You freaked me out with the alligator mention no I am going to be worried bout you. Worst thing I worry about is bears and they are not hiding in the mud thank goodness.:) Awesome photos Please be careful you Hug B

  16. Beautiful shots. Can't wait to see hummers here.

  17. again, you did it again with your beautiful captures. I love Mrs. Cardinal, she is a beauty!!

  18. Some wonderful shots here. It's nice to see the return of your hummer. It'll be a while until we see ours flitting about. Enjoy those herons. :)

  19. I do wonder sometime.

    Do these birds look prettier than we human, or vice versa?

    They never take our pictures.

  20. You have hummingbirds already? Hopefully ours aren't too far behind here in Arkansas. Beautiful birds! - - - Kate

  21. Well, the one shot of the cardinal is so good that a second wasn't necessary. Looking forward to the Lake Martin set. If you see an alligator...take a picture. :)

  22. Oh boy....that means I best get to crackin' here and get my hummingbird feeders cleaned up and outdoors!!! Fantastic images as always ... That one with the woodpecker and showing his back side on the wired suet cake, I really like it. Right now, without any breakfast in me yet, I am thinking that image is "magically delicious". At least that's what the 'pecker is saying!!!

    I also have a woodpecker posted [ready to publish at noon today] on my post at I'd Rather B Birdin'.
    Hope to see you there today sometime so you can add your link!!

    Have a great weekend.

  23. Ps....I'm now in my Birdin' admin on Blogger and just wanted to add that I hope you get lots of opportunities to photograph some great birds and wildlife and maybe a bit of LA Springtime.

    Enjoy. And thanks for linking up at the Bird D'Pot.

  24. Great shots! I'm so glad the hummingbird is back!

  25. I love it that the birds are starting to move northward! The Carolina chickadee is so cute!


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