Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Flora of Avery Island

Spanish moss hanging from an enormous live oak tree, adorned by azaleas beneath.

I experimented with different angles and backgrounds. Trees and sky in background.
All wisteria shots are from the same plant.

Pointing the camera at the sky gives a cooler color temperature and different perspective.

Bamboo as a backdrop gives a warmer look.

The fine leaves and bark made the photo look too harsh at f/8, so I applied a slight gaussian blue in Photoshop.
Is it too much? I'm trying to experiment more with processing.

The trees are filling out nicely already.
Breeding platforms for nesting egrets and herons. They use the trees also, but they seem to gravitate toward the platforms.

Does algae covered water count as flora? Great egret with breeding plumage and colors.

Many thanks to the wonderful hosts of


  1. Oh I adore spanish moss. I want to come visit :-)

  2. Your photos are gorgeous :) I just started participating in the hop today. www.katelincollard.org is my site. I wish my world was as colorful as yours today!

  3. Oh wow, that first shot pure Southern! Isn't that a gorgeous scene. The wisteria is so pretty against all the backgrounds. That lone egret seems to be floating in mid air, great capture!

  4. Love your picture of the great egrets! Nice surroundings with lovely coulors.
    Greetings Pia

    I'm visiting from WBW, my post is here: http://istoradrag.blogspot.se/2013/03/gragassen-kom-med-varen.html

  5. I remember the first time I went South and saw the spanish moss hanging from the trees. Your shot is lovely!
    I hope my wisteria looks as gorgeous as these shots when it blooms - wow!
    Love the egret 'hanging' over the green pond!

  6. that first shot is a stunner! :)

    love the egret launching in front of the algae. yes, that's a vegetable. :)

  7. These are so pretty! Love the Wisteria, it's blooming here too and smells so heavenly.

  8. Wonderful photos! Lovely flowers, great colours!

  9. Love those colourful shots especially the wisteria.

  10. That first image is incredible! Wow!
    As far as the gaussian blur, I can't say. I say that it's a lovely image!

  11. Oh gosh - breathtaking. Wow. Just wow.

  12. how perfectly exquisite... that wisteria is gorgeous!

  13. A beautiful landscape and stunning shots.

  14. That first picture is stunning. The huge tree and the moss and flowers,wow,it's just wonderful.

  15. So beautiful! Many folks think the only thing of interest on Avery island is the Tabasco Sauce factory!

  16. I can't believe the dense colour of the floating moss. I think your climate must be sub-tropical Gail, especially with all those egrets nesting. Lovely landscape shots especially the Spanish Moss draped over the trees.

  17. All wonderful photos but I love that gorgeous blue sky behind those lovely blossoms. Those two photos were the sigh-evokers for me.

  18. How beautiful these are, Gail.
    I picture the first one enlarged and hanging for all to see. So nice!

  19. The birds are interesting but the first photo with the spanish moss and azaleas is absolutely beautiful.

  20. Great shots, especially the one of the Egret flying over the water.

  21. We don't have Spanish moss in Indiana, but I saw some on our trip to Florida. I didn't find it attractive, but it looks marvelous in your photos. That first photo, with the flowers in the foreground and the gigantic live oak draped with Spanish moss, is just awesome. Hard to pick a favorite wisteria shot, but I'm leaning toward the one with the blue sky.

  22. Amazing photos! The moss one is excellent.

  23. Lovely series, the egrets, the moss and the wisteria are all beautiful. I would love to grow some wisteria in my yard, it is so pretty. Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing!

  24. Our azaleas are in full bloom but no wisteria yet. And it looks like it's going to be a bad year for dogwood. Some of the trees have actually leafed out before the blossoms set!

  25. Beautiful captures Gail! We were in the 70s on Saturday and are back to our coldest week in March so far .... not sure when Spring will arrive.
    LOVE your blooms!

  26. Wow, I love that first shot, Gail!

  27. Your trees are farther along than here in north Alabama. Wonderful shots. I finally was able to get some new ones today. Nothing very fun, but anything is better than the backyard.

  28. That first shot could have come from my yard growing up. We had the moss, azelias, and the wisteria....what sweet memories you have brought up for me....

    These shots are beautiful.

  29. Other than the bees it attracts I adore wisteria and any other lavender and purple flowers. Thanks for sharing the beauty Gail.

  30. Such a variety of shots and angles and colors! Love the moss and egrets a lot.

  31. How beautiful Gail.. spring.. I can see it will come my way sometime. I love all the colors. I really should learn how to process photos..I keep saying that. Thank you for linking in this week...Michelle

  32. Love that spanish moss - we have that in southern GA - reminds me of home. Lovely spring you are having. sandie

  33. Good heavens those shots of the egret are incredible! Loved all your shots today (as usual).

  34. Beautiful images my sweet Gail! Absolutely Love that 1st shot!!! So dreamy! Big hugs, xoxo

  35. Marvelous pictures...
    Gorgeous blog !
    Best regards from France,


  36. Great post(s) about Avery Island. Look like spring is well underway - the white herons (egrets?) seem busy with spring like activity!

    Cheers and thanks for linking to WBW.

    Stewart M - Melbourne

  37. Stunning flowers!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  38. Great pics! I enjoy the photo you edited with a blur. I don't think it's too much. The bird stands out perfectly. I wouldn't have known you edited it, if you wouldn't have mentioned it.

  39. Wonderful images, Gail, but my favourite is the header image for this post!

  40. Oooh, thanks so much for these wonderful colors, Gail! These definitely brightened my day today - so beautiful!

  41. Magic! I love wisteria but it's difficult to grow in USDA Zone 4 where I live.

  42. Beautiful photos interesting about the breeding platforms.

  43. Postcard beautiful!! I love wisteria - love all the shots you have!

  44. It definitely looks like spring in your part of the world...heavenly sights, thank you!!

  45. Spanish moss is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

  46. Such dreamy, magical quality, loved them all~


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