Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Pierre and Isaac

Yesterday I hadn't seen our resident hummers all day, but Double D saw a huge swallowtail caressing the satsumas and called me outside. With my camera and tripod all set, I watched as the butterfly kissed his last satsuma, then flew off for something better. Drats! Then something fluttered out of the corner of my eye and I looked up to see my hummer friend resting in the crepe myrtle tree. He seems to be getting used to me as I noted only mild concern on his face as Mabel snapped away. I named him Pierre; a fine Cajun name.

I think he likes the crepe myrtle because the branches are the perfect size for his tiny feet. Standing about 20 feet away he appears to be the size of a large cicada. You really have to know what you're looking for to spot him.

Today I had to remove all the bird feeders, garden ornaments and patio furniture in preparation for Hurricane Isaac. I left the smallest hummingbird feeder on the palm tree and scattered seeds in the grass. I was hoping the birds would sense the drop in barometric pressure and hightail it out of there, but they're still hanging around the yard as though nothing is amiss, probably wondering where the free restaurants went. Bad winds and rain are supposed to hit us later tonight. I'm kicking myself for not buying a generator earlier in the summer. At this point, I can't even find a D battery on any store shelf for my flashlight, so I was forced to order yesterday from Amazon and have it shipped overnight. They just arrived while I was typing this post, so my flashlights are all ready to go! Hope and pray everyone is safe from the storm. Will post an update as soon as I can. I know it sounds stupid, but I'm really worried about Pierre and how the other birds will fare. :(


  1. I like the name you chose for him, very nice! The one that has taken over my 2 feeders and will not allow others to drink... I have some choice names for him but for now its "Buzz-Butt".

    Your photos are lovely with the celedon green background. He is a very handsome dude.

    GOD protect you and eveyone in the storms path. We are getting much needed rain but the winds are to pick up by Wed.

    Prayers all around for everyone.

  2. Hey Gail good luck with Isacc, we're watching out for you on Sky TV and keeping fingers crossed. That old Pete is just a handsome guy and looks like he's posing just for you. Super shots Gail.

  3. Hello Gail. First and foremost, take care. Second thought, these pictures are phenomenal. Amazing Pierre! I also thought my hummingbirds would leave the Alabama gulf coast. Now I’m glad I didn’t take the feeders down as between the bands they are coming in to drink. Feeders can be replaced ~ these little harbingers of joy can’t. Keeping good thoughts for all in Isaac’s path.

  4. It's totally understandable that you're worried about Pierre.. you named him, for goodness sake! I think you did the right thing by leaving one feeder (maybe secure it with wire for your own safety) and by spreading seed for those who will still seek out your feeding station.

    I'm sending positive thoughts your way. May you and yours be safe. Hugs to you.

  5. How could I be so remiss? Your photos of Pierre are OUTSTANDING!

  6. Stay safe, Gail!! Wonderful photos and post! Crossing my fingers that Isaac will pass without damage!

  7. Pierre is a debonair little fellow! (had to go to Meriam-Webster for spelling!)

    Someone told me that hummers never perch, just flap those miraculous wings. Guess that's how rumors start!

    Prayers for you and others as Isaac acts out!

  8. He's a little beauty!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  9. I hope everyone stays safe during the approaching Hurricane, including you and the birds.

  10. Oh my, what fantastic shots of this little beauty. Love the name. I always worry so about our feathered (and non feathered) friends during bad weather. I hope everybody is safe!!

  11. had forgotten you left DFW area to move into hurricane zone. yikes! i like your sweet young pierre! hope all of you fare well...

  12. These are awesome, Gail! You've got some of the best hummingbird shots I've seen. Nicely done!

  13. Fantastic photos of the Hummers. A really special bird.

  14. Incredible shots as usual! but I read your post with trepidation - I'm sooo glad you got your batteries - whew! take care - I'll be watching to see how you are.

  15. These are amazing shots--quite a handsome little devil, that Pierre. Thoughts are with you through the weather--all of you be safe!

  16. Praying for you, DD and Pierre and all his buddies to be safe.

    Pierre is a handsome devil and so trusting. Sweet! Awesome captures. I know how small they are.


  17. I'm sure Pierre will be safe as he rides out the storm. I think creatures have an innate sense of what they need to do in times of turmoil - more so than we humans! Here in East Texas we were hoping to get a little moisture out of Isaac and those of us very near the Louisiana border may just get a little bit, but I think we're far enough away to stay out of harm. My mom had to evacuate for one night (or at least that's all she would stay gone for) for Katrina and then shortly after, Rita left her without power for almost three weeks! I don't think we'll have that drastic a situation this time. I'm glad you got some batteries. What would we do without amazon.com? Stay safe and let us hear from you when the power comes back on!

  18. Little Pierre is so adorable! Hoping you and your wildlife friends stay safe during the storm.

  19. Great photos of the hummingbird. I hope that you and all the birds come through the storm OK.

  20. Sending prayers for you as Isaac approaches. It's scary!

    Your hummer pics are just gorgeous! What a handsome guy this one is.

    Hang in there and stay sry.
    xo jj

  21. Praying that you Double D Pierre (and the rest of the bunch) and everyone you know and love is OK. thinking of you.

  22. Beautiful pictures, Gail...just beautiful. May God keep you all safe through the storm.

  23. Stay safe Gail -- I hope Isaac decides to take a u-turn and head back out to the ocean. :)

    PS -- I like your signature too! Lol.

  24. Tie your knickers esp tight tonight, Gail! LoL! =)

    Be careful & God bless =)

  25. More of your photos that I love!
    Hope you miss the worst of Isaac.

  26. I'm thinking of you and Double D....and of Pierre and Co.

  27. Great photos Gail! Stay safe, we went through this last year on the same day with Irene! She left us unharmed and turned out she was just a big bully here in MA. Pierre will be back I can tell by the twinkle in his eye!

  28. Beautiful hummers photos! I hope you and your birdies are safe from Hurricane Isaac.

  29. Fantastic images of beautiful little birds I don't get to see in the wild.

  30. Lovely shots! Continuing to pray for everyone's safety as Isaac heads your way. God Bless Amazon and overnight delivery!!

  31. Hi there - great set of pictures - but more importantly "hold on tight"!

    Hope all goes well with your wild weather.

    Stewart M - Australia

  32. Lovely, Gorgeous, Brilliant and Stunning, just Wonderful image shares~

  33. I was just listening and watching the videos of New Orleans and Isaac....thankfully, it wasn't a category 5 when it made landfall, but still lots of high winds and flooding to be expected. How did the newly constructed seawall hold out?

    Beautiful hummingbird photos!!!

  34. Oh Gail, your hummers are always so gorgeous! Catching up over here ... those dragonfly photos just blow me away! (probably like what Isaac is doing to you right now!)
    I may have asked you before (and have forgotten, that's what 60 gets you) but what lens are you using?
    And that kitty Kat! Yowl! Interesting visit for sure!
    Hope all come thru the storm with little damage.

  35. Great shots of a beautiful little fellow - and Pierre suits him well :D Hope all of you are safe after this storm !!! Greetings from Liva - and thank you for stopping by my place !

  36. Pierre is so beautiful!

    I bought a generator about 5 years ago and used it for one hurricane, but they have to be run monthly so I raced it to the shop this week and they changed out parts on it. Good luck! Hopefully any electrical outages will be short.

  37. What a handsome little guy. I do hope all is well...


  38. Gail, my first thought was the little guy was posing for you. I mean, it's like he really likes you. Hope Isaac doesn't scare him off.

    Speaking of which -- I definitely thought about you and sent prayers your way. Stay safe!

  39. You are in my thoughts and prayers as the storm rages. God hold you safe.

  40. What great pics of the hummer! I haven't had much success in capturing them. Thanks so much for following my blog -- I hope you enjoy it!

  41. What beautiful shots! Love the fact that you name the hummers.

    Thinking of you all in the storm - be safe.

  42. Generators are so expensive. We need one too, but just haven't had the money to get one.

    Pierre suits him well. I hope he and you fare well w/ the weather!

  43. Oh wow, Gail, once again incredible photos of your little hummer friends. And stay safe....I will be saying extra prayers for all to be OK. Take care and hunker down...glad Amazon came through for you.

  44. What a wonderful name you chose for him, Gail.
    Each one of these is beautiful, but I especially love the last one. It looks like he is posing just for you!

    I hope the storm was not too bad, and that you are safe.

  45. He is definitely a Pierre! You have a great eye for him, and I'm glad. I've been keeping you and all of Louisiana in my prayers, even though I haven't been making my blog rounds. I'll be watching for a post update!! Stay safe!

  46. Absolutely, amazing shots!!

  47. Nice close-up photos of your humming bird at rest Gail. I hope Isaac didn't effect you too much. I look forward to your report on it, and hope those little feathered friends survived OK - Dave

  48. Beautiful detailed close-ups of Pierre Gail! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all the folks down there that seem to have to go through these turbulent weather events so often. So much flooding and destruction. By the way, I don't think it sounds stupid at all being concerned about how the birds in your life will fair during the storm. One of the first things I thought about with all the fires in California was how the birds were going to escape the blaze. I am just glad most of them should be done nesting and should be able to escape the fires.

  49. Gorgeous captures as usual! Loved them all, pretty.
    And I hope the storm was not bad. Waiting for an update, Have a fabulous day :)

  50. Beautiful close ups! I'm glad everyone weathered well. Now that it's over, don't forget to buy a generator. ;)

  51. Your photos of hummingbirds are amazing Gail, just love seeing them.

  52. ....... my heart skips a beat! These are BEYOND WOW!


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