Monday, August 6, 2012

Cicada Angel

Today wasn't the best day, so I was wandering around the backyard, inspecting all the plants, making sure my little flowers didn't need anything. As I passed by the crepe myrtle something caught my eye. I had to do a double-take. Was it a tree knot? Nope! I thought it was a locust, but after googling, it's some sort of cicada. What variety I have no idea, but he was fun to shoot and took my mind off my troubles for a bit. He seemed smitten with the tree angel.

All of these were taken with the Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 lens.

This was his buddy on the other side of the tree. I was grateful to get a couple of photos without the distracting angel ornament.

They both flew away not to be seen again for the rest of the day. I like to think they were God's special little gifts; something exciting and new for me to photograph. That's my theory and I'm sticking with it!


  1. BEAUTIFUL green outlining the wings!! WOW!! Love him on the stainglass! NICE!!

  2. Fascinating creatures! Love those see-thru wings! Great shots too!

    Sorry you didn't have the best of days. Here's hoping tomorrow will be much, much better!

  3. sorry about your worries. i think these guys are neat. love their outrageously loud singing in the trees. my dogs, however, like to crunch them - both the 'green' variety you have here and their brown ectoskeletons. :)

  4. WOW! These are fantastic Gail.
    The detail in the wing that you have captured in the last one is amazing.
    Beautifully done!

  5. ...And I hope that tomorrow is a much better day for you.

  6. I've never seen such a beautiful cicada, those green wing veins are amazing.

    Hope tomorrow brings a better day, new beginnings.

  7. The angel makes the perfect backdrop for this critter. Would love to see the second one portrait style.

    Hope each day is better that the last.

  8. Such beautiful pictures of those little guys. We hear them all the time around here, but we rarely see them...just the empty shells occasionally. Growing up, we always called them locusts. Just like we always called Bison "Buffalo." (They'll always be buffalo to me.) :)

  9. Just wonderful Gail! I'm fascinated with these beautiful little creatures. I'll have a cicada on my blog Wednesday. Great minds are thinking alike!

  10. Oh my gosh Gail, they're like flying jewels! Just amazing, are so talented. Dang, you should never have bad days!!!

  11. I have a "thing" for cicada's, their sound is haunting summertime, taking me back to childhood.

    Absolutely stunning shots, all of them.

  12. Very cool! They look like little aliens. The transparent wings are awesome! The cicada's themselves look ornamental.

  13. I like to call these moments "God's Thumbprints"...they arrive when we least expect them but when we need them the most. May your troubles include new opportunities to grow...they are a refining process that we all must work our way through..but you don't have to do it alone...sharing helps...I pray that you have a treasured friend to share these troubled days with. Nice bugs ;)

  14. I love to hear the cicadas in the trees as the day heats up.
    These are amazing captures. The wings are really beautiful features.

  15. Just love that 400mm lens! Incredible photography!

  16. i love your theory !!
    and what a bug....i just found the shedding of a cicada stuck to a tree, which always creeps me out a bit !

  17. GOD sure does have a way of lifting our spirits when we need it in the most simplest of ways. What is mundane to some, creates joy to us who delight in the little things. GOD sure sent you this very colorful guy and you did him proud.

    May your spirit continue to be lifted.

  18. I think you are right you were allowed to view and photograph the cicada to take your mind off your troubles. You are really amazingly lucky to have had the opportunity. I have only ever managed to catch sight of one once and it moved off to quickly to be able to take a photograph so very envious. Great shots Gail. Take Care

  19. I like your theory
    we have some critters similar to your friends, they hang out under the trash bins so every time I go to take out the trash I shake the bins to warn them

    your photos are stunning

  20. Incredible captures! What amazing clearity and colors. And your theory sounds pretty good too. A nice post, enjoyed reading it.
    Have a beautiful day :)

  21. That is really an excitement!

    That I always love to have.

  22. That is awesome...not just the cicada...that it is sooooo those wings something wonderful or what? It's also awesome that you have such a super lens and to see him. This is your day. Come show it on A for awesome in our easy post...if you like. Mary

  23. Gail,
    that is one awesome lens and you sure know how to use it! Awesome shots.
    I sure hope you are feeling better today. Go see that movie. You will definitely put things into perspective. :o)



  24. That sounds like a perfect theory to me. WOW! What an amazing little creature. I am going to have to show this post to my hubby.


  25. Sooo cool! The 2nd one is my favorite :-)

  26. That's probably not a theory, but a fact.
    And...excellent photos!

  27. Holy Moly, what incredible shots!!

  28. Great bug shots. Hope the past few days have been better for you.

  29. Isn't it nice when something like that happens? Great shots!

  30. First, I love your new background. I can never get mine to line up correctly.

    Second, not a big fan of cicadas, especially when the cats bring them around to the back porch, dead -- but these are really amazing photos, Gail. I never realized how intricate their wings were.

    And third, I'm sorry you had a funky day -- hope things are better. xo

  31. Wow Gail - you made me google that lovely insect - is it a "Diceroprocta apache cicada". We don't have anything like that in our climate but i could get into bugs if we did.

  32. this looks a great lens, wonderful shots, beautiful clarity

  33. Wow - amazing macro shots! So beautiful.

  34. It looked like you took a photo of a “lyristes plebejus” which is the real name for the French “cigales.” They look just like your photo. If you go to Marseille in France, or anywhere in Provence, you will see so many gifts – like pots, plates, vases, etc in ceramic with an illustration of a cigale. They also sell reproduction cigale, of different sizes, in pottery you can hang on your wall (I have one) they are supposed to bring luck. Here I found one on a French site so you can see what I mean :

  35. Excellent theory & sounds good to me... you shot him/her wonderfully! =)

  36. We found one at my Mom's last weekend. His wing was broken, so I picked him up to put him on an oak tree. My 18-month-old great niece is amused by bugs, so all she said was, "Bug! Ewww!" Love her. Great find and yes it is a special gift.

  37. Oh Gail, you captured some wonderful images of these creatures. I know how difficult it is to get all those features in focus and you did beautifully. Your tree angle adds beautiful colour to each shot.


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