Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunday in St. Martinville

St. Martinville, LA is a tiny historical city encompassing 3 square miles with .33% consisting of water. It is the third oldest town in Louisiana. In the 16th century it was occupied mostly by Indians, but Europeans began settling there around 1699. In its heyday it was known as Petit Paris (Little Paris) when it boasted fine hotels, a French theater, and opera house. Today it continues to thrive through agriculture, tourism, and hard working citizens. St. Martin Parish contributes over 8,000,000 pounds of wild crawfish from the Atchafalaya Basin and another 14,000,000 pounds annually through farming. 

Next weekend I hope to visit Avery Island. They apparently have an awesome bird sanctuary there. I'm trying to visit as many places as possible before I have to go back to work. :/

My dad tried his best to convince passersby to purchase tickets before the ferry left. Haha, dad, good one! 

This cute pair of laughing gulls remained side-by-side the entire time we were there.
A rogue gull came along and tried to break them up and failed. True love can withstand anything.

A tern of some sort. Any ID help is appreciated!

A sandpiper. Again, ID help needed.


  1. i'm not well-versed on shorebirds, for sure! sounds like a great place to peruse. avery island - isn't that where tabasco is based?

  2. It's always fun to see what you've been up to. Nice the love birds.

    Enjoy Avery Island and get lots of Tobasco sauce and salt!

  3. Wow Gail these are great shots. Love the love birds. Sounds like you are having a great time with your camera once again! Keep those photos coming!

  4. We are staying just outside of St. Martinville at Catfish Heaven. I was in town this morning taking pictures. Where were these taken?

    Great captures and sharing.

    We are going to Avery Island tomorrow.

    Have fun!

  5. Love seeing those birds. Sorry, can't help you with the ID. Love the two love birds! Great shot!

  6. Great usual!
    I love hearing about all these places that you have been visiting in your home state of Louisiana.. Since Sam does so much business in the Louisiana area, we have had many opportunities to tour the state...
    I know you are going to love Avery Island..I always enjoy going there.
    We travel to Youngsville, (which is just North of Avery Island) a couple times a year to get fig cuttings...
    Can't wait to see your next bunch of pictures..
    Enjoy your time off!

  7. Love these pics...I love the water and the birds, the buildings, the boats...wonderful, wonderful group of clear & crisp.

  8. Wonderful shots. The ones of the old ferry are mesmerizing!

  9. I don't live far from St. Martinville. I live in the big city of Lafayette:)

    Great shots!

  10. Another group of great pics but that old ferry boat is to die for!

  11. Looks very beautiful place, I love the third picture with 2 seagulls together, so cute:)

  12. Lol on your dad trying to sell tickets to the ferry... my dad would have enjoyed that joke. :)

    Lovely photos and I hope you do get to go to the bird aviary soon.

  13. Wonderful shots, Gail! I love that old rust bucket. The two gulls are so sweet.

  14. Gail,
    You always provide a visual treat in your posts and this was no exception. You should be working for the visitors center. You make me want to come and visit.
    Your Dad is a hoot!


  15. I love that your getting to visit so many places! These are wonderful!


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