Monday, May 9, 2011

Updates before I leave...

Upate #1: Last Friday hubby wanted to celebrate his birthday by watching the Texas Rangers play the Yankees. Unfortunately, the Rangers didn't get the memo. Oh, they were there on the field, dressed, looking like professional players and all, they just didn't show up to PLAY BALL! But afterwards there was an awesome fireworks display which made up for the loss. Hubby also met up with two of his financial advisor buds who sat two sections over. We had a great time despite the lackluster effort from the team.
Look who threw the first pitch! I had fun texting everyone that I just shot Matthew McConaughey. My son texted back and told me to put the gun down and turn myself in. :)
Harrison was really struggling. I believe he pitched 6 innings before they finally pulled him out.
A-Rod and Jeter. I have another very clear one of A-Rod but he' his...uh, trousers. 

Update #2: On Saturday I had planned to clean the entire house, do laundry, shop for my trip, and cook a big pot of chili for my boys to take home for meals next week. I tackled the dirtiest job first--cleaning the bathrooms. Afterwards I became extremely ill and spent the rest of the day on the couch moaning and groaning and running back and forth to the bathroom. It wasn't pretty.

Update #3a: By Sunday, I was feeling marginally better so I did my best to ignore the stomach cramps which persisted (but not as bad as the day before) and went to the grocery store to gather things for the Mother's Day BBQ. I even went to Kohl's to buy some jeans for my trip. I am happy to report that I was able to buy one pair of jeans in a size 8! I am 5 lbs. away from my goal weight that I set last May. And if I continue with whatever illness I've acquired, I may get there by the end of the week. :/

Update #3b: Although my daughter wasn't able to be with us, it was a pleasant afternoon. It made my heart happy to hear the boys say how much they miss their sister and how our family gatherings aren't the same without her. I remember the days they fought like cats and dogs. Now they love and care about each other and it's a beautiful thing, man.

Update #4: Off to Portland tomorrow afternoon where I will have 3-1/2 days with my daughter. I am so excited to see her and also see some of the things I missed on the last trip. She is so much fun and we pretty much like the same things. On Saturday when I hit the big FIVE-OH I will return to Dallas to hopefully spend time with my boys and whoever else might join us at our favorite Mexican restaurant!

Y'all be good while I'm gone now, ya hear?! Until then a few more bird and squirrel photos:

What seeds? I don't see any seeds.

Doesn't this remind you of ET?


  1. Hi Gail. Hope you have a wonderful trip to Portland and a wonderful visit with your daughter. Glad you're feeling somewhat better. Great shots of the game.

  2. Ahhh! That's an unexpected use for that new lens. Matthew McConaughey makes it all worth the expense :)
    What a blessing to have children that get along and truly love one another. I hope your trip to Portland is perfect and I'm sure you'll find much to photo while there.
    Happy Birthday, early!!

  3. I hope you have a wonderful trip Gail, and although early, I wish you the happiest of birthdays!!

    I love your shots of the ball game, but now I must confess...I am a native New Yorker, so know what that means!! A die-hard Yankees fan!!

    Have a fantastic time my friend, and I'll see you when you get back here!


  4. Love those photos. Happy Birthday!!!

  5. in Portland, Oregon??? That's in my part of the country....just 5 hours west. ;-) Have a wonderful trip!

  6. As usual, great photos! And may I just say, I'm incredibly jealous of you being only 5# away from your weight goal (funny thing, I went to watch part of an Angels game last night. Determined that ball fields do NOTHING for your waist line as I finished off 3 pieces of CPK pizza, and shared a very LARGE pretzel with my oldest kiddo!! OI!!)

    Enjoy your trip and just in case I have a brain freeze HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!

  7. Happy Birthday! I hope that you have a great trip and a good visit with your daughter. Your ball game pictures are fun but I love, love the animal shots ~ wonderful.

  8. Glad that you are feeling better and I hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter!

    Funny, this past birthday, I also celebrated at a Mexican restaurant! Happy Early Birthday!

    Hugs, Nadine

    P.S. LOVE the Jeter!!!

  9. You're probably at the airport already, or maybe in the air...but had to tell you how much I love these pics! That new zoom of yours is to die for!

  10. Oh, wow, you must be headed to Portland now! I know you'll have fun and I can't wait to see your pics. I'm glad you had a good Mother's Day (congrats on the size 8!) These are awesome shots of the ball game - what a great one of Matt! Love his jersey. lol Great incentive to get one of those zooms of my own!

  11. The squirrel looks so human.
    I hope you will be better that you and your daughter won't sitting in toilet the whole time you are there:)

  12. What a wonderful post, Gail! I do hope you are all well and fit again! Have a wonderful time in Portland!

  13. Great photos of the cardinal, squirrel and heron. You have an eye for beautiful critters.

    Have a great time. You're still a pup at almost 50. :)

  14. portland, oregon? i am going to be there in july and i cannot wait!!

  15. Hope you have a terrific visit Gail!! Sounds like you'll have fun. All of those baseball photos came out great.

    And how cool that you got a shot of Matthew McConaughey!!!

  16. Hi Gail, Hope you're having a wonderful time! Just a few comments: #1 Great pics of the ball team; when I looked at Matt M pic, I was thinking "I know him.?"
    Oh, and why do you think they call him A-Rod?
    #2 Sorry you were feeling puny but glad you livened up #3 and was able to fulfill your jeans dream! #3a and I feel your joy that your kids no longer fight like cat and dogs! #4 Nice shots! The ET one would be great for PW's motion assignment this week!

  17. Some great pictures girl. Every single picture was so clear and so good....Especially the one with Mr. McConaughey!
    What was the name of that favorite Mexican food resturant? ha...I think I drive on up!
    Glad you are feeling better....those bugs can really be mean sometimes...Take care..

  18. Hi, Gail! Great updates! Congrats on getting into a Size 8. Bet you left the store with a big smile!

    Have a wonderful visit with your daughter. Hope your tummy virus is all gone before you leave (there's something going around; I had it, groan!)

    My hub's a member of Red Sox Nation so is always happy when a team beats the Yankees, so a bum day for him as well.

    And an early Happy Birthday *sends flowers and a balloon*

  19. Matthew McConaughey!!! *SWOON!*

    Great photos!!! All of them! Wow!

  20. Gail,
    First of all, your images are ...errr...what can I say. Gorgeous, beautiful, awesome are already overused. :o) But they are all of those adjectives.
    So sorry that you have been under the weather. At least you got into those jeans. Yay!
    I hope you have a perfect trip to Portland. Don't forget an umbrella. I used to live there when I was little and remember that it rains a lot. Good for the flowers.

  21. A-Rod adjusting himself. That's a hoot.
    Glad you're feeling better. Enjoy your trip.
    Safe travels, jj

  22. Wonderful captures! I'm your newest follower.

  23. Ha ha, I had to laugh when you explained the Rangers not showing up to play ball. You definitely like baseball. Looks like your new lens did well. Still so jealous. Hop you have a wonderful week.

  24. You really do have a camera that takes excellent photographs. I had to stop and admire each one. I just got a new Tamron lens (18-270mm) and am somewhat astonished at the quality that it gives me that was not in the Canon lens that I had used that cost twice as much, back in the day...

  25. Have a god trip!

    That squirrel photo is a good one.

  26. Oops, "good" trip not 'god" lol.

  27. Beautiful photographs and I must say nice one of Matthew McConaughey!


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