Sunday, January 9, 2011

Photo highlights of the week

Egret with Mallard and American Wigeon
I drove back to the nature area for the 2nd time this day in hopes of getting more snow shots (see below). Sadly, the snow had already melted, but I spied this egret right away. I sat in freezing temps for over an hour waiting for her to stab a fish with her beak, which never happened. The things I do for photography. :/
Furneaux Creek Trails
January 9, 2011

First Snowfall of 2011
It started snowing during Father Duncan's sermon, falling steadily for over 2 hours. By hour 3 the sun was emerging, the sky was the most beautiful blue, and the snow was no more. I submitted this for the Focus 52 project, although I wasn't completely thrilled with it.
Furneaux Creek Trails
January 9, 2011

Cucumber Beetle
Cucumber Beetle
Yes, a bright yellow flower in my yard in the middle of winter. I had been having a rough week, so this little wildflower was like God telling me that there are bright spots even in areas of desolation—you just have to look for them. The beetle seemed completely unaware of the gray, cold day; probably just grateful for his good fortune.
January 7, 2011

Ring-billed gull in flight
Ring-billed gull in flight
Furneaux Creek Woodlake Pond
January 1, 2011


  1. What a fantastic shot!
    Beautifully captured.

  2. Wow. I love all the shots! The first snow is gorgeous with those tones. The bright yellow flower is so eye catching....and the bird in flight....even the egret....just incredible. I just realized that I need to carry my camera around with me all the time and just take photos. Practice, practice, practice!! And read up on how to add treatments to my photos....(so much for my floors getting cleaned, lol!)

  3. Gail - Thank you for sharing this little "guy" at The Creative Exchange! I am glad you are enjoying the 'no pressure" approach to photography! I know I am!


  4. Wonderful week in review! I totally love the one submitted to Focus 52. (Not that I don't love them all...just I see that one differently than you do.!)

  5. Gail, these photos are fantastic! I think the Focus submission will win a prize; it certainly deserves one! The little cucumber beetle made me smile. It's so intent on going about life, doesn't know how beautiful it is.

    Thanks for dropping by. I've missed you! The LA trip was really great. I learned great granny's secret involves much more than I had thought. I think, once you read it, you'll understand so much about previous stories.

    But good intentions are on hold a bit...hub and I are down with a bug, he more than I.

    When you get a chance, please google Red Bird Publishing. They publish chapbooks...hand sewn books no longer than 48 pages. It's self-publishing at a very reasonable rate. I think your photos would be great in a chapbook and sell nicely (via Paypall or in boutiques near you...they only do 100 at a time, so not a death-defying financial in-put.)

  6. I loved the Cucumber Beetle shot.

    Marvelous depth and clarity.



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