Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Birthday, Autumn!

And happy birth minute!

When I first brought you home from the hospital, Baton Rouge was experiencing a severe winter ice storm. We lost power and all of us had to stay snuggled in bed underneath the covers for a couple of days. That was okay with me because I was so tired and you were so snuggly. Good thing you were breast feeding because there was no way to heat milk for you.

Good natured from day one, the only time your temper flared was when one of your brothers pushed your buttons until you blew a fuse. Sometimes I think they just wanted to see if they could do it; other times it was probably an effort to prove to us that you weren't perfect. You loved to give me hand picked flowers and each time my heart melted. You didn't just read books, you devoured them. Playing with dolls never really interested you. Books and learning games were your passion which is probably why you're so smart today. You loved macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets. Now your palate is so advanced that you eat stuff I wouldn't dream of eating. And you've become quite the chef! You have a graciousness and flair for making those around you feel special.

I'm so proud to have you for a daughter. It makes me sad that this might be the last birthday we get to be together for a while. But I want you to have that experience in Portland if that is what will truly make you happy. My one request will be that you have Skype running at all times.

Oh, and because I don't say this enough: I love you.


  1. Oh, Belle, so beautiful...a tear fell...yes, the little bird must fly the nest (for a bit, anyway), but there's so much love here, she'll always fly home to hug you. Happy New Year!

  2. Happy Birthday to Autumn! What a sweet post. We will certainly miss Autumn while she is away.

  3. Aww, thank you, sweet mommy! I love this post and all the pictures. And you know I'll be on Skype every time I'm on the computer! We can talk every day if you want.

  4. Kittie, you're right, but it's still hard. :(

    Yes, Courtney, she will be missed...

  5. Happy Birthday to Autumn and a happy new year to you Belle

    Autumn is such a lucky girl and you're a wonderful mum

    warm chikisses

  6. Thanks for stopping by, Cocorue, and for the kind comments. Wishing you all the best for 2010!!


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